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  1. eilf
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  3. Saturday, 27 May 2017
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OH MY GOD this thing just deleted every word that I spent the past hour and a half writing!@!!!!!@#@#E#
"the comment box cannot be left empty" It freaking wasn't empty!!! It was a novel! And that's it, it's just all gone??? GAH!!
Apparently that constitutes the joke I mentioned in the name ...
Ok I will post the bit of it I had saved but my reasonableness and tact are not as good as they were about 5 minutes ago!

This wouldn't post in its entirety for some reason so I had to split it up among a comment and several replies. I think it was the links that caused the upset so, PSA: save a copy of a post in a different format before you hit 'post'.

This started as an explanation to Leah about a comment I made, but it has expanded to describe what I meant if others are interested.

I am having less and less of a hard time believing it. Yes he was joking, but both times he said it to his own fandom and in one occasion to an interviewer who wasn't familiar with the show and on the other in the UK at a convention Jared wasn't at.

Sigh now I have to find the links again and it was hard!
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First comment (30 minutes or so in): This is Misha talking to someone/an audience to whom he has to explain who Jared IS

Second comment: Asylum 2017 (a joke? Yes. Consecutive to the above post? Difficult to see as anything but meant to be taken literally)

“There are basically two routes to success. Either be focused on the process and not the final product… or be 6ft 4, buff and from Texas and have everything handed to you.”

I got this quote from a site defending what Misha said so I assume it is accurate, there is no video for the panel AFAIK.
  1. more than a month ago
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His fans used the second one to boost Misha's ego and to mock Jared. There was a huge faction row and Jared ended up on the receiving end of some, to him, likely inexplicable (because none of them pay much attention to fandom rows) cyber bullying (hmmm...). Considering that it all happened within a couple of days of the book containing Jared's chapter being released and what that chapter was about* it all made Misha look bad, no matter how much he was 'joking'.

When I asked (politely) on line for people to give me examples of Misha mitigating this commentary, or actually at any point in any convention or otherwise complimenting Jared (it was very obviously only Jared he meant, so that was interesting too) - not J2, Jared - I got one example of how Jared is fond of Misha's kids so clearly Misha has never said anything bad enough to upset Jared. I was called 'hateful' and blocked when I pointed out that that really wasn't an example of anything except that Jared wouldn't be consciously mean to a child no matter what...

I don;t think that Jared has a problem with Misha, I think they are friends. I also think Misha occasionally takes advantage of the fact that Jared really can't speak out in his own defence without getting slated for it.

So again, I am perfectly willing to entertain a compliment that Misha has given to Jared that Jared wasn't present for. I haven't yet been presented with one! I actually would like to believe better of him, but I don't normally watch his panels so I don't have any personal knowledge.

This is a guy working to keep other people employed so they can belittle him and 'fans' like the Misha (oddly) fan below can reduce him to 'compliments' about his hair:

*This is the context of how Jared looks at his job and his life.

And yeah I do see that he doesn't seem to mind that despite how he feels about his job, and despite the actual evidence we have of how hard he works and what he has sacrificed for it, it is rare that any one of his close colleagues, excepting Jensen, says anything positive in public about his work ethic and his commitment (though in conjunction with Jensen, or ONLY about Jensen, they will).
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
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Eilf, I just watched the first video you posted, and even if his point was that Jared got his foot in the door because of his looks (and I've heard Jared say something similar about the advantage of being a 6'4" white guy), it is disheartening that he did not then hasten to add that Jared's talent and hard work are what enabled him to succeed. It is appalling that he seemed so dismissive of what Jared has accomplished. Even if that was not his intention, it was the clear implication of limiting his commentary to Jared's looks. With friends like that, who needs enemies who are always ready to tear you down. Because you're correct that it might have been a different story if he were teasing Jared to his face, they seem to do that all the time. But to make his comments behind Jared's back in a video which it is unlikely Jared will ever see leaves a very different impression.
  1. more than a month ago
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