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  1. eilf
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  3. Friday, 15 May 2015
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Ok guys. Jared needs us. If you look at his Twitter account you can see that he would love for us to communicate with him right now. We need as much love positive vibes, cute pictures and general awesomeness as we can muster between us!

I hope Alice/Nightsky can put something on a main page so that it gets more hits but come on let's do this :D

Jared is just the sweetest and most giving person and it is time to give him some feedback!

Pictures! Cartoons!! Video's! Gifs, words of kindness.

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I wanted to post this for some of the newer fans that might not have read it

And Jared's tweet during a tough time...
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
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Brazilian fans have made a video supporting you! ♡
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
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Jared! Hello!

My name is Hannah, and this letter is me sending loads and loads of love your way. I have never met you, but you have become such a solid presence in my life. You are a wonderful human being, and I hope you know that. Life isn't easy, but I promise you it will get better. You are so loved by your entire family, both blood related and not. I am so thankful that you were able to share your own story of battling depression, because it has given so many people, including myself, hope, and the knowledge that we are not alone. You are not alone either, Jared! Remember that!

I know this letter is getting to you quite awhile after the moment where you reached out to us on Facebook and Twitter asking for help, and so I want you to know that we are still here for you months later, and will in fact always be here for you. It can be really hard to share your story and receive a lot of support and positive feedback at first, and then feel that over time, people forget, and you’re left alone again. Well that’s now going to happen to you, because the SPN family loves you too much and needs you too much to let you think that way.

I have been fighting depression and anxiety for about 6 years, and I know that asking for help is one of the hardest things to do. You are a strong, strong person to have recognized that you needed to take care of yourself. I've come to firmly believe that writing is an act of bravery, and writing is the same thing as sharing, which you have done and given hope to so many people. But you know what else is an act of bravery? Simply living. Day by day. Finding hope, which I know you can do. Supernatural has done SO much for me, particularly the wonderful character of Sam. When I'm having a particularly rough time where my mind keeps saying "You're crazy, Hannah, you're bat shit crazy," I always remember Sam telling Lanie in “Long Distance Call” (season 3), "You are not crazy," and it helps me to get through it.

I could go on and on and on about Sam's fight with Lucifer, but the important thing about that is that Sam chooses to not give in to the evil inside of him. Before I had the strength to ask for help in regards to my own depression and anxiety, I fought many inner demons and often felt at war with myself. Obviously, I didn’t have Lucifer inside my head like Sam did, but watching Sam go through that battle for the first five seasons was difficult, because I felt like I had done the same thing before I finally reached out and asked for help. I didn’t want to ask for help because I was terrified of letting people know that I was any less strong than they had believed me to be, and I was terrified of being pronounced crazy, and I was terrified of being told that nothing could be done to help me.

But the amazing thing about Supernatural, and I’m sure you’ve heard this many, many times, is that it portrays the idea, over and over, that everyone has evil inside of them, but that what really matters are the choices we make. Whatever situation we have been born into, how we choose to handle it is what makes us who we truly are. I cannot think of a more life-affirming message than this, despite how much the show seems to be about death and destruction. I hope you are able to see this, Jared, because I promise you that no matter how much you feel you are battling with yourself and your own emotions, you are a great person and so incredibly loved.

I want to leave you with two of my favorite quotes, words that I like to remind myself of when I am feeling like the world is utterly devoid of happiness. First, from Harry Potter (because really): "It is our choices, far more than our abilities, that show who we truly are."

And second, from Winnie the Pooh (because, also really): "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you will ever know."

I know how important and life affirming hugs can be, so here is a long, virtual bear hug. You are loved, and you are needed. Sending love, strength, and courage your way.


Hannah :)

PS- to all the SPN family members who may be reading this and fighting their own war - you are not alone either. You are all loved!
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
Jennifer Downing
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Dear Jared,
Sending you so many virtual hugs my arms are virtually broken. My thoughts have been with you constantly the past several days, and I pray you're beginning to feel a little better. I'll never forget, midway through Season 4, I had lost someone very important to me, and I was so low I wasn't sure how I was going to get out of it. Then I stumbled across these two demon hunting brothers and discovered real happiness again. It was incredible. You made such a difference in my life I never could have imagined. Thank you so much for that and for everything you do. Never forget, you are amazing. Please take as much time as you need. Know that your SPN family will always be here for you.
Much Love Always,
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 4
Shannon Carr
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i know words may not show how truly grateful i am for what you have done. you have helped so many people with depression, or given them confidence to help their loved ones fight it, and it means so much. so thank you for starting this whole thing, thank you for fighting it with us and mostly thank you for never giving up :) so as a wise man once said "Always keep fighting" we will always love you :D
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 5
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You are an amazing person. You have such a heart and and I hate to hear that you aren't doing the best. Just remeber all those fans who love and adore you. Not all superheros wear capes. And you, Jared, are the best superhero there ever was and ever will be. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, Its about learning to dance in the rain." You have helped me dance in the rains in my life and now it's my turn to help you dance in you rains. Whatever you are going through, be it exahstion or something else, remember the people that love you. Thank you for all the things that you do for all of us. We will do contiune to do all that we can for you.
-Just another loving fan
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  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 6
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It is now Monday of the holiday weekend. I hope your are spending it relaxing in the loving arms of your own sweet little family.

Just wanted to tell you that I continue to think of you with warm thoughts of healing, and will continue to do so until you are ready to come back to your extended SPN family.

Enjoy your well-deserved hiatus. Take all the time you need. You have already given us so very much.

Proud to be your fan.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 7
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Here are some messages from our WFB Facebook page:

Denise Lindsey Smith - J sending much love and many prayers!!! GOD speed!ared has done so much for his fans over the years, we want him to know that we are all FAMILY!!!! " FAMILY dosen't end with blood" and we love you Jared! we are here for you! what ever you need, where ever you are, we are here!

Rebecca Lynne Wheaton - Jared I am praying for you. I know this so goes without saying but you are where you need to be with your family. Please stay safe and know that at least in my life you have made a HUGE impact and because of always keep fighting campaign I am in a much better place than I was even just 6 months ago. I adore you and if there is anything I can do let me know.

Debbie Pugsley - I have enjoyed watching you perform since being Dean on Gilmore Girls. I have watched Supernatural from Day 1. You have entertained us for a very long time. Thank you for sharing your time with us. I send out a prayer for you for peace and rest in your life. Know that your family loves you and only want the best for you. Your entire Supernatural family supports you and is pulling for you. :)

Linda Ellar - Sending as much positive energy your way along with lots of love and many many humungous hugs.. you are such a caring selfless person who has given soo much support to other people. . you have helped soo many people and know that it is our turn to support you.. Feel better soon Jared. . We all love you and appriciate you beyond belief. Xxx

Michelle Waleski-Misner - Just have Misha touch your forehead and you will be all better just kidding Jared. We all love you soooooo much! And we will support you in any way we can. You deserve some rest and to be with your family for a bit. I truly hope you feel better real soon. Love you TONS!!!

Julie Ferguson - love /hugs/and strength all sent your way babe, stay strong , we all love you x
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 8
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Dear Jared,

especially at a time like this (of feeling sad, powerless, lost and tired/sick of life and fighting...):

I hope and wish you all the enrgy, warmth and love you need to keep on fighting. Alwyas surrounded by people who love and support you.

I know I don't know you personally, but I know that you affect me (especially in phases of depression). My heart goes out to you.

Please take care of you.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 9
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Jared - I saw this and wanted to let you know I have said my prayers for you. "I said a prayer for you today, that God would touch you with His healing hand and give you the comfort and peace you need to get through this." Take care of yourself first because if you don't you won't be able to take care of anyone or anything. I've watched Supernatural since season 1 was just for entertainment as it is for everyone but fell in love with the brotherhood of Sam and Dean. Following you both on social media made me care about Jared and Jensen. You both give so much to those in need, even if it's just a laugh it makes a difference in someone's life. (Like my life) Thank you for that joy. Now we want to give back to you by letting you know you matter to us and we want you well. Enjoy your family, your sons need their father even if it's just sitting and watching them play. Take care and God bless you always, Pam
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 10
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Dear Jared,

Oh man, I've been there. It was in Nashville back in June 2011. I was so fried at that time. I was stupidly working on two full time IT contracts at the same time, trying to juggle all the school year end kids activities and run by myself the very active and demanding Winchester Family Business site among other commitments. I was only getting about 4 hours of sleep a night and coasting on fumes.

By the time me and the family headed down from Ohio to Nashcon to see you, Jensen, and all the others, something wasn't right. It hit me hard on the trip down. I had got a bad infection in my eye and my face swelled up awful. My body was way too tired to fight it and it got bad. Still, I went to Nashcon on Saturday anyway to see you and Jensen appear, even though I was feeling horrible and looking worse. You saw my eye and face that day. You tried to pull back your expression of shock (bless you for that), but that was one of my many warnings that day that I wasn't alright.

That night I went to the Vanderbilt University emergency room and ended up in the hospital for 4 days due to an advanced case of orbital cellulitis. I missed the rest of Nashcon, my kids missed the end of school, but that was the kick in the ass I needed to get things straight. I quit one of my contracts and scaled back all my activities to manageable levels. Sometimes, it takes something that drastic to happen to make you see when you're pushing things too far. And like you, it's my nature to push things too far. After all, so many people rely on you.

Rest well and you have our thoughts and well wishes. When you do get back in the swing of things, we hope it'll be at a much slower pace. We all will understand. You're human. You're also loved.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 11
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Dear Jared,

I am saddened to hear that you are going through a period of difficulty. It is incredibly brave of you to be so honest about your struggle and to publicly ask for the support you require. You are personifying the message that you present with your #AlwaysKeepFighting campaign. By letting us through the protective barrier of your public persona, you personify the essence of de-stigmatizing mental illness and other emotional struggles.

I am one of the many (many) individuals for whom your message strikes a deeply personal note. I will not share my own story with you at this time because I hope you are taking the time you need to focus on yourself and your needs. Please know, however, that you have made a real, positive and lasting difference in my life and the lives of countless others. You inspire me to Keep Fighting and I sincerely hope you are able to internalize the motivation that you give so freely to others.

Please know my thoughts are with you and my best wishes that you can swiftly regain the balance and health in your life that you so richly deserve.
  Victoria, BC, Canada
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 12
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Dear Jared,
I came late to the Supernatural fandom, but I fell hard. Over the last few years, I've seen that you guys are family off-screen as well as on and that's so amazing. You work so hard to bring us joy (and sadness and angst, lol!), we'll always be here for you. Take the time you need. :)
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 13
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Wow I'm such a derp. I misread Jared's post as his family needed him. I feel bad now for not leaving a reply on twitter (something I will amend).

Honestly Jared reminds me of my Grandad. Always working, never gives up on a job even when he's tired, and so caring he'd drive miles to help. It amazes me that Jared and the gang would go from UK to Italy and then Australia within 3 weeks. That's crazy! Bless Jared for being able to get through the UK con with the long flight and time zone difference. Right now I'm just filled with a desire to hug the guy and say "Please take it easy". I wish him the very best of luck getting back on his feet.

Reading tweets from the cast especially is getting me all teary eyed. Ah >_<
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 14
Shanie Gomez
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Hello Jared, Wow, what a power of love & support family Nightsky.. My name is Shanie & I'm a Manic Depressive Bipolar..I to know all to well what depression can do, to the body, mind & Heart..Your not alone..I do believe this world of ours would be a better place, if people spoke out more often. Instead of feeling like they are all alone...May God Bless you & your family & give you strength in your time of need..My love & support to you Jared Always & Forever..."ALWAYS KEEP FIGHTING" & I WILL TOO...xoxoxo
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 15
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Still thinking of you Jared and I hope you are feeling better today.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 16
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A few online magazines and blogs have gotten wind of your message to us Jared. And while they are all sympathetic I don't think they all entirely understand the basic point of the always keep fighting campaign.

You will be glad to see that some of them HAVE gotten the message you were sending, and the one that we understand, and understood on Friday when you reached out to us!:

This one GETS it:

Bustle: Jared Padalecki cancels appearance at supernatural event the reason is admirable

Jared, you may even be helping the media to come around to your way of thinking about depression and related illnesses. Talk about an ability to pay it forward :D
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 17
Marilyn Case
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Dear Jared:
I have suffered from depression for nearly 30 years now. While it is mostly controlled with medication, it still tends to overwhelm me at the most inopportune times.
I can understand that being away from your family, especially when your boys are so young, must be awful. I have two sons as well, though they are both adults now.
I did not hear from my oldest son on Mother's Day and was a basket case for two days. That's just the way he is and I know he tried to get ahold of me and I know it doesn't mean that he doesn't love me, but, as I said, depression is not convenient.
Your kind, loving, and giving spirit has lifted me up so many, many, times that when you asked for help, I could do nothing but respond in kind. You have a beautiful, loving family and a huge, worldwide SPNFAMILY that loves you more than you will ever know. We are all here for you, Moose. We got your back.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 18
Mary Magalhaes
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Dear Jared,

How appropriate that I got my #AlwaysKeepFighting shirt today! I'm am thinking of you and praying for you and so deeply understand the need to be with family. Sometimes the world seems too big and too overwhelming. I was just in the hospital for surgery and nurse called me a sweet sensitive soul and I know you are one too.....and I know what comes along with being that way. I will lay on my recovery couch with my family and new shirt and think of you in your time of need. You are loved! Mary
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 19
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Dear Jared,
I want you to know that you are my light, in a world that can be very dark. In 2011, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was in denial this couldn't be happening. During that time, Jared and Jensen became my light. I'm still dealing with cancer and the depression that I had to admit also plagued me. I want to Thank You, for your #AlwaysKeepFighting campaign. You've spent your time caring for us; it's time we lift you up. I love you and your family. I'll always be here for you.
Much Love
Lisa (@demonclrgrd)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 20
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Sending warm wishes. I have never seen a group that treats their fans the way Supernatural family does theirs. Sending healing thoughts to you Jared and I hope you recover quickly. Family is the best medicine and know your fans are here for you Amy
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 21
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Hi sweet man, people have been far more eloquent than I could ever be but my heart breaks for you and what you are going through. You have a wonderful family at home and an Spn family too who love and support you. Rest and let both of your families bring you back to happiness.. Love always Kathy xxx
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 22
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You opening up about your struggles with depression inspired and motivated a lot of people and it means a lot. Your support to TWLOHA means a lot to me, as the cause is one close to my heart and one I've supported for years.
Reading your tweets, realising the struggles with depression might be current rather than past, it broke my heart. We feel your pain. Ending the tweet with #AlwaysKeepFighting made it seem that much more vulnerable, like you were opening up to us again. To let us in during such a personal time takes great courage, whether you see it that way or not, know that we do and that we appreciate all that you do for us. We appreciate that you trust and love us enough to share such a personal moment of need with us and to go as far as to ask for understanding and compassion, it blew my mind. I look up to you for your kindness, your compassion, how sincere you are and how much you care.
Know that we hold you and these moments close to our hearts and that this doesn't change how we see you, if anything it makes us love and look up to you more.

You give and keep on giving until there is nothing left, making it so understandable that you are exhausted, mentally and physically. The need for love and reassurance, the occasional quiet moment with your family is universal, it's something we understand and something you are not alone in.
Whether it's your family that needs you, or you needing your family, family comes first, always. I think the Supernatural family understands this, with how much emphasis is placed on family in the show and how the fandom considers itself one big family. We consider you part of this family and in that sense I hope you feel our compassion, support and friendship. You are surrounded by people that love you and care about you, people that have your back as you have theirs.

Please take however long you need to get back on your feet and come back when you feel you are ready. I hope you read your Spn family's messages and that they help you, and if you ever doubt your worth, read them and see how much you mean to us,how big a difference you make every day.

Dear Jared, please do always keep fighting, now and forever. You've supported us through so much, let us do the same for you, we've got your back.

You asked us to always keep fighting, and now we ask you to do the same.

Lots of love,
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 23
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You are truly a gifted and generous person with your heart and smiles. I am strengthened and inspired by seeing how much the whole cast, fandom and world care about you and wish you all the best toward a fast recovery. Take the time to enjoy your family and rest. Thank you for all you have done to brighten the world. #Always Keep Fighting#. Love and prayers.
  Lubbock, TX, USA
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 24
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Your willingness to share your thoughts and feelings with the world makes me and all your other fans adore you even more. I admire your bravery every day and it encourages me in my fight against depression. I know some days just suck, no matter who you are or what you do in the world, but Jared you and the supernatural cast make a difference, remember that please! I'm crying as I write this because I can say that the #AlwaysKeepFighting campaign has come along at the right time. I hit rock bottom and you all helped me keep fighting. Once again thank you!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 25
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Dear Jared,
I know how things can get. Feeling blue out of the blue. You don't know what is happening and why. But like you say, #alwayskeepfighting. Be with your family, be alone, be what ever makes you feel ok. Because we are all here, waiting for you to come back, when you come back. We love you, cause family doesn't end in blood.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 26
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Dear Jared,
I wish that whatever has affected you so much let it be solved completely.It is raining for some days and is cloudy. Without sun in the sky it is very gloomy.Your sunny smile always warms my heart .Even though surrounded by negativity your positivity is always commendable.I do not know the reason for why you are sad but i really pray that whatever it is to be permanently be solved.We are always there for you.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 27
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Dear Mr. Padalecki,
Don't know you- only your public persona and the fine work as an actor. Despite celebrity, you are only human. Like any machine, refurbishing becomes necessary when any part becomes worn down. Know- you do make a difference not only as a character on tv but as you, the real person. There are many lives you have touched that you may not be aware of but thru you we keep of fighting. You matter to not only Gen, Tom, Shep, your parents and other family members, but the family of fans who attached themselves to your cause. Knowing when to stop, reassess, re-charge is a sign of strength. Being about your Mom's generation, take it from me- hydrate, sleep, talk or be quiet. Give to yourself as much as you give to others on screen and in real-life. You are worth receiving yourself as a gift to yourself. Embrace yourself and let others carry the weight. Enough lecture. Now speedy recovery from whatever has got you. Austin, the city, is good medicine. Time away from the "madding crowd"- we'll be here for you. deborah
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 28
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Dear Jared,
I actually started writing a letter to you last September. Now seemed like the best time to get it finished and to you, with my love.

I hope you see it. Then multiply the love by thousands.

We love you and we have got your back. Here goes -
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 29
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Dear Jared,

You know, I'm not normally in the habit of writing letters to people I don't actually know. But ever since I read your tweets these words have been running around my head and I feel compelled to write them down, even if you probably never read this.

I guess what I really want to say is thank you. Like so many others, Supernatural has been and is so much more than some television show to me. I got into the show a little over three years ago, about halfway through my freshman year of college. It was a bad time for me. I wasn’t fitting in much with my school or my major. I felt unsure, hopeless, and utterly alone. Now I’m not going to say the show was some great fix-it-all that magically made me turn my life around to perfect awesomeness. That would be disingenuous and frankly way too faux-inspirational for my taste. But what I can say is you made me smile and laugh on some of the darkest days of my life. On days when I hated myself and thought that I would be better off if I just evaporated into the air, you helped me forget all that and enjoy myself, if only for a few minutes. Which, to anyone feeling low, is everything. And no, you didn’t miraculously help me overcome my issues and turn into Captain Wonderful. But I do know you gave me a sliver of hope that maybe family, friends, and a sense of humor can get you through just about anything.

My point is, you helped a random stranger though a hard time, and as I’ve spent more than five minutes on the internet, I know I’m far from the only one. I think it’s fair to say you’ve helped thousands, if not millions of people the world over, if only by making them smile after a long day. In any event, I hope this letter, along with theirs, can turn that back around and help you. I know a million words from a thousand strangers can’t actually fix anything, but if it can help make things just a tinge lighter and a smidge easier, then I say it’s more than worth it. I could be wrong, but you always seem like one of the most genuinely good-natured people, and I just hope you know what you’ve done for so many.

All the best,

  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 30
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Some more from twitter. A lot of twitter wishes from cast of Supernatural

There was a lot from #SPNFamily

- Lilah
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 31
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I want to applaud you for crying out and reaching for friends/family. This is a prime example of WHAT YOU

SHOULD DO when you are in pain. I never did. I always thought my brain would ''figure it out.'' TV star or

no, we all have problems and need assistance. To many times all that was needed was a phone call or a

text or a TWEET. If only ROBIN WILLIAMS could have done what you are doing.

When it comes to recommendations all I have to add is Fasting and Meditation. Being around family and

friends is the MOST important step you could have taken. GOOD ON YOU, for having the COURAGE and

ability to USE YOUR TOOLS.


Bless you and all the people struggling with mental health/ addiction problems.

Miss Wilma
  New Orleans, LA, USA
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 32
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Dear Jared,

I hope you are getting all the rest you need and that you are starting to feel better. Take each day at a time and little by little the sun will shine again. Make sure that you look after yourself, sleep lots, eat lots and have fun. Rest well and look after yourself. Have lots of Lake Time. *Inserts Mam's voice*
You are a lovely, kind, caring, giving man and you thoroughly deserve every drop of all this love being sent to you. You have helped so many of us the world over, I hope that all the love flying around fandom for you will now help you get through your dark times.

You (and Jensen), Sam and Dean and Supernatural have helped me get through some horrible, awful times these past ten years. I am never going to be able to get to a Con to thank you in person so this letter is full of my deepest thanks.

Your AKF campaign really struck home for me. My husband has been severely ill with depression for so many years that I have lost count, my 15yr old daughter is slowly but surely succumbing to the illness too. It's a cruel, hateful illness that hurts so many people and their families. But your Always Keep Fighting message means the world to me, when they are having a bad day I just keep 'Always Keep Fighting' rolling over and over in my head and those words give me the strength to keep on helping them to keep going on. You have my heartfelt thanks for this.

There's another reason to be deeply thankful to you too. A bit more lighthearted one. I have watched since The Pilot (by the way, I have never ever loved a character more than Sam Winchester) and my daughters have grown up listening to me ramble on about Sam and Dean. Well, now, their friends are part of the generation of teenagers now getting into the show and suddenly, as I know way more about SPN than these youngsters, suddenly I am a cool mother. So many, many thanks for that too. :D

Much love from Wales,

Gwen XXX
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 33
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Hey Jared,
Sending you a HUGE virtual hug from me and the entire SPN family....:D I hope you realize that you have personally given me and so many others the hope, strength and courage to always keep fighting and get through another day. I myself suffer from a multitude of health issues, and needless to say some days I am plain sick and tired of being sick and tired (to put it mildly). On those days, Jared, I always curl up with a good episode of SPN and it never ever fails to pull me through and remind me to "keep swinging" - even when it feels like I have nothing left. For that, I cannot thank you enough.

Right now, am sending all the love, hope and strength that you so selflessly give to the SPN family right back to you. I don't doubt that you are receivng it in spades! Rest up, get the love you need and deserve from family and friends, and come back to the SPN family soon- with renewed strength and renewed recognition of how important you are to us all!

Always keep fighting and kick it in the ass! :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 34
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Well, I'm a writer but I'm having the hardest time figuring out how to get what I want to say down in words.

I've lived with depression since I was eleven and I hate the thought of anyone else suffering from it. Especially someone who gives so much of himself so freely and genuinely to others. If I could carry it for you, I would.

Three years ago I lost my nephew and my Mom less than a week apart and it was all the friends I've made in this fandom who supported me and checked in with me and made me feel like I wasn't alone when I was struggling to support my sister through losing her son and then losing Mom. And I have to thank you for that. You and Jensen are the reason Supernatural became the phenomenon it is, and you're both the reason the fandom is as strong, loving and supportive as it is.

There's a quote from Civil War General Lawrence Chamberlain that I think fits: "There is a mysterious law of our nature that, in this sense of membership and participation, the spirit rises to a magnitude commensurate with that of which it is part. The greatness of the whole passes into the consciousness of each; and the character of the whole seems to become the power of each…the consciousness of belonging, vitally, to something beyond individuality; of being part of a personality that reaches we know not where, in space and time, greatens the heart to the limits of the soul's ideal, and builds out the supreme of character."

Take care of yourself.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 35
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I knew when I saw your tweets that yours was not just typical illness, it was our #AKF kind of illness. Or so it feels to many of us. We know what that is like because we have been there, walked in those shoes, felt that anxiety and pain, that fear and shame and panic. The best news is that these feelings will subside in their intensity, feelings are not facts. No matter the circumstances that triggered what you are going through, with time and support you will get through it. One day, one minute at a time.

For now, be gentle with yourself. Rest and let others do for you. You give so much of yourself all the time, no wonder you are so burned out. Life is a marathon, not a sprint my friend. You will get there. You are so beautiful, so giving. Let us give you our shoulders, our support, our strength for a while. You are so loved and cherished by so many. Please take care of yourself. (PS: I find sleeping with my baby always helps when I'm feeling really crappy. Maybe Shep would be up for that?)

From the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont, and with love, Trish
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 36
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This is new. Or maybe it's fan made? For Jared....
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 37
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I'm already teary after reading through all the posts here. I'm not sure what else I can add, so here is what I tweeted out yesterday:


@jarpad Take care of yourself & your family & don't worry about anything or anybody else. Know that you are loved. XOXO #AlwaysKeepFighting

The SPNFamily is really something unique, I think. At least it's like nothing I've ever encountered before. When I was diagnosed with cancer about three years ago, watching the show and then coming here to chat with people over the episodes really kept me going. I had to have surgery and then was in isolation for a week after a radiation treatment. I was able to come here and talk to people about something we had a mutual love of, and I didn't have to think about my circumstances for a while. It was so great. And now, I have chats with SPNFamily twitter friends that have nothing to do with the show. I feel like I have all of these friends supporting me and it doesn't matter that we've never actually met. So, if you need to lean on us, then you go right ahead and lean. We'll always prop you back up and set you on your feet again.

Much love,
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 38
Site Administrator
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Jared, A fan named @sangellover made this for you to express her support and appreciation.
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 39
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You're one of the strongest, bravest and sweetest men on this planet. You're one of my idols and one of the reasons behind my future career choice. Depression and anxiety are rarely easy and never pleasant, but you're determination to not let it define you or control you is incredible and inspirational. I don't know you, but I have a feeling of where you might have been at. It's a tough as hell battle, that's for certain, but if anyone can kick it's ass and come out all the better, all the stronger for having faced your own demons and darkness and besting it all, it's definitely you. Love you, and will always be in your corner.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 40
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I've been thinking about why so many of us feel so deeply for Jared. Why we're so truly invested in a man that, for most of us, we only know from his acting jobs, interviews and conventions.

There's normally a firm wall between the fan and the actor. There's usually some sort of metaphoric distance or barrier in place for protection, to guard deeper feelings and emotions. Jensen talked about this in his morning panel in Rome and how he's learning to become more open. However, even when an actor begins to find the ability to let down that guard somewhat, there will always be chunks of himself he will never show. It's human nature and it's a trait learned and honed for self preservation.

Jared, while keeping private things private, has always been far more open than the average person in the spotlight. He's always been far more giving of himself to others. He understands that by talking about his own pain, he can reach more people and help more and he's okay leaving himself a little more open for that reason.

When he talks, it never feels like he's just mixing in the party line. It never feels like he's just spouting out what he thinks he's supposed to say.

He's real. He's raw. And it's why he's so loved.

While if I HAD to choose, I'm a "Dean girl", I've always liked Jared and I've always been a Sam fan. I was able to attend one of Jared's Meet and Greets at a convention and I went in excited to have that experience. I went in a happy fan. I'm a happy "Brother" fan. I was also going to Jensen's later on.

However, after that M&G, things changed for me. My love for him morphed into something so huge. My need to protect him and my need to see him happy hit record highs.

That wasn't because I got to be close to him in proximity. It wasn't because I was star struck either. It was because he gave us glimpses into his heart. He let us see emotions and uncertainty that others hold close to their vests. He let us see the real Jared and not the facade many actors play when they're in the spotlight. Things he said and the emotions he showed that afternoon will always resonate deeply with me.

Then, when he began this Always Keep Fighting campaign, you could tell from the very beginning, this wasn't just some neat idea to him. This was something he feels strongly about. He took the time to get it right because he knows. Because he understands. Because he feels that pain too.

Yes, we will never "know" him the way his friends and family do. Yes, there will always be some sort of wall simply because it's necessary. It's just the way things are. But I think Jared allows us in far deeper than any other professional actor or musician I know.

And, because of that, and because of who he is. He has my heart! And I think that speaks volumes about the person Jared is at his core.

So, there's no reason to question why it is we feel this way so strongly. There's no need to justify the strength of the love or the ferocious loyalty we have for him. Honestly, with Jared, I don't think you can really help but become invested. Because, in so many ways, he's invested in you too.

We owe him this love, because he loves us.

With much love,

Danielle (tw1nsm0m)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 41
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Good grief! It's no wonder you're worn out after all the work you put in this season! As always, you knocked it out of the park with one ingenious, utterly convincing performance after another. What a joy it is to watch such a versatile, brilliant actor do his magic. Thanks, Jared. You know, I've always thought the scariest part of SN is how damned good you are! Feel better soon, and have a great summer with the family.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 42
Alessandra Baker
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Guest wrote:

When Jared tweeted out Friday night for some love and support, this was my reply:

"@jarpad Sweetie, there are so many people that care about you, never doubt this. Go home to Austin to your beautiful wife & sons & rest."

I hope all the tweets and Facebook messages from current and past cast mates and fans from around the world show how much you are loved, respected and needed.

Big Virtual Hug Jared,
Alessandra B

(the above is the rest of my original message - shouldn't do this from a phone - techincally challenged ;) ) AB
  Toronto, ON, Canada
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 43
Leona Hunt
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Jared, your spnfamily love you with all of our heart, you are an inspiration to so many. I have seen first hand how yours and Jensens always keep fighting campaign has changed peoples lives already. I had the honor of meeting you at Asylum14 last weekend and the pleasure of meeting so many Supernatural fans from all walks of life.

The stories shared were an eye opener and the love for you was so evident. We came away with more love for you and Jensen, more love for supernatural and more love and respect for our fellow fans than we thought possible. Thank you Jared, get some rest, know that we love you and #AlwaysKeepFighting X
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 44
Ginger Roll
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"It is just a television show..." "The characters aren't real" "Quit wasting your time" Those are comments so easily stated. Especially by those that have not embraced the world of SPN. I was one of those people. Until about 6 months ago. I "accidently" got caught up in the show during one of the "bromoments" between Sam and Dean....I was hooked, especially when the next episode I watched was "The French Mistake"....I couldn't believe such a smart, witty, emotion-laden show could be made. Of course, a lot of that credit goes to the writers....but words have no life until they are made magic by those that speak them. You, sir, are a is Mr. Ackles. I doubt that the love those boys share (even though they rarely SAY it to one another) is a feat of your imagination and skill. That love for one another, and for those characters they save, love and lose, is a genuine reflection of the love in YOU. There is no storyline written that doesn't show the double-edge to that particular sword....nor the thin veil between reality and make-believe. Our brains really cannot tell the difference, especially once our emotions are engaged. The demons you fight are real. The fear, the anxiety, the hopelessness, those are the names that could easily be Ruby, Lilith, Lucifer...and just as insidious and deceptive. Now, turn the blade over and see the power you hold. FAMILY. LOVE. HOPE. No salt, iron, silver bullet, or blade has the power and strength that sits at your side at this moment. Embrace that strength, wrap yourself in the hope and love that you have so freely given to countless others. Living your life in public comes at a high price, you, and your fellow cast mates, have paid that's been ten ironic. Do not continue to pay to satisfy a monster that demands to be fed. Just know that what can look monstrous can also be the grace that saves you, if only perceived as a gift and not a nightmare. I don't know you, I only see what is made available....but as one human being to another....I hope for you, and will Always Keep Fighting for those that hurt with you. We are all stronger together.
  Forsyth, MT 59327, USA
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 45
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Dear Jared,

You are like a Big Brother to me.My CareBear. You give me happiness; oh, how I've longed for it. Watching and listening to you provides a sense of belonging.
You are never alone.We got You. Your belief swears by optimism; everyone has bad days. But you never fail to put a smile and fuel my dreams. SPN Family is about pride, history, belief. It’s at the very core of you, Your kindness and and warmth is what makes my soul burn and my heart swell.
I Love You Brother.Thank You.Jared,Always Keep Fighting :)

Your Loving Sister,
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 46
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Jared, I just wanted you to know that you and your campaign have shown people like me that it is OK to not "feel ok". You have given us courage to face whatever darkness we are facing, to embrace ourselves as we are, and to #AlwaysKeepFighting. You have changed more lives than I think you will ever know.

May you find the rest, peace and comfort you need; enjoy your family. You are surrounded by love from all around the world.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 47
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we love you Jared.... keep up the fight...
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 48
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You sir are an exceptional person.We stand by you in your time of need.You are loved,you are admired.You are the reason many people have regained their courage to Always Keep Fighting,please do the same.The world needs so much more of YOU!!! Love,energy,prayers and light to you and yours. #SPNFamily......#AlwaysKeepFighting xoxo
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 49
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Jared, if you read any of these messages I am sure that you realize how loved by many you are.Please take the time that you need to relax and connect to the people closest to you, you are lucky to have them and they are fortunate to have you. Hope that you feel better soon #alwayskeepfighting
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 50
Alessandra Baker
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When Jared tweeted out Friday night for some love and support, this was my reply:

"@jarpad Sweetie, there are so many people that care about you, never doubt this. Go home to Austin to your beautiful wife & sons & rest.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 51
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Here is a part of my story: There was a time were i got my heart sharttered to pieces because my father died and i was in total pain for like 5 years but i never showed it up that was before Supernatural but then i saw that Supernatural was on Netflix when there were just five seasons i saw them all and i was like i need more this thing is working for me my point is that Supernatural kept me swinging and till now i'm still here and i'm planning to be here for much more time that i have to thank J2 for Jared we love you and we support you #AlwaysKeepFighting
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 52
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Jared, rest and recover your strength with your family. You give so much of your heart and soul to the show, your fans and the causes that touch so many lives. You are an amazing person. Be well.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 53
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You will propably NEVER read this, but anyway: Don't push youself too hard, you're just a human beeing! You don't have to be everybodies superhero. You're always there for millions of unknown people but now it's time that YOU get your time to be there for yourself and get all the rest you need. You don't need to be perfect because nobody is perfect even if you want to be at 100% and more. And you can't support each and everyone although you want it so badly.
Maybe you have to learn to say NO although your head says yes. So take care, give yourself time and don't push it.
Your family an d your friends is there for you and they won't get mad at you now that you for once need help. And be aware: don't blame yourself for not beeing perfect. It's not your fault when you feel bad. You made a decision for yourself and it was the right decision!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 54
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Jared, I hope you get the much needed rest that you need. you have been doing so much lately that I think you forgot about yourself. Always thinking of others. #AlwaysKeepFighting we will always be here for you and thank you for being there for us. now is your time to get yourself back to where you are full of peace and relaxation. I know being home with your family is the absolute best place to be! See you on the flip side a better more relaxed you! Love you and Thank you for what you have done for me.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 55
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Dear Jared,

Thank you for all that you are. You are truly an incredible human being and I'm truly not just saying that. Not only are you an enormously talented actor, who is in no small part, integral to the massive success of my favourite thing ever, but you are also an incredible person behind the scenes too. This show means so much to me, not only because it seems to get and understand me as a person, something that nothing in any other format, human or otherwise hasn't even been able to, but also because it gives me a sense of belonging in a world where I really, really don't belong and makes me feel like less of a freak and an outsider. That, among so, so, so many other reasons is why it's has my complete and undivided attention for the last decade. It is truly something else which has trancended beyond being just a television show, and a huge part of that is you. Your unwaivering commitment and passion bleeds into the show, and you are so caring and accommodating of the fans and this transforms it into something extraordinary. You are so open and engaging, and you constantly inspire us. Just look at your Always Keep Fighting campaign. That just shows how many people you touch. I just love how much you know and love the fandom and are always willing to lend an ear, and listen, properly listen, which is so frustratingly rare these days. You have so many amazing qualities, enviable traits. I love how much you love, and how much of yourself you give. You have a huge heart and you are so welcoming. So make everyone around you happy. You make me enormously happy. You are so close to literally radiating sunshine. The saying “your smile lights up a room,” literally applies to you. I wish there were more people in the world like you. I wish everyone was like you. I wish I had a friend like you, hell I wish I was like you (I hope that isn't getting too creepy. lol). You are seriously an amazing person, both on and off the show, and I am so proud to be a fan and I hope you know that you are so loved around the world, and that even when you are down, that you can feel all that love like a big enormous bear/moose hug. :)

Much love, Belinda Antonenko, Australia
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 56
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We are all here for you. You are an amazing person and to voice your personal struggles with us just shows how open and caring you are. I worked in the SA/MH field for 20 years and have seen the struggles that people with depression deal with every day. You don't have to be ashamed or hide it, it is an illness just like a cold. It's when you don't ask for help that can cause you to spiral and sink deeper. You need to talk about it and let people help. Sending my deepest support your way and hope that being home with the family that loves you will help. You have two beautiful boys who I know adore you and love you. I dealt with depression when I lost my husband of 30 years to an illness. It is hard and some days I didn't think I would make it, but I did and it was with your help and everyone else from SPN. I'm a avid fan and will always be. Rest, unwind, mediate, you are in my prayers Lizzy Brown
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 57
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Jared you are very loved. Keep fighting and movin forward. Stay strong and positive. Much love, support and positive thoughts are heading your way...
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 58
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Jared, I hope you know how amazing it is that such a widely divergent group of people, of all ages, races, religions, and nationalities, care so much about you. When I binge watched SPN a couple of years ago I instantly fell in love with the show, largely because of Sam. I'm in my 50s and no other character has struck the same chord in me as Sam. His combination of strength, intelligence, compassion, self-doubt, loyalty, sensitivity and sheer goodness instilled in me an intense devotion to him and the show. As I explored some of the fandom and watched Con videos, I realized that much of what I loved and admired about Sam emanated from the actor who portrayed him, and my love for Sam began to extend to you. I have never been a fangirl, but you turned me into one. At first I was skeptical that you could truly be as warm, loving and welcoming to your fans as you seemed. How could someone care so much about a bunch of strangers? But it became apparent that you truly did care and my admiration for you grew stronger. You are unique among actors for being so sincerely and intensely loving towards your fans, and for opening your heart to them. I think you are in many ways the cornerstone of the SPN family, with your big smile and bear hugs. And just when I thought you couldn't be any more awesome, you started "always keep fighting." You welcomed into the SPN family anyone who has ever struggled with mental illness and that is amazing. Your love for people isn't restricted to the fandom, it seemingly encompasses almost everyone on the planet. I hope you know that you reap what you sow, and that love is coming back to you a million-fold. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Jared. Always keep fighting.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 59
Lottie Winchester
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Jared, thinking of you and sending so much love. You've got the love of the whole SPN Family behind you. <3
  United Kingdom
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 60
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Dear wonderful, compassionate, inspirational and amazing, Jared! I know that you are going through a though time, and i sincerely hope you know how appreciated you are. We wish nothing but good for you and your family, you take AS GOD DAMN LONG as you need to feel better!!!

All of us will still be waiting here for you with arms wide open when you return! You put in SUCH an effort for others, and it's hard to even begin showing you how much we care... We are all here for you, we all genuinely care about you so, so much. KEEP FIGHTING and know that the entire SPNfamily has your back ♥

Sending you LOTS of hugs and love from Norway :-)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 61
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Dear wonderful, compassionate, inspirational and amazing, Jared! I know that you are going through a though time, and i sincerely hope you know how appreciated you are. We wish nothing but good for you and your family, you take AS GOD DAMN LONG as you need to feel better!!! All of us will still be waiting here for you with arms wide open when you return! You put in SUCH an effort for others, and it's hard to even begin showing you how much we care... We are all here for you, we all genuinely care about you so, so much. KEEP FIGHTING and know that the entire SPNfamily has your back ♥ sending you LOTS of love and hugs from Norway :-)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 62
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Jared you have changed so many people's life with the #alwayskeepfighting campaign and opening up about your struggles. We are all here for you because you gave us a voice and helped us speak up about our own problems and that is something I know we are all very thankful for. You are a shining light in this world and have offered up courage to many people and now they are able to speak up and I hope you never forget that. We are all here for you, the #spnfamily love you xx
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 63
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Sending prayers for you Jared. #Alwayskeepfighting!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 64
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Dear Jared.

Words cannot express how I feel about you. You are an amazing, giving human being and an amazing actor. You are an inspiration onscreen and off screen. You have done wonderfull things for so many people, and I'm sure you will keep fighting.

You are very much loved and you are not alone.
I hope in your darkest times you can take comfort in that.

God bless.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 65
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Jensen sings Sweet Home Alabama at JIBcon 2015

Made by: thiniassk

Jensen added: "Missing my brother Jared, let's give him a hell yeah!" *crowd cheers* :)

- Lilah
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 66
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Hi Jared
After reading all these wonderful stories and comments ,the kindness,that you and all the SPN family show knows no bounds,and all these people truly care for you .
I have to be truly honest and first say I don't know much about you and if I'm truthful about supernatural,I only started watching it at a friend's request 6 weeks ago ....and in the time I have watched every episode and season ....just got 22 23 of s10 to go ,saving that for Saturday to watch with Elle my friend .
Let me explain about the friendship Elle and I share, we live in a small village about 2 years ago I met Elle who was a friend of a friend out walking , and to be truthful if anyone needed a hand up it was her....both physically and mentally , she was in such a low place in her life that even the character Crowley would have needed to look down to see her...she kept a bottle of vodka and pills beside her bed ....just waiting for the courage to take them......nobody should live like that ,through the previous year she lost her husband daughter ,her best friend her home , her health deteriorated just seemed relentless,anyway I'm rambling I'm sure you get the was bad ! Now I'm not any kind of angel,but in my life my emotions have been up and down like a fiddlers elbow at a Ceilidh,but i have always been lucky enough to have people,whether it was friends, siblings, or later my ultimate achievement, my children to drag me back ,and help me face reality,....Elle had nobody , as I said I'm no angel,but I have spent the last 2 years lending a hand being her friend letting her shout scream laugh cry, sometimes all at the same time's been a long road but my friend is a whole new person , no it didn't happen over night , but she's alive , no more dark thoughts every day , yeah she still has them , I suppose at times we all retreat to that place , but I Will as you say keep fighting for her ....because like you she has a good heart ,by reading these comments on everything you have done for your fans I know that you are what my mum used too call good people.ok I'm rambling again I tend to do that .... a lot! Anyway what I'm saying in a roundabout way , is you have to do what's best for you , wherever makes your life and heart that little bit better , if that is being with your family , you can't feel that you have let people down ...because everyone has got to phone in too sick to work sometime.....and as much as it pains you to do so...people understand, and if they don't really don't need their negative influence in your life ....really you don't
I look at at pictures of your beautiful wife and those gorgeous boys( please note not in a creepy way only on Twitter) and I envy you and your wife .....not because of your good looks fame money big house , because your children are young and if I try to tell you the many joys you are going to have raising them I couldn't find the words .....drink in every moment of their beautiful childhood up . Due to unseen circumstances ..I have raised 3 on my own, and they have and always will be my greatest achievement, my most precious memories are of sitting reading to them at bedtime , making sandcastles and yes mud pies at a beach , painting finger paintings in the kitchen , simple things , and I know your hectic lifestyle sometimes doesn't let you do these things daily ....make the most of these moments when their there.
Now back to whole thing of not knowing much about supernatural( sacrilege) yes in 6 weeks I have watched them all , and they have been excellent , but that doesn't mean I'm going to turn into a Fangirl(?) As I'm edging towards 50 I'm way to old for that ..... but for my friend Elle I will pretend to be supernatural crazy , because just now she needs somebody to share that with her.... so yes I will be pulling on that moose and squirrel t shirt she bought me.....yes I will try everyday to help her find something to smile about .....whether it be the silly website I made up for her about all things to do with castles raincoat ( really don't ask I embarrass my self sometimes ) or it dressing up in neOn pink and green and going to 80s concerts with her ( even though my heart belong to acdc ,iron maiden and other splendid rockers) .. or dragging myself to asylum 16 because she wants to have a photo taken with u all .( Yeah just look for somebody with a bucket hat and Sun glasses that will be me ) I will do what it take just till she finally figures out I'm not her saviour ....she is ....she raised her self from perdition ( corny I know) ...she threw away her implements of destruction, she fought her own way back to full health...she built up a new home a new set of friends... she did it all ....I was just there on thesidelines cheering her on ..... not because I needed praise or to be thanked ....just because I'm her friend, and if me making an absolute prat of myself on occasion makes her smile ....then pass me the red nose ...coco the clown is in town
Ok no more rambling ! What I'm trying to say is will find away to get your health and mental well-being back to a good place , it won't happen overnight ...everything takes time, but like Elle you have friends( and family )cheering from the sidelines wearing bucket hats sunglasses red noses ..willing you on..
Take time for the little things and all the really big stuff will fall into place .... again I apologise for my ramblings but as a true Scot , we tend to do that ....
.may your healing begin
Take care New friend
Katie( the clown )
  Scotland, UK
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 67
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hello Jared my name is imane kadi, from morocco, Muslim, i'm will pray for you to be ok, i am a big fan of yours and i love you from the bottom of my heart. ur an amazing person plzzzzz be ok and happy, don't be sad our thought and prays are with you from all over the world, i hop that nothing go wrong. we get your back. we love u all and jared your never alone we're all with you, u may not know us, but we know you and we love you and support you always.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 68
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Jared you are such a wonderful, giving, loving person! I love that about you! I don't knpw what's going on, but I hope for the best!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 69
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Dear Jared,
As Gautama Buddha said, "There isn’t enough darkness in all the world to snuff out the light of one little candle" and the one that you have lit has traversed countries and continents to tear apart the darkness in many lives, mine included. It is only fitting for this amazing global family to shine that very light to enliven your life. I have fought all 25 years of my life and I have no idea when I will become immobile or worse. The day I came close to giving up, I read about your campaign. I'm not into social media and I did not know about it, but for some reason, I came across the campaign by accident and as they say, the universe conspired and encouraged me to fight on. You have not only inspired our fight but helped us inspire those around us too and for this very reason, you have become probably one of the richest people on earth when it comes to love of family and friends. As this page rightly indicates, you have millions of shoulders to lean on and an equal number of hands to lift you up.

Being an only girl, ‘ve always wished for siblings to share the best and worst moments of my life but if SPN has taught me something, it’s that family don’t end with blood. With that in mind, you can safely but surely remove the words 'alone' and 'lonely' from your dictionary cause we've all got your back bro! I live half way across he world in India and I suppose I would never get the opportunity to meet you or the wonderful crew of SPN and even if you happen to travel here, I don’t know if I will be physically capable of getting to that place, so here is a healthy dose of virtual hugs, twice each day atleast, enough to last a lifetime! Sarvathra Sukhinah santhu, Sarve santhu niramayaha! (roughly translates to May all live happily and May all live healthy) This is a prayer I say everyday for the world but I will dedicate it all to you and your family till you pull through these trying times. May you be blessed with all the happiness in this world!! Thank you for creating a life out of your existence and inspiring others to do the same!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 70
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Really want to thank Jared for being an amazing role model and inspiring everyone to #AlwaysKeepFighting no matter what, Hoping will be ok Sending loads of love and support from New Zealand, Kia Kaha Stay Strong #SPNFamily xoxoxox
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 71
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For Jared,

There are so many people here who take the words out of my mouth, but I feel like I need to add what I can.

There were times in my life when I felt as if nothing would ever get better. I knew people cared, but I saw it as a facade. I was just baggage they had to deal with, someone they would want to get rid of. I felt hopeless, alone, and most of all, worthless.

It was then that I fell in love with Sam Winchester. For his fight, for his struggles, for how you portrayed him. It wasn't long, however, before I learned about you as well. Beyond your portrayal of Sam, you have done so much to help people. Although you've had no obligation, you've given us support, encouragement, and so much love. Look at the people who respond to you - these are all of the people you have helped, you have touched. Your impact on this community has been immeasurable, and I only hope that we can return the love and support that you have offered us.

I'll have you in my thoughts,
Rachel L
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 72
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Whatever you're going through, your fans, family, and friends have your back. Your heart has shone through your role.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 73
Angel a Knight
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I just wanted to add my support for Jared right now and send him lots of love.
Jared, you have a heart of gold, your honesty, empathy, warmth and great kindness towards others makes you a very special person and that is why, as much as I adore you for being Sam Winchester, I love you a hell of a lot more for being Jared Padalecki... for being uniquely and wonderfully YOU!... You've done a lot to help raise awareness about depression, I'm a longterm sufferer so it's meant a lot to me, but you MUST take care of yourself first and foremost. I quietly follow you on various pages, but I felt compelled to reach out to you tonight/today and say 'hello' and send some hugs.
I hope that if you are reading this, you are doing so when much rested and back with your lovely family, safely at home.
  London, UK
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 74
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Jared, You seemed so HAPPY on your recent travels, Gen & You make a beautiful couple, add your sweet boys and all seems good.
I know life is difficult and the life you have would be harder. If you carry a mask of happiness everyday it can wear you down and push you into places you don't won't to go
Rest, Sleep, Relax Hug your wife and Boys. Forget about us for awhile - Alawys Keep Fighting. Know your Loved and supported all around the world. Love, Hugs and Kisses from Jenny in Australia xxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooo
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 75
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trending world wide! So proud.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 76
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Dearest Jared
You are in my thoughts and prayers and forever in my heart.
You and Jensen, Sam and Dean have been my biggest 'Ray of Sunshine' these past 10 years!
I'm sending all my Love and Affection.
Stay strong and Always Keep Fighting!

  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 77
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 78
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I want everyone to know how much we all love and care for Jared. I may never have met him, but he's still in my heart and I know that without him, Jensen, mishaw and the rest of them I wouldn't be where I am now. One day I'll make it to a convention. And tell them how much they mean to me to their faces. Jared is a rau of sunshine and if he ever sees this #alwayskeepfighting. You deserve the best, and you have the show, friends, Gen and the boys and all of us. Don't ever forget it @jarpad xxxx
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 79
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Tonight, I prayed to the g-d that I definitely believe in but never pray to because I believe in you. Because you've shown your support and love for us, your fans, numerous times, and encouraged us to keep fighting through whatever struggle we may be facing. You've given me something to hope for during so many of my low times and knowing that you have faith in all of us is what keeps me fighting and keeps me strong. If you are asking for our help, just know we ALWAYS believe in you and that you deserve to be happy. You've been so strong for your fans and now we're here for you to let you know that we'll never leave your side and we'll never stop supporting you and being thankful for all that you've done. So THANK YOU for making such a huge difference in so many people's lives and know that we believe in you too. We love you. Stay strong. And always keep fighting. <3

  Aurora, CO, USA
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 80
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Jared has done so much and helped so many people and now it's time for us to be there for him. he has touched the Hearst of of so many people and will continue to do so! He is such an amazing person that the world would not be the same without!
Jared, we love you and will always be here for you no matter what!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 81
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Dear Jared,

I don't know where to start... It is actually a long story what brought me to Supernatural. My husband's brother had said to us many times we should watch this awesome show and that we would like it but I never got around to it. After school I was tossed immediately to unemployment line and financial trouble and it lasting many years drained all the joy and happiness from my life. I lost the will do do things that I loved like writing and drawing that meant the world to me but being cut from society and feeling you don't matter left me not numb. Maybe that was better than to feel anything.

I got a lucky break though after over five years when me and my family would have dropped to rock bottom and I got a job. It lifted my mood but still it didn't give me the spark to continue the things that would be good to myself. And then finally I was able to watch Supernatural. And boy did I watch it. With Netflix I could devour all seasons fairly fast and we re-watched it together with my husband. You and Jensen really make the show and what you give out for us is a largely why Supernatural is so special.

And to answer what Supernatural and you have given me is new friends. I started to write again my own stories and even articles. Also I continued designing things, took a leap to blog world and twitter. I even learned to use a program for video editing and although getting a job was a huge thing doing the things I truly love is medicine by itself.

So, I wish you to get well and know that you are loved. Rest and have some quiet time with your family.

You are not alone. #AlwaysKeepFighting

So, as I am customed to post. Here are few Fan videos to make you smile:

Quest wish:

- Lilah
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 82
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Dear Jared, I have no idea what is wrong. I didn't even know something was wrong until a few minutes ago. But I want you to know that there are people all over the world who stand by you. You are not alone. You have helped thousands of people, given them a reason to live. To keep fighting. You are amazing. We love you. From halfway across the world, with the link forged by YouTube, I know about the Padalecki Quotient of Happiness. And my voice is just one in a sea of voices trying to raise it for you! We love you. Ishita Sen Kolkata, India
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 83
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#AlwaysKeepFighting Jared! No matter how dark you feel it gets, please remember that you are sent love n light from the SPN family to help brighten those times. We have all felt your love when we needed it, so please reach out and feel that love coming back to you in spades. The SPN family are sending you every positive vibe we have, just breathe slowly, relax n let them surround you.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 84
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To my hero! I hope you know that you're our sunshine on a cloudy day! Whatever it is that is making you so sad and hurt so bad; just know you're not alone! We are here for you, I am here for you. The awareness you have created has made this world a better place and for that I thank you. I suffer from ptsd as a domestic abuse survivor and supernatural was my escape..even if it was for just one hour a day. For that one hour the winchesters protected me from the stranger in my're amazing and know you shine bright like a diamond in the sky! Texas shines bright for you my brother and if ever in San antonio I would love to express that friendship (in the most innocent way :-) ) like I have posted on fb and twitter remember what Bobby said FAMILY DON'T END WITH BLOOD BOY #AlwaysKeepFighting
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 85
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Jared you have given so much of yourself to others & brought light to causes kept in the shadows. Lives have been saved. Families brought together. SPN is a family. You are a huge part of that Jared. Thank you. #AlwaysKeepFighting
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 86
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Jared, my heart is breaking to hear you are having a difficult time. You have given everything to the SPNFamily and you have touched so many lives. You put everything into the show and give your time for the conventions but you need to give time for yourself. I hope you get home safely to your family and take the time you need to feel better. Supernatural is my "happy place" and it wouldn't be that without you. You are loved and appreciated for all you do. On and off the show. Please take time off to rest, relax and enjoy your family. You are loved #AlwaysKeepFighting
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 87
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Jared you are such an awesome, caring, crazy person. We all want to you to have the best of everything. Whatever's going on just know that we respect you and your privacy. I hope whatever's going on resolves quickly, but if it doesn't or it can't make sure you #Alwayskeepfighting! I'm sending the best vibes your way okay?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 88
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5 years ago I was a broken shell of a human. Left with 3 small kiddos and a heap of depression and self hatred. When I started watching #SPN...Everything changed. Jared and the boys helped make my life make sense again. One enormous bear hug from Jared at VanCon last year left me in a mess of happy tears. I felt alive and cared for. It only takes one person to believe in you....Jared, you have millions. We love you. We need you. You helped save me and my 3 daughters and we thank you for being such a wonderful human. #AlwaysKeepFighting
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 89
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Jared, you are the reason millions are fighting and smiling. You have united the fandom in a priceless way. You are a beautiful person; a kind soul with a heart of gold. You have been there for us whenever we needed u! Remember you are not alone, you never will be. We love you and respect you. We r here for u mate! Stay strong and #AlwaysKeepFighting We are in this with u. Loads of love, hugs and prayers.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 90
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Jared, you've done so much for us and now we need to give back. Sometimes we all get to that point where we just need to take a step back, breathe, and recollect ourselves. It's clear that you work very hard with Supernatural and I can only imagine how tough it can be to be away from your family because of it. It's easy for a lot of us to burn ourselves out. I know how it feels to be upset without knowing exactly why. There have been nights where I asked myself in tears, "What's wrong with me?" because I didn't know why I was crying. There are times where it's really hard to find motivation when I wake up. I get bored with the monotonous rhythm that I fall into. I think that there must be more to life and something better I could be doing but I know somehow it will all be okay. And I know you will be okay. Even though things don't always go the way we plan, things somehow work out in the end. Jared, I hope you're aware of how you've touched us all. I find escapism and motivation through supernatural. It gives me something to look forward to and makes me feel so grateful for the life I have. Never let the obstacles life throws at you hold you back. Look at them as challenges that will make you stronger and experiences that you will learn from. Please do whatever you need to recharge and gain your strength back. We're all here for you and love you very much. We must go through dark times to appreciate the happy times. It's just the way life is. Whatever it is you're dealing with, there is a light at the end. Keep fighting. You know you can. xoxoxo
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 91
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Honestly I just want Jared to be okay. I love him so much and I know he will #alwayskeepfighting like he encourages us to do. He has my support.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 92
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I want you to know that I'm gathering together every smile you've given me, and all the joy I've received from you sharing your talent, and I'm putting them in a package wrapped in Unconditional Love. I'm sending that package out into the Universe with the special instructions to multiply all these wonderful feelings x's 1k and return them to you, because you deserve at least that much! And it will manifest in a special way that you'd never expect . . . so expect the unexpected!
Much Love to you! Thank you for Being. <3

Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff,
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 93
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Jared, many blessings to you. You are in my prayers, along with your family. I have loved your show since day 1. My partner of 11 years, Scott, and I have watched every episode over and over. We even watch it on TNT daily,4 times a day. We have both gone through our struggles with depression, injuries, and disability. But we manage to go to Creation ChicagoCon every year since the 1st one, often hobbling in pain, using canes and scooters. We've met you and Jensen quite a few times when taking pictures with you an gettin autographs.
You and Jensen have such great spirits. Thank you for openly speaking about depression. It is still stigmatized, yet when heroes like you speak out, people listen. And we know that we are not alone. My guy and I are awaiting the Moose/squirrel tshirts. Not only does Sam and Dean help give us strength to keep fighting.
You also in the real world are a true hero!
Love Nichelle Johnson
  Chicago, IL, USA
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 94
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I am of an age where Jared would land in the space marked "son."

So Jared, please know we all love you so very much. I don't say that like some people say 'please pass the butter.' I rarely say I love you to anyone that i am either not related to or in an active relationship with. But I love you, you are heavy in my heart, and I cannot wait to see you out the other side of this situation. Be kind to yourself. Be aware of not only how much you need your family, but how much they need you. Really, KNOW it gets better, not just think it does.

Big moose hugs!

Bobbi (mother of one of your greatest fans, Tiara)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 95
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  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 96
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Jared, I don't know what's going on in your life right now… But know that you have a lot of support and love for you out here. Stay strong and hold onto your family and go with that. Hoping you feel better. We are all thinking about you.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 97
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Hey Jared,
You are NOT alone!! You may not feel it...but your fans are all holding your hands. We're carrying you on our shoulders!! We're all here for you, buddy. #AlwaysKeepFighting
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 98
Emmie Mears
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Jared, because of you so many bonds of love and friendship have formed across the entire blue dot we inhabit.

Last year was one of the worst years of my life. Divorce, near bankruptcy, ten years of work on my career up in smoke, illness, family trauma, and a lot more. When I went to BurCon last year, my friend's dad had a stroke while we were there. She and I were both hot messes that weekend, me crumbling under the weight of my burdens, and her facing the loss of her best friend and father.

Our SPN Family is how we got through it.

Fans, cast -- everyone rallied around us. The people who make our show so wonderful (you and all the other actors and crew and creators) reached out to us, showed us compassion and kindness (Misha even voluntarily got cried on when I sort of dissolved in his autograph line trying to tell him how my GISHWHES team was my rock). Robbie Benedict took the time to comfort my friend about her dad. And when she and I were sitting outside and I was holding her as she cried, within five minutes, people in our SPN family had offered to buy her a plane ticket home.

When I told you and Jensen about that later, both of you immediately connected, focused, and made it clear how much you cared. You told me that you weren't surprised that someone in our fandom would help her like that. Because we're family. Family don't end with blood.

We are your family too. You've been there for us. Sometimes onscreen as Sam, fighting your demons literally so we actually get to see them vanquished. Sometimes in person, where we can't see any battles raging. Sometimes through the internet, by helping us remember to Always Keep Fighting.

It means so much to me that in my book that's coming out soon, the acknowledgements are about you and Jensen. And meant for anyone who's fighting a battle that's unseen to others.

Here's what I said in those acknowledgements:

In the dedication for the first book in Ayala’s series, I wrote, “To Kristin and Jes, who always keep fighting.” This was for two of my dear friends who, like me, had a very-very-very hard year in 2014 and early 2015. Two months after STORM IN A TEACUP came out, the two stars of my favorite television show Supernatural, launched a t-shirt campaign called Always Keep Fighting to benefit those who suffer and survive every day with invisible illnesses like depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and more.
This book is very much a product of an ongoing fight, as is Ayala’s life.
As someone who lives with invisible illness, it was important to me to include this note. That little synchronicity between my last book’s dedication and Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles’ campaign fits very well with one of the major themes in Ayala’s story as well as the show Supernatural. When I first wrote STORM IN A TEACUP, I had never seen a single episode of Supernatural. (Yes, yes, I know. I lived under a rock from 2005-2012.) Though I am unaffiliated with the show, I believe deeply in the message shared by Jared and Jensen to keep fighting.
It’s hard. Life likes to kick us in the ass, and unlike Ayala, we can’t physically kill our demons. We have to live with them, keep them at bay, and sometimes fight them off without swords.
Sometimes it can feel like we have our own personal hells-hole that follows us around, spewing out demons faster than we can kill them.
This book is for you. Bravery isn’t about not being scared — it’s about keeping on when you are. It’s about looking the monsters in the eye sometimes, crying sometimes, and yes, sometimes making butt jokes and swearing until you laugh.
I urge you, if you’re reading this and your personal fight feels like it’s too much to bear, to reach out to someone. There are people who want nothing more than to talk to you when you are hurting and to fight beside you.
You can find international suicide hotlines at, including specific lines for LGBTQIA youth, military veterans, and more. Reach out. There are people ready to reach back.

Thank you for reaching out to us and giving us a chance to reach back.

We're here for you, Jared. We love you. We will fight beside you. You have an army at your back.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 99
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HUGE hugs heading your way. Lots of love and support for you and yours!! ❤️ you have given me a second chance at life, so I'll will always be here to support you. #AlwaysKeepFighting

Khloé Isabella-Ann Hunnam
Your friend forever .... I owe you my life!!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 100
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