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  1. Lilah_Kane
  2. The Fandom
  3. Saturday, 21 March 2015
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SuperPithy’s are short fan fiction stories (aka short scenes). Target is to write a story that is about a page long. The topics I get from other people and they are rolled with a dice which one I choose randomly. I came up with this idea to get the pressure off from writing longer stories and as I am a graphic designer I love to get the topics from someone else than myself and use my imagination to write it.

The story topics can be anything from "Sweetest pie" to "Sam's morning tumble with a tooth brush" etc. It can be one word or a sentence describing little bit what is on the scene. So the reason to make this is to maybe able to get more topics to roll with the dice and I can have more than six topics. ;)

There is no rules except the usual "be kind". Rewards include.

1. I will post here and on my blog the winner
2. Individual story written by me
3. Maybe in the future some other reward, but this is only in thinking stage at the moment.

So everyone are allowed to participate and give it a go! :)
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Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
1. Origin of space, time and the Men of Letters
2. A case just dried up, let's have a day off and go fishing. What could possibly go wrong?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Seventh topic was given by:

5. David_Kane: "Going deeper underground."

Loved to write this and imagine the gym room and pool room to the bunker. There are also other surprises.

Smoke on the Water

Next round:

1. Novemberchild: "Sam tries to bake a pie for Dean."
2. Cheryl: "Robots in space with tentacles. I can't even"
3. Leah: "Sam finds an abandoned puppy and brings it to the bunker. Dean balks at first."
4. Novemberschild: "Sam, Dean Cas and Claire, take a road trip to Jody's so Claire can stay with Jody and Alex for a while until Claire turns 18."
5. Novemberschild: "Crowley seeks the guys help to get rid of Rowena? He realizes she is up to no good and is a serious contender for the Queen of Hell role and he is not having it."
6.St.Feenix: "They told me it was a war from gods, but I say, gods should fight their own wars."

New topics needed also so if you have one do you want to toss it here? Remember to add a name/alias/tag to it.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I haven't done these a while so maybe I should try one. Here we go!

Next roll of /roll 1-6 was 5. So hubby is the lucky winner!

5. David_Kane: "Going deeper underground."

And I am in need of new short topics so if any comes into your mind leave a comment here. ;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Sixth topic was given by:

8. Jane Doe: "Ruby comes back and tries to build a relationship with Dean." (Newly added. No name so will call it Jane Doe.)

Obscure Reality

Next round:

1. Novemberchild: "Sam tries to bake a pie for Dean."
2. Cheryl: "Robots in space with tentacles. I can't even"
3. Leah: "Sam finds an abandoned puppy and brings it to the bunker. Dean balks at first."
4. Novemberschild: "Sam, Dean Cas and Claire, take a road trip to Jody's so Claire can stay with Jody and Alex for a while until Claire turns 18."
5. David_Kane: "Going deeper underground."
6. Novemberschild: "Crowley seeks the guys help to get rid of Rowena? He realizes she is up to no good and is a serious contender for the Queen of Hell role and he is not having it."

New topics needed also so if you have one do you want to toss it here? Remember to add a name/alias/tag to it.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Next roll of /roll 1-8 was 8. So Jane Doe is the lucky winner!

8. Jane Doe: "Ruby comes back and tries to build a relationship with Dean."

All I can say that this will not end well... :D
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 5
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Fifth topic was given by:

5. Leah: "An angel shrinks S&D down to the size of a grain of sand. Their new enemies are insects and shoe bottoms."

Wee Sized World

Next round:

1. Novemberchild: "Sam tries to bake a pie for Dean."
2. Cheryl: "Robots in space with tentacles. I can't even"
3. Leah: "Sam finds an abandoned puppy and brings it to the bunker. Dean balks at first."
4. Novemberschild: "Sam and Dean deciding what the best course of action is to get rid of the MOC, kind of a continuation of the last story, only with Sam and Dean only."
5. Novemberschild: "Sam, Dean Cas and Claire, take a road trip to Jody's so Claire can stay with Jody and Alex for a while until Claire turns 18."
6. David_Kane: "Going deeper underground."
7. Novemberschild: "Crowley seeks the guys help to get rid of Rowena? He realizes she is up to no good and is a serious contender for the Queen of Hell role and he is not having it."
8. Jane Doe: "Ruby comes back and tries to build a relationship with Dean." (Newly added. No name so will call it Jane Doe.)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 6
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Next roll of /roll 1-9 was 5. So Leah is the lucky winner!

5. Leah: "An angel shrinks S&D down to the size of a grain of sand. Their new enemies are insects and shoe bottoms."
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 7
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Fourth topic was given by:

Sugarhi15: “The boys entered a dark cold hallway that wreaked of fear and death.”

Shades of Trepidation

Next round:

1. Novemberchild: "Sam tries to bake a pie for Dean."
2. Cheryl: "Robots in space with tentacles. I can't even"
3. Leah: "Sam finds an abandoned puppy and brings it to the bunker. Dean balks at first."
4. Novemberschild: "Sam and Dean deciding what the best course of action is to get rid of the MOC, kind of a continuation of the last story, only with Sam and Dean only."
5. Leah: "An angel shrinks S&D down to the size of a grain of sand. Their new enemies are insects and shoe bottoms."
6. Novemberschild: "Sam, Dean Cas and Claire, take a road trip to Jody's so Claire can stay with Jody and Alex for a while until Claire turns 18."
7. David_Kane: "Going deeper underground."
8. Novemberschild: "Crowley seeks the guys help to get rid of Rowena? He realizes she is up to no good and is a serious contender for the Queen of Hell role and he is not having it."
9. Jane Doe: "Ruby comes back and tries to build a relationship with Dean." (Newly added. No name so will call it Jane Doe.)

Who ever did the quest comment and if you want to your name to the topic just toss your nickname etc. and will change your name to it. :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 8
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
New topic possibilities:

1. Novemberchild: "Sam tries to bake a pie for Dean."

2. Cheryl: "Robots in space with tentacles. I can't even"

3. Leah: "Sam finds an abandoned puppy and brings it to the bunker. Dean balks at first."

4. Novemberschild: "Sam and Dean deciding what the best course of action is to get rid of the MOC, kind of a continuation of the last story, only with Sam and Dean only."

5. Sugarhi15: "The boys entered a dark cold hallway that wreaked of fear and death."

6. Leah: "An angel shrinks S&D down to the size of a grain of sand. Their new enemies are insects and shoe bottoms."

7. Novemberschild: "Sam, Dean Cas and Claire, take a road trip to Jody's so Claire can stay with Jody and Alex for a while until Claire turns 18."

8. David_Kane: "Going deeper underground."

9. Novemberschild: "Crowley seeks the guys help to get rid of Rowena? He realizes she is up to no good and is a serious contender for the Queen of Hell role and he is not having it."

- List will be updated when I get new topics. -

Winner for next SuperPithy is with a dice roll: 5
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 9
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Third topic was given by:

Sugarhi15: "Sam reaches in his pocket with a smile on his face, the amulet dangling catching the sun."

Vestige of Partiality

Other possibilities were:

2. Cheryl: “Robots in space with tentacles. I can’t even...”

3. Leah: "Sam finds an abandoned puppy and brings it to the bunker. Dean balks at first."

4. Novemberschild: "Sam and Dean deciding what the best course of action is to get rid of the MOC." (Continued from Cut to the Bone)

6. Sugarhi15: "The boys entered a dark cold hallway that wreaked of fear and death."
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 10
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Second topic was given by:

Prix68: "Dean is driving alone on a back country road and gets a flat tire. The guy who stops to help him looks just like his Dad."

Figment of the imagination

Other possibilities were:

1. Sugarhi15: "Sam reaches in his pocket with a smile on his face, the amulet dangling catching the sun..."

2. Cheryl: “Robots in space with tentacles. I can’t even...”

3. Leah: "Sam finds an abandoned puppy and brings it to the bunker. Dean balks at first."

4. Novemberschild: "Sam and Dean deciding what the best course of action is to get rid of the MOC." (Continued from Cut to the Bone)

6. Sugarhi15: "The boys entered a dark cold hallway that wreaked of fear and death."
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 11
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
First topic was given by:

Novemberschild: "Sam and Dean talking about what happened at the end of the last episode, just the two of them talking in the Bunker." (s10e9)

Cut to the Bone

Other possibilities were:

1. Leah: "An angel shrinks S&D down to the size of a grain of sand. Their new enemies are insects and shoe bottoms."

2. Novemberschild: "Sam, Dean Cas and Claire, take a road trip to Jody’s so Claire can stay with Jody and Alex for a while until Claire turns 18."

3. Cheryl: “Robots in space with tentacles. I can’t even...”

4. Novemberschild: "Crowley seeks the guys help to get rid of Rowena? He realizes she is up to no good and is a serious contender for the Queen of Hell role and he is not having it."

6. Leah: "Sam finds an abandoned puppy and brings it to the bunker. Dean balks at first."
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 12
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