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Sam & Amelia

  1. Jen
  2. The Brothers
  3. Wednesday, 18 March 2015
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Can anybody remember or can you review a episode for me. We Need To Talk about Kevin S8Ep1

When Sam had packed up his stuff and was driving out of Amelia's drive way - we get a long shot of a shadowy figure in the trees oppisite. Who was this - the writers didn't and havn't progressed on this at all. Could it have been Amelia's husband ? or Castiel ? maybe Crowley - unlikely ?? anyone with a theory
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Jen, I dimly remember reading somewhere that it was supposed to be Amelia's husband, but I don't recall where I read it or who was saying it. So I don't know if that helps much. But like you, I wondered a few times throughout the season why they never addressed it. Why include that scene if they were never going to tell/show us who it was?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Brothers
  3. # 1
WFB Member
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Hi Jen - one of the writers or show runners, I think it was Carver, said that the shadowy figure outside the house was Don, Amelia's husband who was in the military and was thought to have been killed in action. At the time, there was lots of speculation that it was someone else, such as Crowley, Metatron, or Naomi, but it was never really addressed again. In hindsight, it was probably best not go back and further address that, given how much the vast majority of fans disliked that atrociously written and poorly conceived Sam/Amelia storyline was.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Brothers
  3. # 2
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Kevin Parks, on his Twitter said that there was a scene in a later episode where the camera pulled back and Amelia's husband was shown to be the shadowy figure. There was, however, no such scene in any episode and there was no deleted scene on the DVD. Since I only take the shown scenes as canon, to me this is still unresolved. If what he said is true, it's kinda sad. So I am going to believe that this is BS meant to distract us and will be realized later.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Brothers
  3. # 3
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ThisOldBag is right - it was never officially acknowledged by the show and is still unresolved; they probably left it open in case they wanted to include it in a story somewhere down the road but I think the time for that has long passed.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Brothers
  3. # 4
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Jen, thanks so much for the link to that article. It was an absolutely perfect analysis of what has happened to Sam. It even addresses some of the issues I had with how Sam's character was written in the earlier seasons. Aside from the fact that Sam is barely used this year, my biggest complaint is that they never show him being smart, and that he has been really passive for a few years now. He lets Dean take the lead in almost everything. I really miss the original Sam who stood up for himself with Dean and called Dean out on his crap. It's like that side of Sam got sucked out of him by the apocalypse.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Brothers
  3. # 5
WFB Member
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Jim Michaels tweeted that it was Don. It caused a bit of a kerfuffle for a few days because it was never shown and there was never any reference to who it was in any episode. It was too bad because it was a great little mystery that didn't go anywhere.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Brothers
  3. # 6
WFB Member
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Bugger hoping there was another hint I missed. Have you read the new discussion on how far will Sam go - where discussing witch craft now LOL

On our earlier discussion pg about Sam's story line - no story line - I have found a well written article that is a great read I put the info in the general topics section because I couldn't find our discussion thread. I hope i can give you this link I would love to get your opinion and then maybe we could start a new topic I hope WFB allows this ?

But it has everything we are discussing about Sam but written clearly -- Sorry I think thats what I mean ;) :D Jen xo

Supernatural - Discussion - The Flattening of Sam Winchester
Posted by chris684 at Sunday, March 15, 2015
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Brothers
  3. # 7
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