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  1. Jen
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  3. Tuesday, 10 March 2015
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I had a dream last night - Yes about the boys LOL WHY CAN'T DEATH HELP DEAN WITH THE MOC. ANYONE ANSWERS PLEASE
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  Morphett Vale SA, Australia
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thanks E - I know all that you said is true, But I was dreaming at the time hadn't worked out the details yet LOL Thanks though
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
WFB Member
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In order to contact Death one of the boys has to be….. well, dead or nearly so. Death can choose to go to the boys if he feels like it, but Death has only sought one of them out I think twice and appeared to them without one of them being on the edge of The Big Sleep. Dean had to flatline to find Death to get Sam's soul back. Also there is no indication that Death could do anything about the MoC. He's all powerful in Death itself, he will reap God, but there's nothing indicating that he meddles in the affairs of living people; as a matter of fact he's often chastised Dean for meddling in the natural order. I think Death would consider the entire MoC situation a product of the natural order (Dean after all took it on willingly) and a situation of the living and none of his business. Death would only be involved if and when Dean died, which he can't do with the mark on him.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
WFB Member
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Castiel did say that the demon tablet would be useful if they knew where it was. Charlie is looking for the Book of the Damned. Kevin translated the tablet so he would know what is on it. And yes killing Dean won't help unless Sam also gets the MOC, the Blade and then kills Dean. But then we are back to square one because now Sam has a big problem. It looks to me like Dean is destined to kill Crowley, Castiel and then Sam in order to become a full on Cain. But I can't see the show going there either. I can't see where this is going at all right now. Yes a very long week ahead....
  1. more than a month ago
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WFB Member
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Thanks I guess - so back to the drawing board. 2 Things - I have noticed reading back through some of the posts that people suggest Sam to kill Dean Nobody can - can they His a knight of hell so he can't be killed unless he kills himself ?? Do you think he would ?
Also I was watching S9E2 tonight when Kevin has the Demon tablet - that went to heaven then got lost ? So Metatron should have answers if you could get the bleep bleep to talk. ? I hate that guy - well written if they can get everybody to hate him ?

I was watching the video for the second half of S10 there is a quick shot of Cas & Sam at a seance do you think their trying to reach Kevin. ?
One very Lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg wk to go - hope they give us some idea whats going on - I have to wait another 3 wks otherwise.

I had a thought I could sneak into my room at Bali ( I could have Bali Belly ) LOL I could then check WFB & you could give me a update for Ep16 and Ep 17 ------ Would you do that Hunter PLEASE with a cherry on top - I'm sure everyone will be talking about it anyway Love Take Care Jen x0
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 4
WFB Member
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Death has been probably a little over used on the show. Otherwise I thought the same thing. Death and God seem to have some affection for the boys don't they?
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 5
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