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  1. C1knight
  2. Questions
  3. Sunday, 07 February 2016
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Hello all at the Supernatural Show.
I've been meaning to write this for about 3 years now. And I'm finally here fgs.
This post goes out to the set maker's of the show. I was watching the show this one morning and Dean and Sam were checking into a motel. As they entered the room there was a partition in front of them.
It was made of Fish and Bobbers. Lmao
This reminded me of the little motels my family stayed in on our way "Up North "in Michigan.
Who comes up with the ideas for the partitions? Because whoever does is a genius. Just giving some "props" for the prop peeps hehe.
BOBBY'S coming back? Fantastic I've missed him.
It's nice to have a show on that's not going to disappear after one season.
Keep it going gang, we'll keep watching...Sincerely,
Chris MI.
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WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Heh.... I did a little looking on the internet under "Supernatural, Motel Room Partitions" and you wouldn't believe all the detailed information that you get. They've had oars/bobbers, sexy women, circles, bowling pins/balls, stars, corn on the cob, lions, horses/cowboys, beer bottles/coasters, pine tree shaped car scent thingies, flowers and all sorts of geometric designs. They are very clever and almost always tie into the theme of the plot or refer back to the motel itself. ;)
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

I agree with you about the partitions they are great. The set guy (whose name escapes me right this minute), has been doing them since the beginning and they are his pet project. They always tie into the location of the week!
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
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