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  1. Lilah_Kane
  2. Season 11
  3. Saturday, 02 January 2016
  4.  Subscribe via email

Now as we are half way through I wanted to ask everybody's opinion about the spoiler discussion pages. I have loved to pile up all the information and show the poster fanart of the season. I have already gotten feedback about them and when they announce season 12 and it starts I will also continue these pages. I tackled the pages so that I would offer readers everything about the episodes and the season in one place. With links and other methods so that viewers can check the pages easily and also discuss about the spoilers or information if they like.

There is always room for improvement so hopefully you answer the poll. You can choose every option if you like or just one or so which you liked the most. Also if you have ideas what still could be included or improved then hopefully you can share it in the comments. Remember, I am doing these pages for all of you so feedback counts!

S11 Discussion - Various Info, Rumors & Spoilers Main Page(Episodes 1-23)
S11 Discussion - Various Info, Rumors & Spoilers General page(Episodes 1-23)

Discussion about title cards:

SPN all title cards Season 1-11 + favorite poll (older)
SPN main title cards Season 1-11 + favorite poll

Ratings for season 11:

Ratings for season 11 by Percyowner


S11 Discussion - Various Rumors & Spoilers (feedback + poll)


Amara - From infant to Goddess
The Empty

S11 Episode discussion:

s11-discussion-episode-11-01-Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
s11-discussion-episode-11-02-Form and Void
s11-discussion-episode-11-03-The Bad Seed
s11-discussion-episode-11-05-Thin Lizzie
s11-discussion-episode-11-06-Our Little World
s11-discussion-episode-11-08-Just My Imagination
s11-discussion-episode-11-09-O’ Brother, Where Art Thou
s11-discussion-episode-11-10-The Devil in the Details
s11-discussion-episode-11-11-Into the Mystic
s11-discussion-episode-11-12-Don’t You Forget About Me
s11-discussion-episode-11-13-Love Hurts
s11-discussion-episode-11-14-The Vessel
s11-discussion-episode-11-15-Beyond the Mat
s11-discussion-episode-11-16-Safe House
s11-discussion-episode-11-17-Red Meat
s11-discussion-episode-11-18-Hell's Angel
s11-discussion-episode-11-19-The Chitters
s11-discussion-episode-11-20-Don't Call Me Shurley
s11-discussion-episode-11-21-All in the Family
s11-discussion-episode-11-22-We Happy Few
s11-discussion-episode-11-23-Alpha And Omega
  Which of these options interested you?
(10 Votes)
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That is it for season 11! If you have any more feedback for these pages I welcome to hear it.

Here are some statistics.

The general season 11 main spoiler pages had 8536 views and the episode pages combined at least astonishing 36064 views! I am pretty proud of that and humbled really.

Thank you for everyone that visited and joined into the discussion. Let's make season 12 even better for all of us. So give me those ideas/feedback/suggestions/thoughts or just say hello!

- Lilah
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 1
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I love everything this site has to offer! There's nothing more exciting than to be able to discuss your fandom with like-minded individuals who share the same passion as you!

Admittedly, when I first started exploring the site, I was confused by the Discussion Page. I'm still never sure when to check out stuff here or when to go to the Spoilers link or News links on the top of the site. I understand the Articles are from the WFB writers and they are awesome! I wish I could join in on that! :) The passion you guys have for the show to write those articles is awesome!

If there's any kind of feedback I can offer it would be to group the discussions into some kind of categories. Like have all the spoiler discussion topics in a single place within the Discussion Page. And then have all the character discussion topics in another place, and so on and so on. I feel like that would help the flow and dissemination of information much better. It would also be easier to keep track of stuff, imo. But honestly, that is NOT a criticism, just some feedback and ideas.

For example, I'm currently engaging in a convo with you actually! and BoGirlie about the Claire episode. But I can't remember, for the life of me, what episode number it was, and I don't have any notifications, so I've been clicking on all of them to try and find it. hahaha. Or maybe i'm just stooopid. lolz. Anyways, those are just some thoughts. I really do love all the work that all you guys do! :) Always keep fighting!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 3
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I try to read as many of these threads as I can. But so little time, so much to read. I have to admit my favorite is Percy's ratings page. I am always worrying about the health of the show.:)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 4
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