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  1. Lilah_Kane
  2. Season 11
  3. Sunday, 27 December 2015
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After the latest episode when we saw Amara finally fully grown it lifted up some questions. I can tell you this beforehand. I have no trouble at how Amara has been portrayed on the show. How she has grown from baby to grownup or her bond with Dean. Now, as we get that out of the way I decided to put up a discussion about her and the knowledge I have found around the internet. So first, the description of a Goddess.

About Amara:

Amara is a Greek name meaning eternal. Strong, attractive, stylish, and multicultural this name is also the Esperanto form of Mary--in the misbegotten language that was once the hope for a completely international form of communication. The African meaning we list is the best-known and the one many parents reference when choosing the name. But Amara is also a Sanskrit name meaning immortal and a Mongolian name meaning peaceful, and is the Italian word for bitter (same root as Maryam and Miriam) occasionally used as a first name in the Latin countries. A true multicultural choice enjoying some popularity in both the U.S and the U.K.
A goddess is a female deity with supernatural powers in polytheistic religions. Goddesses most often have female characteristics that are apotheosized in their pure form, and some cases they have rather general for all humans characteristics, both men and women, like Sophia, and other times they can have characteristics that are rather not specific for women like battle and hunting success (Artemis). Thus while they have been, are and may be associated with as wide a range of phenomena as male deities, including war, creation and sometimes destruction (and death), life-giving, healing and compassion, they have been especially associated with beauty, love, motherhood and in prehistoric religions and also later with the Earth, fertility (Mother-goddess cult in prehistoric times).

In some religions, a sacred female figure holds a central place in prayer and worship. Shaktism, the worship of the female force that animates the world, is one of the three major sects of Hinduism. In Tibetan Buddhism, the highest advancement any person can achieve is to become like the great female Buddhas (e.g. Arya Tara) who are depicted as being supreme protectors, fearless and filled with compassion for all beings.

The primacy of a monotheistic or near-monotheistic "Great Goddess" is advocated by some modern matriarchists as a female version of, preceding, or analogue to, the Abrahamic God associated with the historical rise of monotheism in the Mediterranean Axis Age.

Polytheist religions, including Polytheistic re-constructionists, honor multiple goddesses and gods, and usually see them as discrete, separate beings. These deities may be part of a pantheon, or different regions may have tutelary deities. The re-constructionists, like their ancient forbears, honor the deities particular to their country of origin.

Example of Goddess bridal gowns and evening dresses.

Amara lookalike aka women in Goddess dresses, celebrity

Other examples:

In my eyes Goddesses are perfect. Force of nature and primal. Why would they be anything but? We don't know the reason yet why The Darkness needed a human vessel and to grow inside one but she did and she blossomed to be a beauty. For me her dress followed the line that our history has followed to present times how Goddesses look and are dressed. Amara's dress was subtle, elegant and simple. Even her shoes was so it is weird to get stuck to only part that shows off skin. (As you can see from other examples she is subtle with how she dresses as a goddess) Even her hair and makeup is simple. And she is also free with her body although even I would like for her form's sake for her to use a bra but that is another matter and it doesn't mean squat for an eternal being. But the reaction to her dress has gone to extremes and the curves that are not even really showing... I really don't understand it and I am a woman. What is the big deal? It feels like she would have only been allowed to dress like a nun. (btw. that is even sexier to some people. Less you see is more etc.)

In all honesty. I don't want a Goddess to look like me nor an ordinary person (Like Metatron tried to do) or act by by the laws people have. That is why also angels (God's creation) are all called beautiful because they are meant to be that and so has the Goddesses also been before Amara on the show. She looked good but for me something else would have been way more sexier. That is what makes people special. We have variation among us and among people nobody's perfect. Also because of this Amara's and Dean's chemistry or sexual interaction doesn't bother me at all as don't we sexualise also Sam and Dean all the time and it doesn't matter what they are wearing? And like many have said. It is Dean so who wouldn't? I think we will get more about that story still. I actually see Amara's reaction natural. She is partly human after all.

Other Goddesses on the show:
Kali, Calliope, Eve, Vesta, Veritas and Artemis

I asked also hubby about Amara and he will write about his thoughts later. First thing he said though was. "Oh, she had a revealing dress? I didn't notice that."

So share your thoughts below. Everything goes. :)

- Lilah
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My problems with Amara are as Leah and Cheryl have already pointed out for the most part. As an adult she seemed less menacing and less informed than she did as a young girl and more prone to temper tantrums as well. She's going backwards as a character it seems. She goes on a killing rampage to attract God's attention after reading the entire history of human kind and knowing that God has left the building? It doesn't track logically. And so far, neither does her attraction to Dean (even if it IS Dean Winchester:p ) God isn't preoccupied by such things, so why is his sister? And lets be clear here, she's not a goddess... she is God's sister, so the fact that she's been sexed up and is wearing revealing goddess like clothing is irrelevant. Amara is a completely original character, there was no model with which the writers had to make her conform; they could have done anything at all with her character, persona and dress. To me it's a bit predictable, male and uncreative to follow this established idea of what a goddess is 'supposed' to look like, but that is exactly what they did. They could have made her into a 65 year old woman who wears plaid if they'd wanted to. The fact that the writers followed the old tried and true 'sex sells' model is disappointingly mundane if you ask me. What matters here is the characterization and the acting. So far I am on the fence about both, but to be fair, Adult Amara hasn't been around long enough (nor been written by a competent writers enough) for me to get a true sense of who she is or what she wants quite yet. I guess part of the problem I am having with her dress at the moment (despite its uncreative banality) is that I currently don't see enough in the character to keep me interested, so I am distracted by her style of dress and other mundane things that really aren't hat important. If she is further developed into an interesting character I think her needlessly revealing dress will end up being less of a issue in the end.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 1
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My issue with her portrayal has been the de-mystification of what I felt was supposed to be this dark mysterious dangerous entity. I said way before I ever even saw the character that I hoped that she didn't turn out to be manifested by a hot chick. That is so overdone by SPN in my opinion. Putting her in sexy clothes and having her be all dewey eyed towards Dean (and he for her sometimes) has been annoying in my opinion. I have no problem with cleavage or the female body. I am just disappointed in the way they have portrayed The Darkness. She is petulant and dresses like a Kardashian. I thought we might have a decent "big bad" this year but she is just another woman who was 'done wrong' so she acts out. I also don't think the hold she has over Dean is just a normal sexual attraction (and thus no big deal) because he is attractive. It's disturbing because he seems to be be normal Dean and in control one second and in thrall to Amara the next second and back to normal again. It isn't a romance. He is her marionette sometimes and that is very unnerving for Dean.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 2
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The outside wrapping is unimportant really its whats underneath that counts,
I like many was shocked at first by her rather reveling dress and quite concerned about a wardrobe malfunction but it is who Amara is a femme fatale.
She is alluring, oozes sex appeal, and a great seductress, really you would be so drawn in by her before you even relized she was a powerful goddess and by then it would be too late
I now believe that SPN has dressed her correctly Amara doesn't have to do any strenuous fighting so dressing in leather or pants and shirt would be unnecessary, stand there and look beautiful is all thats required wave a long slender arm and the work is done. I pity Sam & Dean this season how can they possibly beat her
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 3
WFB Member
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So, Amara basically dresses as femme fatale. I don't see it any other way. She needs to look the part. She's dangerous, hungry and wants to get even with God with any means necessary. Anything she wears will reflect that.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 4
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