Largest Review/Discussion Fansite for Supernatural and SPNFamily Shows! Plot/Character Analysis, Spoilers, Games, News, Gallery, Interviews, Fun!

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A place for free form discussion of all things Supernatural.
  1. Alice
  2. The Fandom
  3. Sunday, 21 December 2014
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New to the Winchester Family Business and would like to introduce yourself?  Or have you been here a while lurking and would like to take the chance to say Hello?  Or are you very active on the site and would like to introduce yourself to all the new people visiting?  Then do we have a discussion thread for you!  Post a brief introduction here.  It doesn’t matter how short or how long it is.  Tell us your username, what season you started watching supernatural, what’s your favorite episode or season (optional), what attracts you most to Supernatural (optional), what’s your favorite color (again optional) or just anything else you perceive relevant. We'd love to get to know you in any way possible.   Since I’m the admin and founder of the site, aka registration record #1 on the site, I’ll go first.  Hi, I’m Alice.  I’ve been watching Supernatural since season three.  I created this site during the Winter Hellatus (we never call them hiatus) of season four.  What attracts me to “Supernatural” is very simple, two brothers, an awesome car, and the open road.  That is all.  My favorite color is blue…no, yellow!  (If you get the reference I love you forever). Okay, your turn!  We wish you a most hearfelt welcome to the Winchester Family Business. 
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Greetings from Kentucky to all the SPN family here. Just discovered this site last night and thought I would look around a bit and see what was going on. Like everyone else I was bummed to hear about the upcoming end of the show and wanted to see what other fans were saying. I got turned onto the show about ten years ago by my best friend who loaned me the first few seasons on dvd and I've loved it ever since. Without thinking on it for awhile I couldn't name a favorite episode, though it would likely be something written by Ben Edlund. Anyway, I look forward to exploring this site and seeing all the great stuff it has to offer.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 1
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Hello new friends! I am relatively new to the fandom and stumbled upon the page after not-so-stealthily searching "supernatural fan page".

My username is @leannaemgee. I started watching supernatural this past summer and have now watched up to season 11, episode 12, but that's likely to change by tonight ;). I have yet to pick a favourite season so far but I really liked season 8 and I'm really enjoying season 11!

What attracts me to the show? Oh, where to start. The brothers are a huge part of that, I love their dependence and their forgiveness. The character development is amazing! And I'm pretty sure the casting directors looked around and recruited all the most attractive, most talented actors and threw them all into this one show. I love that there's also fairly strong BA women! I love the show's portrayal of family and sacrifice. I could go on!

Anyways, happy to join this community! I am active on tumblr at the moment, my personal blog is @leannaemgee (same username, I know) and my spn fan page is @dwsw67. :)

I am also a proud Canadian, which by fault makes me a friendly person :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 2
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Hey All! Just found this site and joined. I'll probably lurk for awhile, reading comments on the eps. It's really nice to find a place where there's no Sam vs. Dean. :D Whew!
Name's Kat and I'm in SC.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 3
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Hi guys!
First time joining this forum but I've been a Supernatural fan since I first saw "Everybody loves a Clown" rerun on TNT which was prob 2007 or 08 (Whichever year season 5 premiered), When I saw "Mystery Spot" I was hooked so I used my tax refund money and bought all 4 seasons of Supernatural then binged on it, got all 12 seasons & the Anime series on dvd! & I have all 12 of the Supernatural books published by Titan books(Not sure if that's who published'em sorry if it's not.)

Anywho, My names Missy and I'm from Colorado.
  Colorado, USA
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 4
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I started reading the Winchester Family Business probably a year or more ago (maybe longer). I absolutely loved the insightful reviews and devoured the archives. I'd binge-watched seasons 1-8 on Netflix in 5 weeks or so, then started watching in real time, and I love articulate evaluation of the characters and plot which I found here.

I have trouble keeping up with the comments though. I don't know how to tell if anyone's replied to any of my comments, and I forget where I've posted comments too which is frustrating because I like to be involved in discussions. Perhaps there's a way to search but I don't know how. So I ended up taking a break from here for a while and just got back on. However, I couldn't remember my screen name (it had something to do with Aslan, I think) or my password so I entered a new one. I also know I'd introduced myself on a thread a while ago but it wasn't this thread.

I love reading, playing the piano, and geocaching (though with less than 400 finds I'm still a newbie compared to others). I enjoy reading SPN fanfiction. I'm an English teacher and a mother of four.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 5
Grace Carter
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Hi everyone, I'm Grace! :D

I'm here to introduce a little about myself! I'm a fan myself of the general supernatural. I grew up as a closet fan for Twilight but never really explored all the possibilities of being an engaged fan like yourselves! At the moment I'm watching Teen Wolf and I have to admit Supernatural has caught my eye on many occasions! Specifically on my Instagram were I get bombarded with supernatural memes and gifs!

My main purpose for being here is because I'm doing a report on Fandom's and I have to admit you all seem so lovely, sweet and communal and I'd simply like to know why? How did you become a fan of Supernatural? What do you find is the most enjoyable experience about being a Supernatural Fan? What do you mainly engage with when you're immersed in the Supernatural Fandom (i.e. Instagram, make gifs, make art or posters, etc...)? Why do you engage with it like you do (i.e forums, gif, fan fiction, fan art etc..)?

If you could help answer some of these questions and just engage with a discussion that'd be great! :D


p.s Can someone please tell my the story behind Cas and Dean being gay! I literally love this idea!

  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 6
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Hey All!
I am brand spanking new to this WFB page. And I agree with some others that this does feel strange to me. I have recently acepted that I am a huge SPN nerd and I'm ok with it. Although I really struggle with the fact that, while I know there are thousands of us out there, I still feel alone in this in my particular life. My husband watches the show with me, but I just dont think he "gets me" and why I love it so much. I've talked about going to a salute to supernatural convention with him and he just doesn't see why I would want to go, and since they are so expensive I have not gone to one :[ and I'm not sure I ever will....
Anyway, I started watching the show about 3 years ago after I had my daughter, and have just recently finished season 10 with the hubby. After the first episode I was hooked! And I've tried to get others that I know to watch it, hoping that they will turn out just like me and we can be crazy together!! Haha but so far no luck!
I've begun doing more researching and following the actors and fan groups online and I just love the support and family sense there is in the SPN community! I want to be a part of that, at least online if I can't find it out in the real world. The charities that Misha and Jared have started really ring home to me and just give me a better sense of who I am, if that makes sense, which it doesn't to anyone I currently know, haha. I live in Montana, so if anyone else is from around my way, shout out! :]
Anyway I am glad I'm finally opening up to you guys about this, and I plan to read the Fangasm book to maybe help cope with my newfound crazy love for this show. :]
Thank you all and I hope you have a great day!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 7
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Hello all! I haven't posted in a forum since I was 16 (7 years ago now) and given that this is one of my favourite shows I figured I'd dive back into it! My girlfriend got me into the show about 4 years ago and now we can't stop watching. I've loved every season and almost every character, but I have to say Cain will always have a special place in my heart. I hope I'm not the only person who is obsessed with Timothy Omundson...
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 8
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Hey everyone, my name is Amber, I’ve just signed up and am currently catching up with the new season as it isn’t airing in the UK yet (I’d have to wait about six months for it to air on our channels!). So what’s your guys opinion on the current season? I'm really happy that Lucifer is back as he's one of my favourite characters :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 9
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Hey guys, my name Is Sharon . I have been watching Supernatural since the first day it aired on the CW, which was its first year as well . I am proud to own all 10 seasons on DVD and Bluray and have watched all the extras on the development and canon of some of the shows . This show is about Supernatural and the things that can not be explained out there. First season was about legends and urban myths around our country based of of Kripke's vision... then we get into theology and mythology which the writers research and find the basis of these stories and develop them into "What IF". There are biblical truths they use as a platform and they jump off. I am proud of this series and the way they show we are not alone in this world through family, friends , what we believe. Peoples mythologies from every culture are explored, bringing us all together to root for Sam and Dean . They represent us the battle of life and what we are against in life. Respect that . I am a single mom of three grown children Rachel and Catherine (twins) and my son Garrett and a grandchild now. I raised them by myself except for two yrs I was married . I moved a whole state away with my kids to somewhere I knew no one. I am an LPN that has also taken Respiratory Therapy, K-12 Education to be a preschool teacher , I have been a vet assistant and rescue animals and children .. I have never gone a year that my house has not had other children living in my home from bad situations. My kids, like me, made room for these kids that needed love and guidance. I have been through hell , survived and gotten the t-shirt .. I have survived two attempted assaults/murders, survived three tornadoes and a small stroke. I have seen dead bodies and sat with the dying till the end . Life is short and it is a blessing and its worth fighting for . We all have a purpose on this Earth and I am here to help those survive and be here to find their purpose. I have seen supernatural activity, miracles , healing's, and a casting out of a demonic possession. I enjoy continuing education and going to college for all my passions .Was born in Louisiana and raised on the border of Ar/LA. I have driven 18 wheeler 's/worked in a post office/Sunday school teacher/ girl scout leader/worked our cattle farm. I am what they literally call a Jack of all trades . I learned to do all kinds of stuff.. never limit yourself .. I am now a Empty Nester and finding the Supernatural Cons as a new thing and working on attending my first one in Oct of next year . So that is just a little about me .. the rest would fill a couple of novels.. Glad to meet others that share the love of this show and be a part of Wayward Academy Daughters, Rob and Riches support of the National Stroke Association and Always Keep Fighting. I am a gentle sweet person willing to help anyone and listen to anyone , but I can also be hard and opinionated to the point I tell you like it is ... I dont hold back , I don't lie and I don't play games or condone drama and really cant stand people that don't use their common sense... I just say bless your heart, if you fall in this category. So love all of you.. and glad to be a part of this magnificent Supernatural family.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 10
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Hi... My Name s Divi... I recently moved to USA and got Netflix account just for watching supernatural.. Back in India, were i came from, i have heard a lot abt supernatural but wasn't able to watch it really.. So i felt so much happy when i got a chance.. I hv become addicted to Dean Winchester... Although i completed all the episodes, im waiting for Jan 20th for Episode 10 (season 11)... I used to watch the videos were Jensen has visited like shows, stages etc... I hv been wondering, will i ever get a chance to see him directly.. Im a crazy fan follower of Jensen Ackles & Ian Somerhalder (not a right place to say but still)... Thanks for listening to me..
  New Jersey, USA
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 11
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Hi All, I've been snooping around the site for a while and finally figured I'd come out of the shadows. My wife got me into the show on Netflix and we binge watched all the seasons so far either on streaming or the CW in the last few months. It has been a great show for us to bond over. I look forward to continuing to watch the show and read this forum.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 12
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Hi there. My name is Sara. I have been watching since Season 9 (but i was that girl who watched seasons 1-8 in 2 weeks!). I am obsessed to say the least. Went to my first convention last month with a friend. It was awesome. Anyway, have been lurking here since Season 11 started so figured i would finally say hello :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 13
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Hello. My name is Joy and I live near Dallas, Texas. I'm mostly into horror movies and art related hobbies. (Mostly dabbling in painting. I hope to improve over time.)

I've been into Supernatural from around the summer of 2013. I knew of the show when it originally aired, but sadly missed the first few episodes and in the end kept forgetting about it. (One of my greatest regrets in hindsight.) I was reminded of the show and got a major interest in making the investment of catching up with 8-9 seasons after witnessing the Mishapocalypse. It made me really interested in the character Castiel and I HAD to find out if a lot of the dialogue I was seeing from the show was really what they said.

I'm super excited for my first Supernatural convention in September of next year! I just finished getting my female!Castiel cosplay together. I'm probably going to wear it a few times prior (depending on events I go to beforehand), but mostly excited to wear it then. I even made an angel blade that I'll be holding on the inside of the trench coat.

To get a little personal, I really love Supernatural mostly because it has helped me a lot. I've been in a few really rough patches and enjoying this show and the great cast has really helped me through. I don't know if that sounds silly or makes much sense, but I'm truly grateful. Even if I have some problems with the show from time to time.

I'm not sure what else to say right now.. I hope to not be a stranger on here! It's nice to meet you all.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 14
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Hello fellow Hunters! :)

As you might tell from my username, I love anything Science Fiction. I've watched X-Files, Stargate, Star Trek, all the superhero shows out there right now like Arrow, etc., and Firefly and everything else you can probably think of. Same goes for films. Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter, to name a few. I'm not that into "horror" as much as just fantasy or scifi, but I do love it all really.

I just started watching Supernatural this passed summer. It was just one of those shows that I never got around to watching in the beginning and then it just slipped through the cracks. Of course, over the years, I heard nothing but good things about it and finally found the time this passed summer to give it a try. (An obligatory Thank You to the Netflix gods for that!). I've been binge watching as much as I could. It took no less than a season for me to get hooked.

Of course, once they introduced the concept of Angels into the show, I was completely blown away. It wasn't just Castiel or Misha that blew me away (though yes, he played a big part, lol), but the entire premise that Angels were not "nice" or "fluffy", but in fact warriors is what grabbed me. I've seen demons or devils or just plain evil in plenty of other shows and movies. But, I had never seen angels portrayed like this. And I was really impressed, because it never occurred to me (thanks to my past experiences with angels in the media) that they would indeed be soldiers and relentless killers, if need be. I just love that entire aspect of the show. I'm not particularly religious, and I'm not Christian, but I thoroughly enjoy seeing a fresh new take on any kind of mythology, whether it be Christianity or Greek Mythos or anything. :)

That being said, I'm happy to have found this site where I can post thoughts, ideas, and hopefully discuss the show with like-minded people. My husband and I were binge-watching the show together, but I couldn't wait for him to catch up. I'm way ahead of him now and have no one to talk to about it. LOL.

I've got lots of crazy theories of my own about Crowley and the Angels and God and Heaven that I'd love to share here so people can tell me how far off base I am or if I'm actually on to something. LOL.

So, thanks for having me and I look forward to getting to know all of you! Always Keep Fighting!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 15
WFB Member
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Hello fellow Hunters! :)

As you might tell from my username, I love anything Science Fiction. I've watched X-Files, Stargate, Star Trek, all the superhero shows out there right now like Arrow, etc., and Firefly and everything else you can probably think of. Same goes for films. Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter, to name a few. I'm not that into "horror" as much as just fantasy or scifi, but I do love it all really.

I just started watching Supernatural this passed summer. It was just one of those shows that I never got around to watching in the beginning and then it just slipped through the cracks. Of course, over the years, I heard nothing but good things about it and finally found the time this passed summer to give it a try. (An obligatory Thank You to the Netflix gods for that!). I've been binge watching as much as I could. It took no less than a season for me to get hooked.

Of course, once they introduced the concept of Angels into the show, I was completely blown away. It wasn't just Castiel or Misha that blew me away (though yes, he played a big part, lol), but the entire premise that Angels were not "nice" or "fluffy", but in fact warriors is what grabbed me. I've seen demons or devils or just plain evil in plenty of other shows and movies. But, I had never seen angels portrayed like this. And I was really impressed, because it never occurred to me (thanks to my past experiences with angels in the media) that they would indeed be soldiers and relentless killers, if need be. I just love that entire aspect of the show. I'm not particularly religious, and I'm not Christian, but I thoroughly enjoy seeing a fresh new take on any kind of mythology, whether it be Christianity or Greek Mythos or anything. :)

That being said, I'm happy to have found this site where I can post thoughts, ideas, and hopefully discuss the show with like-minded people. My husband and I were binge-watching the show together, but I couldn't wait for him to catch up. I'm way ahead of him now and have no one to talk to about it. LOL.

I've got lots of crazy theories of my own about Crowley and the Angels and God and Heaven that I'd love to share here so people can tell me how far off base I am or if I'm actually on to something. LOL.

So, thanks for having me and I look forward to getting to know all of you! Always Keep Fighting!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 16
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Hi, I'm Mallena. I found this website after reading Supernatural reviews on BlogCritics. I loved Alice's fan girl enthusiasm and followed her here. I'm late to the party because after loving "Buffy", I decide that I was too old for teen shows. Thanks WB, now CW, for misrepresenting your show as "teen"!! Netflix saved the day and now I have watched every episode available at least 4 times and counting. Waiting impatiently for season ten and live season 11 on October 7th. I love the articles on this site and have spent the last few months reading everything in archives. No joke, must have read a thousand articles already. Love every season, even season 7. The story arc with poor mental Sam reminds me of Farscape when Crichton was going crazy with the chip in his head and Aeryn was worried and tried to help him. Love anytime Dean is worried about Sam. Gets me every time. I love all things science fiction, Fringe, X-files, Firefly and Battlestar Galactica, to name a few. I love Sam and Dean, but relate to Sam the most, being a freak myself. I have 3 grown children, the oldest girl being autistic, so no empty nest for me. I have a few autistic tendencies myself, so I am the happiest alone in my room with the tv on and a book in my hand. I am not very comfortable talking to people, which is why I lurked for so long, but I am looking forward to actually being able to comment on all the great articles here on this wonderful site.
  Salt Lake City, UT, USA
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 17
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uhhhmmmmm...Hi guys!!!

I'm a small ball of erratic girl energy doing a PhD in medicine..I love astronomy, star trek, surfing, swimming, dancing, performing ill fated acrobatic tricks, and most of all my friends and my gorgeous family.

I have never ever in my life joined a fandom...and I never thought I would.
But two weeks ago something weird happened and I was like "what's this cute little show-isn't that the dude from Gilmore Girls...and that other guy...from something? He's cute I'll try it"
Why God why?????
I'm legit worried about myself dudes. I am supposed to be writing my thesis not joining online fan groups and falling head over heels with a TV SHOW. yeeesh. I cannot stop watching it. I'm supposed to finish my PhD this year. Break the spell guys. Or, like, love me or something. I'm cold. And scared.

Help me SPN family. You're my only hope.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 18
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Hello fellow SPN Fans! My Screen name is Sarahlee329, but you can call me Sarah. I started watching Supernatural from the very beginning. It was a total fluke that I turned the tv on to Supernatural that night back in 2005, I didn't hear any promotion or anything about it. Anyway, I was hooked with the very first episode. I've re-watched the entire series so many times that I have lost count. I think what drew me to the show is that there was nothing at all like it out there on TV and in my opinion there still isn't. This show is truly one of a kind. I love the stories, the characters, the writing...I love it all. I think as a whole the show has this amazing chemistry on screen off screen and with the fandom. We really are just one giant family! This show has gotten my through quite a few rough patches and often times its the only thing that puts a smile on my face. Everyone has their story and I think its amazing how much this show and the cast in real life has helped so many people. Picking one favorite character is so difficult! I love Dean and Sam, their relationship and story are wonderful. I also love Castiel, there is something about his innocence or his naïve and awkward ways that just make me adore him, haha. I also love Crowley as well, when he gets all sassy and shouty, its the best! Anyway, I'd love to make some friends online here and also in real life as well so feel free to contact me.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 19
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Hi, I am Timmy Ann, or at least that's what I use online whenever I can (I am always amazed when find that it is already being used or something!) I am in Minneapolis, MN, but I am originally from a small town in Wisconsin. I may be the only person in the world who became a Supernatural fan because of my love of James Spader! You see, I was on a James Spader board and someone posted a picture of Jensen Ackles saying, "Doesn't this guy look like a young James?": Most agreed that there was a resemblance, even though this Ackles kid was sort of, uh, sturdier looking, shall we say (that is NOT a bad thing)*. Then around Christmas, I channel surfed on to El Rey Network's marathon of Dark Angel. I saw Jensen's name in the credits and decided to see what he looked like besides a few still shots that were specifically chosen to show the Spader resemblance. I got caught up in it and when it ended I decided to see what else this gorgeous young man with the strange name was in. I saw he was in Supernatural. People had been telling me the show was good, but I had never checked it out. I saw that Netflix had nine seasons. I started watching for more Jensen but kept watching because I liked the show itself. (Then season four started and Jensen took just a teeny, tiny step back and became a very, very close second to my current obsession. If you are now thinking, "Well, who is your current obsession?" think about it. Season FOUR STARTED and then Jensen stepped back for my new obsession. Get it? If not you can look at my profile pic. HaHaHa) I finished season nine, found the beginning of season ten online and managed to get caught up in time to watch the second half (or so) of season ten with the rest of you!
*Although, the suggestion that he could play a young Red on The Blacklist seems unrealistic since it would involve having Jensen standing in a hole at all times.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 20
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Hi guys! Please, if you are as big a fan of the show as i am - have a look at this : https//
I write the episodes! It gives you a completely different look on the show and the episodes and there is a completely different feeling!
This is not spam, i simply just want to get it out there for you all to enjoy!
Please, spread the word!

Thanks fellow Hunters! x
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 21
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Hi all,

Obviously I am also a fan. I discovered the series only just in March, although I occasionally watched season 2 and 3 for fun. The first time I thought it was a funny show, but wasn't addicted yet. Only up to the beginning of this year I was like: WOAH, this is actually amazing lol. I just finished watching season 10. It's really a pity that I finished it, I watched up to 3 episodes a day (sometimes around 5 lol). So now I have like this empty space :(
I live in the Netherlands and there are many fans nearby, but I don't know them. I thought it would be fun and interested to join a fan forum, as I should do as an actual 'real fan' :p
I cannot begin to start with the things I love about this show, I will keep talking then! Mostly I love that the details are so well-thought of, the amazing funny and original episodes. Every time I was surprised which does not happen a lot with series. Mostly I do not like series because they are so boring and predictable. I love how there are new characters every now and then and they are so interested, as if they were real. I also love the episodes about fandom/LARP/everything that fans do. My favorite episode is the one with the play, where the girls make a play for a school project and they make the creature come alive. :) (sorry I don't remember names yet, I've only watched the series once, shame on me. Hope you know what I mean :P). I cannot explain to you how much this show has touched my heart, my soul, how many things I've learned about love, friendship and bravery. Ah sorry for the chick-flick moment lol.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 22
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Hello,Lilly-Beth and Kayla,and welcome aboard :) I am Tanya and am new here,too.

@samandean10-thank you for your words,and it is nice to meet you,too.I got out on July 27-th and came crashing down 3 days they are transfering me to hospital # 12 just to keep me away from what is usually considered a doctor and i contacted a free commune in Italy named Mondo X and he is preparing my papers while i am staying safe at the mental health ward.once the papers are ready and i get discharged,im moving to Rome or to whichever city Mondo X decide.Gino Ferri and Waldo Bernasconi do live in Italy,besides my therapists visits that country all the time....and last,but not least....sooner or later,there WILL be a Con there so...;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 23
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My name is Kayla and I have been watching SPN on and off for a while. Finally made it to the end of Season 9 and patiently waiting for Season 10 on Netflix. I have always been big into fandoms, but can't seem to find many people who live in my town who love the show as much as me. I hope to make it to a convention next year when I have money, but am a little afraid because I have heard both good and bad things. Either way nice meeting you all and it's good to know other's are into this show as much as me. :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 24
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Hi everyone,

So I am new to the SPN family. I was going through a bit of a rough time and one of my friends recommended that I watch a funny episode of Supernatural to take my mind off everything. It was then that I admitted to her that I had never watched any of the show. She was horrified (quite rightly) and told me to get my life into gear and watch it.

Well, I watched all of season 1-10 in just over 3 weeks and timed it so I was up to date when the final of season 10 aired.

I completely fell in love with the show, the characters and the writing. I have lost so many hours watching convention videos and getting up to speed with the fan websites and fan fiction though I still consider myself a novice!!!! I have loved every member of the SPN family that I have met online and feel so happy that this new world and new group of people have come into my life. I have since got my little sister and one of my all time best friends hooked. They are on season 8 and 6 respectively.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say hi, and thank you to everyone so far for making me feel so welcome. I am hoping to go to my very first convention later this year in the UK and get out to the USA next year.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 25
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Hello,guys (Gosh,this does feel awkaward).

My name is Tanya,and I came here because I love the show and need to feel what it usually makes me feel.I know this doesn't make much sense,but please bear with me.

I got to watch SPN Season 1-The Pilot,but then I ended up at a clinic and kept going in-and-out over the next 10+ years,so I pretty much lost track of The Show;just been watching random episodes in-between hospitaliztions.

I will be 30 on Friday,I live in Bulgaria,and I'm an adorable mess.

What I love about The Show,well,the fist would be the brotherly relationship between the brothers on-set and between the J's off-set,then Castiel and how irresistably cute and awkward he was when he became a person and had to learn living Life (only saw random vieos again),and finally-everything else.

I am a fan of foreign languages,exotic cultures,new options,cuddly toddlers,open hearts,honest words,and genuinely-smiling lips.

I write things my therapist calls poems,draw stuff that no one sees,ever,and postpone writng that memoir The Master Therapist Gino asked me to write when my therapist and the others had a Supervision in Rome.

I might sound pathetic,but I came here because noone knows me and it won't hurt if you laugh because I am sad and scared...I am going inpatient tomorrow morning for yet-another-stay-at-the-looney-bin with a bunch of new Doctors and Professors and Therapists and "you-need-to-step-on-this-scale" ,etc.

I wish I could tell what it all really is about,but I lost track of time and life and myself somewhere in the halls of the clinics,the electroshock procedures,the diagnoses list and the magic pills.I had decided to find out when the guys from The Show are having a Con (worng word choice?) anywhere in Europe and meet Gino during the next Supervision of all those therapists in the country where the Con would be.Instead,the will be another part of Me,Interrupted.

(Note To Self:Goal Number One for after they discahrge me-locate the nearest place where there will be a Con-thing).

I will be glad to make new friends here.


  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 26
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Hi, my name is Stacey. I just started watching the show last May. Season 10 is the first season that I watched live.

I think the fandom is really what got me watching Supernatural. I knew of some of Jensen's earlier work...I watched Days of Our Lives in college right when Jensen was on and Dawson's Creek in grad school. I also remember watching Grey's Anatomy and really liking Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Denny and hearing that he was on some show that was just starting about two brothers searching for their dad and fighting monsters or something. Anyways, I'm also a huge Harry Potter fan and I used to like to go on Pinterest to the Geek board where all the different fandom pins are. Well, along with Potter pins, I would see tons and tons of pins for Sherlock, Dr. Who, and, of course, Supernatural. I recognized Jensen and considering how many fans the show had, I thought it must be pretty good. I was looking for some new shows to watch on Netflix and I decided to give Supernatural a try.

In the very beginning, I was drawn to the show because of how gorgeous Jensen and Jared are. But in no time, it was all about the stories, the family, the relationships...and maybe still a little about the looks:p

So I've been a fan for a year. I've watched every episode, most several times. I can't pick a favorite season or episode, but I could maybe do a top 10 or 20 list. Included would have to be the Pilot, Faith, Home, Hunted, What Is and What Should Never Be, All Hell Breaks Loose 1&2, Mystery Spot, Swan Song, Lazarus Rising...ahhh already too many. I could keep going.

One thing I'm thinking about a lot...I would love to go to a con, but I'm scared to death. It's so intimidating. I haven't been a fan that long, definitely not since the beginning. I'm shy. I'm a wife and mom with two kids (6 and 9) and I never do anything like that. It's so out of my comfort zone, but I feel like I would regret it if I never took the chance. Any thoughts? Maybe this part belongs on the convention page.
  Saint Petersburg, FL, USA
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 27
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Hi! My name's Sarah. I've been a lurker on here forever. Just decided to create a account and start posting. I've only been a fan of Supernatural for two years. But I've seen every single episode hundreds of times. :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 28
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So, time to say hello!
I'm Nicole from Germany, so sorr yfor my crappy English and yes, although we're only at I think season 8 here there are still fans here! I startet 10 years ago watching SN and first thought uhg what on earth is this?! Some kind of ghostbusters?! But then I found out the fantastic relationsship between the brothers/actors and was addicted. So I brushed up my english so that I can watch the show in the original sound. (The syncro in German is *********) and read all the books. Then I started readind fanfic when the they stopped producing books:( .
When Jared started his "keep fighting" campain I was soooo happy that someone gave this terrible illness a voice. Loosing two wonderfull co-workers/friends to depression and suddenly starting to go done the same dark road I was speachless about how fare this campain went! I got my own shirt and was able to by one for someone in Canada as a gift. So here I am and I happy that I'm here!
  Werdohl, Germany
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 29
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To Belinda WOW a Aussie Gidday Mate I'm 54 and a Fan- Gran as we call ourselves I'm in Adealide. I Love SPN and as you have nobody to chat to about it. People often think ya mad. I have written things here on WFB and the fans are great, but I sometimes feel they don't get what I'm trying to say. I would love to chat with you on a reguler or semi reguler basis if thats ok. I have a face book pge which I keep fairly general because my family get sick of my SPN stuff. You can find me under Jennifer Kleinschmidt - Adelaide then we can go from there either through messenger or my email address Hope to hear from you Belinda Jenny
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 30
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I've only been watching SPN since about January of this year....but I've pretty much OD'd on all previous eps. I keep a "diary" of each episode, so I can recall each one. Though, of course, one viewing is never enough to catch all the nuances of expressions and references. I was attracted by the Boys...they are very near the age of my own two sons (I tend to title myself a "Fan Gran" rather than Fan Girl). The references to movies I love, the music....I love it all. Mostly I love the relationship, the depth, the pain and the....hmmm, can't say "joy", laughs? Sam and Dean share. It breaks my heart when they hide things from one another, but I understand it as a way to move the story along. I enjoy the light and the dark of the series....the "feels" and the giggles that both elicit. It's hard to name a fav ep....though, I was sucked in deep with "The French Mistake". I couldn't believe a long-running show would make such a wonderfully fun leap, and still tie it in with the rest of the story. I have since been gleefully amazed at how adept the writers are at weaving the rawness of grief and pain with the lightheartedness of foolishness and vanity. It is the Boys....yes, the Winchesters, but, more importantly, Jarad and Jensen....their love for one another and the bond they share makes the SPN world real. TOO REAL....I ache for those boys and wish them happiness. I guess that says more about me than about them. It is a relief to know that here in the real world, those two ARE happy and fulfilled, and doing so much for so many. I'd still like to know how those Winchesters found so much time to see so many movies, (and pay for them) and WHEN AND HOW they put on their Fed Threads each time! There's other questions I have...for another time and thread. I've been searching for a venue to express some of these thoughts....I'm still a rather closeted fangran as my family thinks I am nuts. So, thank you.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 31
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Hi, I'm Belinda (SPNObsessed), 24 from Australia and I've been an epic fan since the beginning. Simply put, it's the amalgamation of everything i love, and it's deep, intense and unapologetically epic. My favourite episode is Swan Song because it's just an epitome of everything i love and a brilliant conclusion to Eric's story arc. I also love trying to catch up on EVERYTHING Supernatural, but i hate spoilers with a passion. I wanted to find some other fans to maybe talk to on a regular/semi-regular basis cause i don't really have anyone to talk to about it, and i really do like talking about it :P
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 32
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I started watching Supernatural about 2 years ago. I've never been a big TV watcher and definitely never part of any fandom so this is pretty new to me. I was a 90's kid and listen to the same music that's on the show, have a lot of the Dean type personality. I love classic cars, I'm one of those rare chicks who prefer the classic cars because they are the kind you can actually figure out how to fix. This is the first show that has really caught my attention. It's the first show that I've ever binge watched on Netflix when I started watching I just thought it was incredible. Most tv shows are all about relationships and have those characters you just hate. Supernatural has the occasional character you can't wait to see get killed but for the most part even the Villains are lovable. You get to know why they are the way they are and see their broken side. I also as a brown eyed ethnic chick like seeing a show where they don't just always have some blonde bimbo as a front runner in the show taking stuff over. They definitely have a thing for brown eyed ride or die chicks. I love the Cast, the crew, the people in charge of casting are incredible, the writers seem to be well educated and spot on. I also love the dork humor, fart jokes, geek moments and the all around guys being guys...and incredibly good looking guys thing. My whole family watches this episode, it's rare where I see an episode and don't end up saying "Greatest show ever" after an episode. I'll quit dorking out now. It's just rare I find a show I really like.
  Kansas, USA
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 33
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I'm uh, watching an spn panel on youtube while I type this, heh. :) My husband and I have loved Supernatural for a few years now, but I've only recently started following stuff that happens outside of the show. I'm really hoping to go to the convention in Denver this year - helps that I'm only an hour away. Just trying to talk my husband into going! Anyway, surfed around WFB a bit, and it seems friendly and interesting, so here I am! Hi!

  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 34
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When you post it in your type box top right hand corner is a edit button I think you can delete from there. Interesting comment about the book - I havn't read all the way through jet -- but the first couple of chapters are excellent - I have it on kindle I wonder and I know this is cheating If I can download a couple of chapters & email it to you You may get an idea if you won't to buy it. If you would mind giving me your email address I will see if I can do this over the weekend Jen ?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 35
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Okay! That makes sense lol. Thanks for the clarification! I was actually looking into the book and I am conflicted about it. Some people are saying it's a biased book but some say it's useful, so I'm a bit torn.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 36
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Hi Aleck a Bk - is a abreviation of the word BOOK so sorry I'm 54 years old & grew up with alot of abreviations which you may not be aware of Also I'm an Australian so we may say a few words differently LOL Actually our written words should be the same we talk a bit different.
I still can't get over - y'all Is that how Jensen & Jared say it - Bloody Texan's - foreign language LOL Its more like "she'll be right mate" "gidday mate" and the word mate is like draged out - mmaattee. Sorry this is a SPN site I just got carried away LOL I'm pretty proud of me Aussie slang mate. Good luck Jen xo
  Morphett Vale SA, Australia
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 37
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Thank you Jen! I agree that this is a great site for information, and will look into the Fangasm The Book, although I am not sure what a bk is? I was thinking of asking for an interview with one of the writers, I think that would be valuable for my research as well!
Thank you so much for the advice, I greatly appreciate it and will share my research!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 38
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Hi Aleck - you have come to the right place I'm a newbie as well and love SPN & love WFB They are very helpfull with any questions their links and other pgs are FULL of helpful infomation. All the WFB writers write indepth and excellent writings on the show . And the FANS here are excellent they Love discussing and chatting about everything.
Its good chatter not silly stuff -

WFB recommend a bk called Fangasm The Book - there is a link on there home pg. If you have kindel you can download for $14 - $16. I thought it wouldn't interest me but its fantastic If you can you should get it it will HELP heaps with your research.

Other than that there is heaps on the internet but it may get confusing and a little bit hard to put it in perspective. Good luck I have no experience or knowledge on how a fandom can impact a show. Sorry

Maybe ask through a email ( link top of page ) If one of the WFB writers has time to give you some info - maybe do it like a interveiw You can only ask Good luck and let us all know WFB how you go Jen
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 39
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Hello! My name is Aleck (aleckdanielle), and I'm researching the Supernatural fandom for one of my classes and I'm trying to understand how a fandom can impact a show. To get a better understanding of the fandom, I wanted to be more engaged online and interact with the fandom, rather than just pin pictures of the brothers on Pinterest, which I have been doing for a while.

I'm a newbie to this website but have been a Supernatural fan for a long time now. I've seen all the seasons but don't have a favorite episode (There are too many good ones!). I just love the show, and watch it with my boyfriend when the new episodes come out. He's the one who introduced me to the show and got me hooked on it. I think my favorite part about the show are the characters - I think they're awesome and interesting. I love that this site talks about Supernatural thoroughly and makes me see things that I didn't see at first, I think it's great. Also, my favorite color is green!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 40
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Yeah saw this the tickets are expensive - and the cheap ones don't garantee you'll get to see the boys I need to fly to Melbourne which isn't to expensive & I could stay at my sisters. But I already have to flights to Melb planned my Dads 80th & my nephews 21st & a trip to Bali next wk I think there might be a domestic murder in Adelaide if my husband found out I wanted to go again to Melb to see my boys. They just don't get it LOL Thanks for the info though - I was so excited when I originally saw it on Facebk.

$2,000 plus for a gold ticket WOW - My neice suggested we fly to America for that price & follow the Cons around - I much rather like that idea LOL
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 41
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I am a Aussie girl

The one thing I would Love to do is get to America to see a Comic Con with SPN cast, & J2 of course.

Hi Jen!

Jensen and Jared are actually going to be in Melbourne and Sydney in May. “Ultimate ticket” is sold out but other ticket types seem to be still available. (The sixth All Hell Breaks Loose event.)

ETA: Unless you meant you would want to go to San Diego Comic-Con? :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 42
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Hi Everyone - I am a Aussie girl and came to love SPN fairly late. Now I can't get enough. I to love what the show stands for and will hate the day when the show has to fold.
I started out being a Dean girl - then a Sam girl but now I Love them both equally. Depends on what ep. I'm watching LOL

I love reading & all shows " Supernatural " I always picture myself as a Kick ass super hero and often put myself in a episode with Sam & Dean as the person who comes to save them. Yeah I know gotta get a life. I hate these breaks between shows, my life has no meaning during this time.

I enjoy The Vamp Diaries, The 100, The Originals Teen Wolf - which should be great this season ( I have just relized that alot of the shows I watch are The CW ) Which is something we don't know alot about down under. I also Love Game of Thrones, Grimm & Bitten.

The one thing I would Love to do is get to America to see a Comic Con with SPN cast, & J2 of course. I sometimes feel embarrased being a Fan Girl !!! Because I'm more like a Fan Old Woman !!!! Being 54 and have such thoughts about 2 Beautiful young men is probably X rated LOL or more likely a criminal offence !!!!!!
Anyway thats me Love to all I beleive this is the Bestest SPN site I've found Keep it up Guys your all WONDERFULL THANKS XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO
  Morphett Vale SA, Australia
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 43
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Hi everyone!

Maybe a little late to this thread, but here goes: I've been here a while, as a long-time lurker, then commenter, though lately life seems to dictate I don't get to come here as often as I used to, which sucks out loud. I work in IT, and at heart I'm a dreamer, a thinker, watcher, reader, sometimes a twelve year old, often a geek, usually a little weird, and generally a serial fangirl. My favourite colour is green, apparently I'm a sucker for bromance, and I don't like my country's definition of pie (or Dr. Pepper for the record ;) ).

I started watching Supernatural at the end of season 1, and still remember the exact date I saw my first episode. The thing that made me fall in love with the show, and what keeps me coming back to it and the fandom is simply one word: family.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 44
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Hi folks,

Currently living in Berlin for the past couple of years so I havent been able to keep up with Supernatural as much as I once did but the 200th episode brought me back and reminded me of why I fell in love with this show. I started in Season 3, binge watched on Netflix to catch up and was current up until Season 7 when I moved to Germany. The CW show discussion threads were where my interest in the show turned into a passion as we discussed Sam/Dean/why this/what about that and the influx of feels after each episode. It was great, also where I plucked up the courage to go to my first convention. As a cosmic nudge that my passion in this show wasnt unfounded, I had just gotten out of the military and was about to embark on a 2 month road trip through California. My connection flight was delayed so I had to take a later one and while I was in line I check out the crowd behind me and there was none other than Genevieve Cortese (now Padalecki), this is right after season 4 and I could not believe it! She couldnt have been more gracious and super chill, it was awesome. Two conventions (going to NJ this year in Sept so if anyone is interested in saying whatsup let me know), 10 seasons, and many a purple nurple later I am still a fan :) So whats my favorite color? Purple is definitely a strong contender :P
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 45
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Hello! I started watching Supernatural in the beginning of October and finally caught up just before xmas. But before that I watched the anime (which I hope gets another series). I'm a Sam fan and hope Yellow eyed Sam makes another appearance :) I'm currently writing a Supernatural fanfic that is mostly a re-write of an episode that perhaps I may extend upon. Who knows. ;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 46
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Hello, My user name is BookLady. It's a name given to me by one of my students. I'm thinking of changing it to Libraryum as that seems to be more popular. I am a K-5 public school librarian. Starting at a young age, I have been an appreciater of great stories, great characters, great writing. Fairytales were my first love (even though none of the heroines had auburn hair like mine). Athena is my favorite Greek god and I'm not a big fan of Norse mythology because - spoiler alert! - everyone dies. I do believe in the Druidic idea of soul friends. I think Jared and Jensen are and perhaps some of the friendships forged through this fandom :) As a Buffy, Angel, and X-Files fan, I was attracted to Supernatural. When it first started airing, I was still relatively new to my job and didn't have time for much tv. I started watching it by recording the shows on TNT then finally decided to buy the DVDs. I caught up on all the seasons while recovering from pneumonia a couple years ago. Season 8 was the first season I watched live. Posting on this site was my first foray into this fandom and it was quite nerve-wracking at first. The kindness of sweetondean and Alice and then Nightsky have made it much less so as did the supportive comments from other posters. Now, even differing opinions don't bother me.  I appreciate all the writers and adminstrators of this site who have made it possible for me to express my thoughts about this show. Happy New Year!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 47
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