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  1. Jen
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. Saturday, 07 November 2015
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Sorry to waste a post on a silly question But I was wondering if anybody has noticed Dean's voice this season -- Has it got deeper & sexier ??
Has Jensen's voice changed or is Jensen given Dean a slightly deeper voice Thanks Jen
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I was watching some videos from the Denver convention and it struck me that Jensen's voice is much deeper this year. I don't know why.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. # 1
WFB Member
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I don't know that,but he actually got hotter this season (if it's even possible!) and I guess he's more attractive now cause he's "Dean",the real Dean that we missed and we just got to see some glimpse of him during the last two seasons! But yeah,I agree;his voice has changed a bit and I gotta say I like(actually love)anything about him right now!(Sam too!!!)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. # 2
WFB Member
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I don't know that,but he actually got hotter this season (if it's even possible!) and I guess he's more attractive now cause he's "Dean",the real Dean that we missed and we just got to see some glimpse of him during the last two seasons! But yeah,I agree;his voice has changed a bit and I gotta say I like(actually love)anything about him right now!(Sam too!!!)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. # 3
WFB Member
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BoGirle Thank you it wasn't important but I just wondered because sometimes its hard to pick up on what his saying (as Dean)and I had noticed a change in his tone. Its funny though Jarred's voice hasn't changed I don't know much about the male voice I just thought they reached an age where it wouldn't change anymore
Glad to know I wasn't the only one to notice Love the Anyhoo getting ready for Police Officer Hanso I sooooooo Love her
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. # 4
WFB Member
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"I don't know but he actually got hotter this season (if it's even possible!)" I have heard a variety of comments about Dean looking hotter, sexier, younger, etc. this season and I attribute all of that to the fact that they are finally leaving Dean's hair longer this season. It is all a part of this "let's-return-to-the-first-episodes" feeling that Jeremy Carver wanted to imbue Season 11 with. Before when they were trying to cut Dean's hair extremely short in that uber military cut that showed Jensen's scalp along the sides and in the back, it made Dean look older. With the return of Season One hair, fans are able to see the "Dean" we fell in love with. Jensen really DOES look "hotter", "sexier", "younger" when they leave his hair longer!

As for his voice, I haven't really noticed that it is any deeper than the last couple of seasons. The thing about Dean's voice that I noticed was during the scene in "Baby" when Sam & Dean had that long conversation while Dean sat in the front leaning against the passenger side door looking at Sam in the back leaning against the driver's side door. Did it strike anyone else that suddenly we were listening to JENSEN's normal speaking voice as opposed to the deep, gravelly voice of Dean??? At first I thought it was because they were speaking so softly rather than the loud, barking tones Sam & Dean usually use in each episode. But after rewatching that scene several times, I still feel as though we are honestly hearing JENSEN's normal voice in that scene.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. # 5
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