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  1. CodyMB
  2. Episode Discussion
  3. Thursday, 08 October 2015
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As the subject says, I missed all of you! And of course, regardless of my complaining, man did I miss Supernatural! Maybe it was the Hellatus, but I certainly enjoyed the season 11 premier. I haven't read any of the forums or any reviews, and I have only watched the episode once, so I do not have a fully formed opinion yet...

Sooo why would I bother posting anything, right? Well i'll get to that in a second! Hold on, geez! I have to say, I love how Dean acknowledged the kookiness of everything by stating how he killed Death "hours ago." Obviously I'm happy Crowley got away, and it was very amusing that he to make that phone call to Hell. I LOVE the prospect of bringing the cage (Michael or more likely Lucifer) back into the equation.. Finally, I think it is sort of interesting that Dean is bonded to the Darkness, and I am choosing to overlook the fact that he is again hiding something from Sam...

Now why I posted- If anyone remembers last season, I was on here complaining a lot about the Darkness. I thought it was something the writers came up with on the fly, and sounded too much like the First Evil from Buffy., so it looks like I was right that it would spread and infect people, not to mention that it would be able to appear in different forms. Not gonna pat myself on the back too much, Lord knows there's plenty i've gotten wrong regarding this show...

I wanted to share a thought I had while watching the episode though. Yes, the Darkness still reminds me of the First. However, it more closely reminds me of the First having a child with the smoke monster from Lost....(I could also throw in a Smallville season 10 reference but i digress) i always wondered why Lucifer, err I mean Jacob couldn't let the Man in Black off the island, and now after several years, Supernatural has apparently answered the question! We would all be running around pseudo-zombies with black veins. Good to know.

Lol..I don't know. I apologize for wasting anyone's time that is reading this. I just wanted to share my thoughts somewhere. I found it very interesting how much the Darkness mirrored the Smoke monster (and the First, but I'm not gonna harp on that.) With all that said, I feel like this season could still be very good. All that matters is EXECUTION. If they keep the brothers on the same page, provide us with compelling, yet simple storytelling, this season could be a success (and let's be honest, SPN is due.)

So yeah, I'm happy with the beginning of season 11, I plan to stick around and be part of the community, and I hope to interact with everybody in the coming days.weeks.months. Cheers!

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Hi Cody. welcome back! I always enjoyed your thoughtful comments last year. Like you, I think the season is off to a great start and has so much potential. I just hope the execution fulfills that potential. I actually felt OK about the Darkness at the end of last year. It seemed like it could provide a new direction for the show. But my only quibble about how it's unfolding so far is the issue of the Baby. I'm not sure I would like it if it's to be the persona of the D on earth. Why would this pre-biblical primal force even need a human manifestation? Although I guess as a practical matter it's cheaper than needing some special effects every episode. Anyway, I look forward to reading your comments !
  1. more than a month ago
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Thank you Alice! I'm glad you think they are off to a good start also. I haven't read your review yet, I prefer to do that when I can focus more (always great reads!) If this was the end of last season I would be arguing with you over that comment regarding Carver, but only because at the time I was quite angry with him. I felt Death was misused as a "Ex Machina" and also just a well of exposition for the finale...Now that i've had time to digest everything and begin anew with season 11, I am thinking more clearly and being more forgiving. You raise a very good point regarding lesser writers. Carver's track record is quite stellar and, as I said, the Darkness was portrayed quite well this episode. Hopefully the other writers take a page out of Jeremy's book. I am interested in the big bad bringing a slightly different dynamic than the others. If TD just ends up appearing as whoever it wants to, and messes with the brothers (possibly showing up as dear old dad since i remember JDM saying he wanted to return) I don't know if I will like it. TD is built up as such a massive force that realistically Sam and Dean can't face head on, so this "bond" between it and Dean leaves so much potential for various ways to take the story. I have faith that this could be a bounce back season.....The brothers never changing is a trope that everybody is tired of, I can't imagine them centering another arc on lies...I mean, I REALLY hope they don't...

Anyway, I'm looking forward to your review, to next week, to the theories and discussion, to this season, and all that it entails. Carry on :P
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
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Welcome back Cody! Glad to see you posting again. I don't mind you sharing your thoughts! Happy to read you enjoyed the premiere. I did as well. I'm still not sure what the lesser writers will do with The Darkness. That has me worried. But yes, they're off to a great start. Like we would expect any less from Carver! And Sam is hiding stuff from Dean too. These brothers will never change. Also, I'm sure The Darkness will be constantly compared to Lost. It's hard to avoid!
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
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