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  1. Nate Winchester
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. Monday, 31 August 2015
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Well we're still in the final throes of hellatus.

If we can't have any new episodes... why not INVENT them? We've done posts & articles on pitching spin-offs but none yet (or they're way buried in the archives) of a regular part of the show.

So readers! We're the SPN writers room. Toss out your ideas labeling "arc-" for an entry meant to run an entire season and "epi-" for an entry meant to run just one episode.

And everyone else can comment. ;)

Some of mine:

epi- The ghost of a woman ends up possessing the Impala and asks the boys to solve what happened through the radio. Dean struggles with his car finally being able to love him back, but turns out she likes Sam! Possible titles: "Lovers in the Night Rider" "2 out of 3 ain't bad"

epi- While drifting through town, Sam & Dean decide to stop at a carnival. Things go wrong on some rides, leading them to investigate the rumors of gremlins. Then it gets personal when they start taking apart Baby... Possible titles: "Tore Up Over You" "Gremlins 3: This time it's personal"

arc- Sam & Dean work on rebuilding the Men of Letters, spending a year meeting colorful characters and recruiting them. They know they've succeeded when, at the end, they're kicked out of the bunker.

Multiple entries allowed (just make a new reply to this one, leave comments open for people to comment on your ideas), have fun everyone!
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TC Stark
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Epi- been saying this forever, but a female Trickster! Gabriel has been exposed as an archangel and I feel it'd be really new to have a playfully, almost insane animated female Trickster
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 1
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Humm.. an interesting topic. Here's my comedic one..

A cursed object based episode. This object is has three monkeys; see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. Sam, Dean, and Cas unwittingly unleash the dormant magic in the object and each one of them is cursed with either blindness, deafness or being mute. Perhaps the villain of the episode curses them and they must find him/her together.

Apologies for the description being lackluster but this was an idea I wrote down a while back with a simple outline and haven't worked on it since. It was just an idea I felt should be jotted down in case one day I wrote it.

On another note I have no idea where S11 is going but I'm already plotting an alternate plot. If you know me by now you will know what its about. ;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 2
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I have 2 plotline!

It could happened in season 8,

Henry winchester was a collectioner before Abadan attached them he gathered all his expensive stuff in bunker & comeback for his son john, he gave john to his baby sitter whom marraid to a mechanic from kansas, he got call from his associate that abadon killed everyone from their council & looking for him so he went to future & handed bunker's key to Sam& Dean but it was not just the huge amount books & others things, it was lots of gold coins & expensive paints;
I like to play with this idea that first (to answer that how s&d can live without job! & no more credit card hacking) they are became rich but they decide to stick with this dangerous job for their family henry & ...

The other plot was when Sam went to trial he had nightmares, one night Dean went to watch a movie in his room & Sam fall asleep on the couch & the story begin:
Stormy night Sam went back to Rufus cabin he threw everything to the wall ( it was his ID & stuff for cross road demon) he sat in corner & feel he is so desperate,
fall asleep & the next morning he decided to left everything that reminded him he is Sam winchester behind & hit the road ,

his car was too noisy for cities he does not have that much money for gas people look at him like he is psycho, unshaved dirty ...he feels like without Dean he had to face the real world real life,
At a gas& sip they beat him because he looked like a homeless shop lifter, just 15$ remained for him, he bought the cheapest alcohol & little bit gas for baby...
He went to bathroom beside the gas& sip & cleaned himself up, shaved even though his hair was longer than ever, wore a clean clothes & hit the mountiny road in dark night he wanted to get rid of himself & fall from the bridge with baby, he was sure...

On bridge before he pushed the pedal for last time a dog showed up in front of him ...
Suddenly he woke up, Dean was watching a movie with load voice, went to his room, Dean was sleeping like a baby, Sam turn off the TV. He could not tell Dean why he hit the dog..
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 3
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

OK episode(s) pitch.
The Winchesters discover they will need "The Amulet" to defeat the darkness. As it has been lost to their world, they elicit the assistance of an angel (or god). They are told they must find this amulet in another timeline, but it must be given to them freely by the current owner.
Dean goes to where he was never saved from hell and there were no angels manipulating the brothers. He meets Sam and Bobby and learns that Sam killed Ruby and Lilith shortly after Dean died, averting the apocalypse.
Sam finds the Dean who actually killed his brother before Killing YED. He is miserable and his actions have changed the course of the story.
Dean finally gets other-Sam to reluctantly hand over the amulet in order to make things right for real-Sam.
Sam is also able to get other-Dean to give him an amulet.
*There could be numerous attempts at various alternate realities before finding one where they succeed at getting the amulet.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 4
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