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Caption This! #356

  1. Nate Winchester
  2. Caption This
  3. Monday, 17 July 2023
  4.  Subscribe via email
Welcome one and all to the funniest Supernatural related fandom game on earth! It's Caption this!

Bobby got a little love in our previous contest with AlyCat22's children's show entry ultimately winning the day. Though apparently there was a site hiccup and it had to be delivered by Marion so she gets a little extra glory for the assist.

This week we're going to start our run to finish out S8 with... well, episode 8.15 "Man's Best Friends with Benefits." Since Dean got to have fun with a doggo in the past, this time Sam can get in on the fun!

Don't forget that on our front page, down past the articles, are "CAPTION THIS WINNERS!" - Random CT winners on display every time you visit!

And here is our vast gallery of past winners.
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WFB Member
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Sam: Look I'm sorry. We're looking for a dog that will trend on social media.
  1. 4 days ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 1
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hey Nate,

Alycat22 is still having problems there's an issue with the captcha for your site dissapearing for her, so she can't submit entries because of it. Do you have any clue what's happening? Can you help?

P.s. I'm touched by you're shout out. Aly and I can tag team entries no problem until its resolved .
Cheers M
  1. 6 days ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 2
Nate Winchester
Site Administrator
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Reply to Marion & AlyCat22 -

Sorry about the difficulties. We are in the process of upgrading the site and overhauling a lot of things and this may have broke the captchas. This may also overhaul how the CTs are done so please bear with us. In the next week or two you will probably see some major changes to everything.

I'll try to inform everyone once we have settled on how it's all going to be done.
  1. 5 days ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 3
WFB Member
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When Marion and I discussed our tag team effort we instantly embraced Bob the Builders motto: "Can we fix it? Yes we can!" I was more inclined toward F yeah but she didn't think that would go over too well. :). I told her it wasn't an I win but a WE win cause without her help it would still be stuck in non Captcha Captcha Land.

I suggested that she could be Wendy, Bobs business partner. She wanted to bring Pilchard the Cat on board but her real life feline B.C. was unreasonably jealous so it's just I, Bob-Aly and she, Wendy-Mar.

Nothings gonna keep us from the weekly Caption Contest! Nothing. Not snow, not rain, not sleet, not hail, not - well, there's my local internet provider. They could. And I suppose my data plan servicer as well. Yeah. Oh and my utility company if they cut my electric off cold turkey but other than that? Nobody.

And just FYI - Im having issues with Captcha not coming up. Like at all. Is there anything I can do to check/fix this? I believe that's why I can't post
anything. So frustrating.



(p.s. Thanks for update Nate, i'll convey this to my good buddy!
cheers M)
  1. 5 days ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 4
WFB Member
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Who’s a pretty girl? You are!
  1. 3 days ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 5
WFB Member
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Sam: "Doberman. Large dog powerful, intelligent, German - Uh oh."
  1. 3 days ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 6
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