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  1. Nate Winchester
  2. Caption This
  3. Sunday, 02 July 2023
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Welcome back everyone to this, the home stretch of the first round of Caption This contests!

We had some deliciously dark, DARK gags in our previous contest. AlyCat22 and theGreenCooler both had some entries related to Adam's time in Hell that I felt a bit guilty laughing at. So victory goes to admit Trish's family drama joke.

Today we go to the last episode of S6 we haven't captioned yet, episode 6.21 "Let it Bleed" and since Bobby and a woman proved popular before, I thought we'd have fun with that again.

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WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Another posted in retrospect for A/C 22 :)

Elle: "I tell you Bobby its relentless. He's evil incarnate!"

Bobby: "Whatever you need. Whatcha got?"

Elle: "It's that time to renew your warranty guy!"

Bobby: "Aw Hell no. Even I can't help you!"

Elle: "But I don't even know what a warranty is..."

*Oh come on now. In the back of your minds you were all thinking it. Especially when Elle described him as evil incarnate.
We must all face our greatest fear - that there is no escaping Warranty Guy*.

  1. 5 days ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 1
Nate Winchester
Site Administrator
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
From deb ryzley on twitter

So in the Cosmopolitan article, if you keep your hand like this.....

So do we just shake hands or is there more ....

Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Tan isn't your color....
  1. 6 days ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 2
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
*Entry on behalf of Alycat22 due to technical issues *

Ellie "He assured me he had experience with explosives"

Bobby "If by experience you mean having watched every episode of Bob the Builder"
  1. one week ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 3
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Elle: "The rep from Farmers Insurance came by - and left. Katanas they know. Civil War battle swords? No problem. But they dont know a thing or two about dragon swords."

Bobby: "So no commercial deal then huh?"
  1. 2 weeks ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 4
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
“Look, Bobby, I watched the episode and what I’m saying is maybe before using the C4, your friend should have called the angel he has on speed dial …. or you … or a stone cutter … or, I don’t know .... someone else! That’s why I think I am entitled to the dragons’ gold.“
  1. 2 weeks ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 5
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Ellie "Bobby, no denying you've got a few issues. The decanter holding your Hunter's Helper is bigger than you!"
  1. 2 weeks ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 6
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