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  1. njspnfan
  2. Episode Discussion
  3. Sunday, 16 August 2015
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The recent RearView review, and twitter #wfbrewatch of About A Boy reminded me of a potentially major flaw in the logic to the entire Mark of Cain storyline which played out over the second half of S9 and all of S10. What was holding back The Darkness while Teen Dean was grooving to Shake It Off?

In First Born, Cain said the Mark could be transferred to someone worthy. This implies that the Mark is transferred, and not shared with someone else. This is supported by the fact that Dean then killed Cain in Executioner's Song with the First Blade. The First Blade can kill a Knight of Hell, it can't kill someone carrying the Mark of Cain. Death confirmed this in Brother's Keeper when he said Dean could not be killed.

DEATH - "And that Mark on your arm is the First Curse. Nothing can kill you." So, if Cain was still carrying the Mark of Cain, Dean could not have killed him.

This is contradicted by what Cain said in 10.14 The Executioner's Song when he told Castiel "Humans. Eh, the Mark thirsts for all kinds.", implying that Cain still carried the Mark.

Death said in Brother's Keeper - "Lucifer passed the Mark to Cain, who passed the Mark to you, the proverbial finger in the dike."

Death also said - "So I could remove the Mark, but only if you will share it with another… …to ensure that the lock remains unbroken and the Darkness remains banned." This would imply that the Mark is shared, and not passed on.

If the Mark was shared, and not passed along, then Lucifer would still have it and The Darkness would not have been released. So when Dean was turned in to a teenager and no longer had the Mark, what was holding back The Darkness?

When the Mark was removed from Dean by Rowena, this opened the door to The Darkness. So that supports the fact that the Mark is passed on/transferred, and not shared; otherwise Lucifer still had it. And we're back to my original question; what was holding back The Darkness while Dean was turned in to a teenager?

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Have you learned nothing from Star Trek and the space-time continuum? Time f***s up everything.

It's all your basic string theory. If you look at the theory of space-time, the two are linked closely. Objects in motion experience time at a slower rate than one at rest. This opens up the whole possibility of multiple dimensions all based on different places and time. The universe may expand, but it's still finite.

What does this mean? One can theorize it this way. Dean didn't have the MOC at 14. He did have it at 35. Where did 35 year old Dean go when 14 year old Dean was there? He never really left. He was around somewhere. What seemed like a few days to one person could have been 10 seconds to someone else in space. He was out there in some dimension still holding that Mark. Witchcraft may transform, but they can't bend time and space! That probably also explains why it took the Darkness a little time after the MOC was removed to arrive. Maybe.

Or just look at the theory of time travel from Quantum Leap. A person's life is like a length of string; one end represents birth, the other represents death. If one were to tie the ends of the string together, their life becomes a loop. Next, by balling the loop together, the days in one's life would touch one another out of sequence. Therefore, jumping from one part of the string to another would allow someone to travel back and forth within their own lifetime, thus making a "quantum leap" between each time period. Dean lost the MOC at 36 (ish). He got it at 35. It doesn't matter at what point of his life he was in or what the reality was, he maintained the lock during that period.

What does this all mean? Anyone could write a time travel piece to explain this, especially when angels are part of your reality. It bailed Star Trek and now The Flash out of many continuity messes!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Episode Discussion
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
You're overlooking something njspnfan. It's really quite simple. The MOC was.. that is it had to have been... well surely it could only be....nah, I got nothin. But I'm positive it will all be cleared up and explained to our satisfaction in Ep.11x1. You can take that to the bank! :D
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
Nate Winchester
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Too bad they didn't go with the simple answer and just have Sam become young.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
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The space time continuum always makes my head hurt so won't touch that but it IS a good escape hole. I might trace things back wrongly but I have two theories where one is pretty easy.

1. Hopefully I can explain this. The reason why TD wasn't released because the lock was still there. The mark was gone and the effects but that doesn't mean there wasn't a lock still. It was sort of hibernating because of the spell so if Dean had lived those years to same age he was when the spell was done the mark would appear. It would have been in Dean that way still. This was the easy one.

2. Alright, So Cain shared the mark with Dean (Cain had it on his arm while fighting the demons) but Lucifer gave the mark away. So Dean turning young didn't make a difference as Cain still had it and Dean hadn't offed him yet. Dean killed Cain with the first blade (The only way it was said it was possible) so the mark just vanished but as Dean still had the share of it the lock was not broken.

I might have forgotten some lines or something but these two explanations work for me. Probably choosing the first as it doesn't twist my brain...
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 4
WFB Member
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ok - just finished a rewatch of The Executioner's Song; when Cain was fighting Dean and put the First Blade in his right hand, the veins in his right arm started to glow red, just like when Dean was handling the First Blade. So this means Cain still had the Mark. This fixes the problem with what happened when Dean was turned in to a teenager; Cain was still alive and still had the Mark, so the Darkness was held back.

We only know of three individuals that have held the Mark; Lucifer, Cain, and Dean. Cain was killed by Dean which raises another problem into and of itself; the First Blade can kill a Knight of Hell, but can't kill someone with the First Blade, otherwise why couldn't Cain simply have killed himself with the First Blade after Lucifer turned him in to a Knight of Hell?

On to the big problem; since the Mark is shared, and not completely transferred to another, if Cain was dead, and the Mark was lifted from Dean, wouldn't Lucifer still have the Mark or would Rowena's spell work have also removed the Mark from Lucifer, meaning Lucifer is no longer corrupted by the Darkness? A couple of comments from Death in Brother's Keeper contradict this.

Death - "And that Mark on your arm is the First Curse. Nothing can kill you." So, if Cain was still carrying the Mark of Cain, Dean could not have killed him.

Death said in Brother's Keeper - "Lucifer passed the Mark to Cain, who passed the Mark to you, the proverbial finger in the dike."

Death also said - "So I could remove the Mark, but only if you will share it with another… …to ensure that the lock remains unbroken and the Darkness remains banned." This would imply that the Mark is shared, and not passed on.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 5
WFB Member
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I think you're focusing too heavily on semantics. When death says, "share it with another" I think the idea is the exact same, move it from Dean to another. Just phrased differently.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Episode Discussion
  3. # 6
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