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  1. Nate Winchester
  2. Caption This
  3. Sunday, 08 August 2021
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Good day, everyone! Hope your health is good and the weather beautiful wherever you are.

I myself may have cracked a few ribs after the laughing fit the entries in the previous caption contest gave me. So hard to choose but AlyCat22 was the one who got closest to putting me in the hospital so I'm giving victory to her! It just fit the scene so... perfectly.

Well with no top 100 to go through, I usually resort to seeing which season we have visited the least and doing some rounds to bring up its numbers. As of now our lowest is... season 9! So this time we'll go with episode 9.03 "I'm no Angel." We never did hear what Castiel said in this scene, so here's your chance to make it up!

Don't forget that on our front page, down past the articles, are "CAPTION THIS WINNERS!" - Random CT winners on display every time you visit!

The first 50 winning entries are here. Winning entries numbered 51-100 are here. The winners of 101-150 are here. And 151-200 are now here. Winners #201-250 will be coming soon.
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Cass "I'd like my tattoo to say Jack4God"
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 1
WFB Member
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Cass " I'd like a ticket for the Winchesters v Chuck showdown please"
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 2
WFB Member
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It’s a knock knock joke, sounds better in Enochian
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
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Castiel " Could I purchase a ticket for a ride out of this goldfish bowl please?"
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 4
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Cass "Can you do this tattoo with a mirror image in case of.."
Assistant "In case of what?"
Cass "The need to travel to an Alternate Universe"
Assistant *I don't think he's been vaping!*
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 5
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Assistant: "That's AlyCats winning entry? I could have done better strung out, high off my ass while fighting off a massive hangover!"

Tattoo Artist: "I HAVE done better strung out, high off my ass while coming off a month long bender!"

Cas: "Alright, stop bragging. I'm fairly sure most people feel that way. Minus the excessive drug use of course. The question now is could she be possessed?"

Tattoo Artist: "Surely if she were she would make it so that she won week after week."

Cas: "Lucifer and his kind are subtle, they would never tip their hand like that. And my name isn't Shirley "

Assistant: "Perhaps she had help?"

Cas: "An accomplice? Both she and that Marion perhaps? Possessed. Or witches? It is not unthinkable that they may have worked in tandem to cast an enchantment on poor Nate."

Assistant: "How horrible."

Tattoo Artist: "Eh. Nothing a little weed won't fix. And two women at the same time? Oh yeah!"

Cas: "I do not think you comprehend the seriousness of enchantment. Or the meaning of the word. Or massive consumption of Cannabis."

Assistant: "Sounds Disneylike to me."

Cas: "I can assure you -"

Tattoo Artist: "Speaking of Disney - hows that Mickey Mouse tattoo healing up?"

Sam: "What?"

Cas: "What?"

Dean: "WHAT!?"
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 6
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Assistant " I'm not accepting a couple of bottle tops and a mint covered in lint as top up payment, you'll just have to have the edited version that'll read 'Carry On'.."
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 7
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Cas: "Well I was showing this picture around town in the hopes that someone had seen Nate the Other, Other Winchester but I'm happy to report that he has been found. A dollar day, a dollar short as I believe the saying goes, but still. I pray he realizes how fortunate he is not to be one of my angelic brethren because I'm telling you right now, up in Heaven they dont put up with that kind of sh-kindof behavior!"

Tattoo Artist: "Calm down dude. You're getting your trenchcoat all up in a twist!"

Assistant: "Yeah and really, one day? What's the big deal? Maybe he had creative block. He did say he had a lot of files he had to go through."

Cas: "What's the big deal? Would you still say 'what's the big deal" had Noah tarried getting to the Red Sea before it parted and were slaughtered by the hoardes behind them? Or if the Heavenly Messengers put off the telling of the pending birth of Baby Jesus? Or waited to save Lot? Or delayed and were not there in time to shut the mouths of the lions to preserve Daniel's life?"

Tattoo Artist: "Chill man. It's a weekly contest, not the Tet Offensive!"

Cas: "Again with that expression! Can't you humans come up with anything else?"

Assistant: "Humans?"

Cas: "What?"

Assistant: "What?"

Cas: "Nevermind. The important thing is that I have completed the task at hand. You can go now."

Tattoo Artist: "Its my shop, Dude. Next time you think to come around here flapping a picture of your missing milk carton friend? Don't. Now get your Heavenly Hosts ass out of my place of business."

Cas: "Very well. The balance of life has been restored. Crisis averted. Rejoice for this is a truly wonderous day! You might also say a prayer of thanks that you were not smote on principal alone."

Tattoo Artist: "Smote?"

Assistant: "Is that a new kind of Vape?"

Tattoo Artist: "Puff, puff, pass man! Hey. Where'd he go?"
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 8
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Assistant: "This man says he would like a sleeve."

Tattoo Artist: "Hey! Who wouldn't. A good looking man like-"

Assistant: "Tattoo sleeve!"

Tattoo Artist: "Oh sorry. Just got out of prison."

Cas: "No regerts."

*This has to be my most inappropriate one yet. Sorry. If too offensive Nate just delete it. You know what they say "No joke too low"?
People do say that, right? It's a thing, isn't it? Yes? No? Uh oh?*
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 9
WFB Member
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Assistant: "He'd like to buy a sleeve."

Tattoo Artist: "Ten bundles of Heroin coming right up!"

Assistant: "Uhm, as in tattoo...?"
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 10
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Girl: "Spare a horse, save a Cowboy. Are you sure this is?

Cas: "No regerts!"
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 11
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Girl: "Destiel 4 Evr?"

Cas: "I was going to go with "I'm your Huckleberry" but it just made me think of guns and tuberculosis."
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 12
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Girl: "Destiel 4-Evr?"

Cas: "Was considering "I'm your Huckleberry" but I didnt want people confusing me for Val Kilmer."
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 13
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Sam: "No Cas. You can't substitute Dean naked and waving a cowboy hat while straddling a 20 sided die in place of a protection tattoo."
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 14
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Girl: "Hey Frankie, what do you think of this request?"

Tattoo artist: "Cmon man. A winged Mickey Mouse in a slave bikini straddling a 20 sided die? Even we have standards."

*I have no idea what this is a scene of. It looks tattoo parlor-ish to me so I went with that. :)


Hey Nate. In honor of the Olympics (even tho they have concluded) maybe we could do a Gold, Silver and Bronze winner level? Maybe several different pictures/categories similar to the Olympics. Probably wouldnt work, just throwing it out there. Like
a combination shot put, discus and javelin throw. :)
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 15
WFB Member
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Girl: "Ticket? Ticket? We don't need no stinkin' ticket!"
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 16
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