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  1. njspnfan
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. Friday, 26 December 2014
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Since these are open discussions, I was wondering on what others were thinking will happen with Dean and the Mark of Cain in the second half of Season 10. •    Do you think it will be resolved by the end of the season, or will it be the season ending cliffhanger? •    Tim Omnudson is said to be back in episode 14.  Cain made Dean promise to kill him when called upon; how do you think this will play out?  Will Dean actually kill him, or will they figure out a way to transfer the MoC back to him AND also kill him?  Do you think Cain's brother Abel will enter in to the mix on this arc? •    Will Sam and/or Castiel be put in a position where they have no choice but to kill, or try to kill, Dean? •    Up till now, Demon Dean, or plain old Dean with the MoC, has only killed people who, one could argue "deserved it".  Do you think Dean, fueled by the MoC, will kill or try to kill someone more indiscriminately (someone that doesn't deserve it)?  •    Since Cain killed Abel to save his soul, do you think the MoC will compel Dean to kill Sam at some point? •    Is Dean immortal now, or does it require the MoC and First Blade for that?  Metatron was able to kill Dean with an angel blade; Dean was only brought back after Crowley placed the First Blade in his hand. •    Crowley is holding the First Blade as leverage in case he needs it in dealing with Team Free Will.  What do you think Crowley is after?
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What’s with the suggestions that Sam tries to kill Dean? Even Dean doesn’t think Sam would be willing to go that far. If Sam tried to kill his brother, it would ruin the show and I don’t think that’s an exaggeration.
I'm with you completely!  If Sam tried to kill his brother, the show would be ruined.  But given the total blunders of the writing team so far, I wouldn't put it past them to try it.  Continuity and respect for theme and core principles of this show have gone out the window for sake of fan service and creative license.  
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. # 1
WFB Member
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I don't understand why killing Dean is even on the table at all.  I mean Dean dies he becomes a demon.  Just because Sam managed to 'reboot' Dean's humanity doesn't mean Dean wouldn't become a demon again if he died/was killed.     Thinking about it with this in mind...Dean wanting Cas to kill him....does Dean secretly deep down (where the MOC dwells) unconciously/subconciously WANT to become a demon again?      
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. # 2
WFB Member
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We briefly discussed this in our roundtable discussions at TV Fanatic.  I suggested that the only way Dean could get out of this is if God himself intervened.  Coincidence that we had a Chuck sighting?  I suspect that Sam and Castiel are going to try and kill him and fail.  Or they'll put Sam in another pickle like in "Soul Survivor" where he once again can't kill Dean, just like Dean couldn't kill him in prior seasons.  Either way, I think Castiel will try and will fail.   As for Crowley, I have no idea where they're going, but I don't like it so far.  He needs to go back to being the evil, meddling King of Hell like he's supposed to be.   Either way, I'm not happy nor excited by the way the show has been squandering or doing relatively nothing with the storyline so far.  Maybe that's why I can't get too into the speculation.  Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised.   BTW, I'm trying out our new poll feature.  Anyone can add them!  You should have the option at the bottom of the page.  
  When do you think the Mark of Cain storyline will be resolved?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. # 3
WFB Member
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“Will Sam and/or Castiel be put in a position where they have no choice but to kill, or try to kill, Dean?”

Ugh, no! (At least not Sam.)

cheryl42: “Catiel and Sam won't let that happen no matter the cost. Either kill Dean or make a sacrifice to save him.”

Alice: “I suspect that Sam and Castiel are going to try and kill him and fail.”

What’s with the suggestions that Sam tries to kill Dean? Even Dean doesn’t think Sam would be willing to go that far. If Sam tried to kill his brother, it would ruin the show and I don’t think that’s an exaggeration.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. # 4
WFB Member
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I don't think that Sam is going to kill Dean it was just a possible solution (not a good one).  When I said that Dean would have killed Sam in that room as well, Dean seemed pretty out of it and by his own words said he didn't mean to do it.  I just saw a situation if Sam got in the way Dean under the influence might kill (of course not really) Sam unintentionally.  I don't know how they are going to resolve the MOC but God seems like the only solution at this point.  Chuck did make an appearance it could happen.  I'm sad that my comment got the only dislike of the group. :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. # 5
WFB Member
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Do I think it will end with a cliff hanger or be resolved by the end of the season? I'm betting on it will be resolved but however it is cured/rid of will cause an even bigger problem in return. If I had to make a guess what would happen it would be Dean kills Sam to be blunt. But it doesn'thave to end on that note. Desperate Dean could transfer the mark to Sam (highely unlikely), make a deal with Crowley (Can't see that happening with Crowley's intentions revealed), gets Abel to tranfser his mark on him hoping it would work (even in his grief I doubt Dean would dare to do this). Do I think Cain's brother will make an appearance? I sure hope so. It'd make things more interesting. Especialy if Sam got the mark of Abel. Imagine what that would do. More conflict, more tension, only relieved by the suprise appearance of John Winchester!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. # 6
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I hope they don't cure the Mark of Cain anytime soon, I'm worried that in next week's episode it will be cured because Metatron is in the bunker and so on. I really enjoy seeing the Mark of Cain effecting Dean in this season it's really interesting to me and I would hate for it to be cured in this episode or a few after that one. Even in the season preview it said Year of the Deanmon so I hope to god that they stay true to that and keep the Mark of Cain for the rest of the season until the finale of this season. In Season 4 the entire season was about Sam with Demon blood and he was never cured, season 6 for half of the season was about soul less Sam. Half of season 9 was about Sam, half of season 8 was about Sam and the Trials. Don't get me wrong I don't hate Sam at all but I want Dean to get his turn at being a Demon as well for more then 3 damn episodes, he was an amazing character. Seeing him not care about anything and just his attitude it was incredible.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Dean Winchester
  3. # 7
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