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  3. Wednesday, 01 July 2015
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Seasons 8 thru 10 have had more than their share of controversies. Was thinking the other day; if you could change the outcome/direction of one plot/story line over the past 3 seasons, what would it be? Be somewhat specific and not vague (i.e. "More of Sam's POV", while a valid criticism, isn't terribly specific.)

A couple of examples -

* Sam completes the trials at the end of S8 and closes the gates of hell.
* I would have allowed the Demon Dean storyline to play out longer in S10.
* Amelia turns out to be a figment of Sam's imagination, a coping mechanism for losing Dean.
* Dean kills Sam at the end of S10.
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WFB Member
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I like this question - so easy to criticise, much harder to do it well yourself.

I would have kept Abbadon alive long enough to have brought her together with demon!Dean. For reasons which have perhaps not got a lot to do with the plot.

I absolutely agree more of Adam and his Golem! I think I would have spent some of season 8 and 9 building up a repertoire of recurring characters who would be part of the network of hunters/associates/contacts and used that as my lab for working out who had the potential to go to spinoff rather than invent a spinoff that had nothing at all to do with the original show.

Season 8 - I would have had a more effective ending to the Amelia story. Have her be a figment of Sam's imagination. Have her kick him out. Have her kill the dog. If you have this parallel between Dean going to Purgatory, doing lots of fighting and bonding with a vampire and Sam staying topside, going totally domestic and dating a woman who also likes to wear plaid and mope a lot, make it go somewhere.

I would have lots more comedy Cas hunting with Sam and Dean episodes. Definitely more humour featuring bizarre monsters and deaths and less moping and plotlines involving people moping for episode after episode. Less mytharc, more MOTW. Have Sam kick Gadreel out after a much shorter period of time. Have Dean get over the Mark of Cain much quicker. Much more comedy, much less feuding brothers staring moodily into space and unable to communicate. But then I am hooked on Supernatural because of the comedy and the balance of irreconcileable differences, not because of the mytharc.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
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Hmm, if I were showrunner...Muhahaha!!!!!

As my first act, I would fire Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming.

I would have had Sam close the Gates of Hell in S8. The way I see it, the outcome would have been the same for him personally. He'd be in a coma clinging to life and Dean would have made a desperate deal. But how wonderful would it have been to have demons kicked out of Hell, angels kicked out of Heaven, total chaos on earth because all souls are trapped in the veil, not just those going to Heaven, demons and angels clashing and learning to co-exist on earth, oh, the possibilities!!! Sam and Dean would have been caught in the middle, fighting for humanity. In other words, I would have made season nine follow through on the ambitious story line they ended season 8 with.

Crowley would have turned human, but manages to lead his people anyway because they were lost on earth and eventually finds a way to get his demonness back (if you have cure a demon, why not a relapse?) I would have found better stories for Crowley than bringing back his Mother and letting him mope for a whole season.

Castiel mans up and becomes the leader of the angels, doing benevolent acts on earth. It'll turn out he sucks at his job, but angels won't be stupid and turn on him after one episode. He would have looked up Claire, but that would have been resolved in one episode.

I would have elaborated more on the issue of the trials purifying Sam. Just an episode where he finds out that he doesn't have demon blood anymore.

I wouldn't have dragged on the Mark of Cain as long as it went on.

I would stop killing well loved supporting characters since their deaths serve no purpose. I would have brought Bobby back from the dead.

I would have done more stories exploring the legacy of the Men of Letters, but not introduce old Men of Letters that are alive even though they were all supposed to be dead. Legacies like Aaron Bass. Speaking of which, I would have brought back Aaron Bass and his Golem too. I would also expand Sam's role more in the MOL, so he embraces that dorky librarian side of himself that was so well done in "Everybody Hates Hitler." I would love to see him coordinating other hunters, more than Rudy anyway.

Most of all, I would restore Supernatural back to the smart show that caters to mature adults instead of pandering to the younger viewers. I would also bring back the zany humor to the show too. What happened to the wonderful screwball episodes? Do you realize what an incredible comedy "Halt and Catch Fire" would have been? I certainly would not have insulted fan's intelligence by turning a set of foes into the Frankensteins.

I wish I could say that is all, but I know I'll think of more later.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
WFB Member
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If I were show runner that would mean that Jeremy Carver would be one of my writers. So I would have Carver, RT and Berens each write 6 episodes per season. Problem solved.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
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I agree with many of the above suggestions, especially Sam looking for Dean and Kevin, and the brothers resolving the whole possession issue after at most a one or two episode rift. But most of all, I would have shortened the entire MOC/demon Dean story to half a season or a little bit more, like Soulless Sam. At least SS was entertaining and was able to work with Dean on cases. Demon Dean was kind of a joke except when he was beating up Cole and stalking Sam, but even if they'd had him acting like a real demon, I don't think it should've lasted more than 1 additional episode. For me, the show works best when the brothers are together, and a whole series of episodes where Demon Dean and Sam are split up would not have made me happy. Then they segued from Demon Dean to a combo of mopey MOC Dean and endlessly worried, concerned Sam, which sucked almost all of the energy and fun out of the show. The show committed the cardinal sin of being BORING throughout almost the entire middle of season 10.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 4
WFB Member
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I have to admit when I think back to S8 I can only remember the trials. If I were to re-write it I'd make trials
more exciting if I had a bigger budget! I bet there was some great ideas in the writers room but budget constraints
got in the way. S8 was forgettable until the trials I'd say. Gosh when I think back the first half was really stale
for me!

Season 9. First thing I'd do is nuke the epiosde Bloodlines from the face of the planet. I'd make sure it was then
sucked into a black hole or even burned on the sun.

As a whole it wasn't a bad season! It had (like S6) a different plot for the first half before moving on to the
next. Unfortunatley that last episode was not too good for me.. I would re write that completley. I couldn't say
how because I'd have to really think about it to the point I'd be jotting down notes, planning etc.

It would of been interesting to see Sam get the mark. I imagine he'd go all darkside with the mark strengthening
his demon blood. That would be great and I'd actually love to read a fanfic if someone does it. But, I would not
replace it for Dean's MOC story due to it not being fair.

Finally S10. Oh where do I begin. The MOC for the whole 23 episodes? Bad idea. They needed a bigger budget to pull
it off for a whole season. That or significantly change the story halfway so its not the same as the first half! As
much as I think demon Dean wasn't that great (too much like Dean) it should of gone on longer. Speaking of demon Dean I would of re wrote that character. Make him more wild. In fact one day I would love to try a few paragraphs of it. Maybe I'll re write a scene.

The 2nd obvious thing would of been to write Sam into it more. Doesn't take more budget to fix that.

3rd. Crowley moping about? Grand Covern? Who cares. Its not significant to the plot so I don't want to know! Before I discovered the MOC was not originally called that I thought it would be interesting if Sam had the Mark of Abel. Can you imagine if the MOA counteracted the effects of the MOC and the brothers had to be in close proximity for the effects to be nullified? In fact also imagine if Sam with the MOA was far away the MOA would twist him like the MOC did for Dean. There, bam! Re write for S10. Where's my cheque? xD

Speaking of re writes I'm re writing When the Levee breaks. :)

* Sam completes the trials at the end of S8 and closes the gates of hell.

That would of worked if S8 was the final season

* I would have allowed the Demon Dean storyline to play out longer in S10.

I agree

* Amelia turns out to be a figment of Sam's imagination, a coping mechanism for losing Dean.

That would of been good. No arguments here.

* Dean kills Sam at the end of S10.

They've died to many times. I think this would of been a poor choice.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 5
WFB Member
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I would have elaborated more on the issue of the trials purifying Sam. Just an episode where he finds out that he doesn't have demon blood anymore.

You wanted the trials to cure him? I think after he goes all darkside and nearly kills Dean and Cas he should be rid of it. Demon blood is a pretty big subject and I'd prefer if he was cured it'd be a major story.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 6
WFB Member
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Season 8:
I absolute agree with the whole 'these trials are purifying me' thing. I would definitly have expanded that into a real story arc. The demon blood in Sam is a fundamental issue that was at the foundation of the show. To have it mentioned in one episode and not followed up on or resolved in any definitive way is an insult.

I would have had Sam look for Dean. He could have failed....he could have made a decision that making supernatural deals to save Dean was too risky, but he would never have not looked. I would have have Sam look for and fight for Kevin....again, there is NO WAY that he would have let that kid rot, ignoring his increasingly desperate phone calls, absolutely none, unless there was a real reason, like he was in an institution.... having deluded himself that he was living a perfect life with his perfect soulmate Amelia, unable to face reality.

I would have had purgatory last a few more episodes.

Season 9:
I would have had the MoC bestowed on Dean later in the season and had him tricked into it or attacked by Cain and had it forced on him. I never liked the fact that we were supposed to feel sympathy for Dean's plight with the mark when he was the one who was dumb enough to take it willingly in the first place. Dean is a seasoned hunter and his reasons for accepting the mark were weak and not true to Dean's years of experience.

I would have had Sam be more concerned about the MoC, more proactive in researching it, less hostile and standoffish. I ABSOLUTELY would have had WAY more about Sam's side of the possession. Shown how it affected him, had Dean see how it affected him.

I would have had the brothers actually TALK at the end of season 9 instead of having them utter trite one liners and ignore all that had happened between them for the past two years.

Season 10
I would have had demon Dean go on longer...maybe into mid season....but I would have had Dean be a REAL demon, had him turn on Crowley and try to take over hell, giving those two a real dynamic and conflict. Sam could have started the season in bed recovering from whatever he and Cas had been up to. I would have shown that whole arc instead of just mentioning it. That would have given Jared easy bedridden episodes that would have allowed him more time to recover from his injury and allowed the DD story to be more fleshed out, more dire. The cure, which would have been more grueling, would have been mid season. Fan Fiction could have aired as a special episode on a different night altogether.

The second half of the season I would have had Sam ACTIVELY involved in finding a way out for Dean instead of having him talk about it and be a cheerleader..... seeing psychics, finding the Book of the Damned on his own and not lying about it and no Stynes!!. Meanwhile I would have had Dean going off the rails again in a consistent, well plotted way. Killing Cain would have been the last straw for him to really begin to go after Sam, to want to kill his brother as the Mark was designed to have him do. More of the element of cat and mouse through the remainder of the season. Remember the ep where Dean is pranking Sam's room? Maybe that escalates, gets more dangerous as the season goes along, until Dean is actively trying to kill Sam and doesn't' even know it. Maybe Cas has to come in and help....

And in the finale I would have had Dean kill Sam and in the next moment had him cured by Sam's work with the book of the Damned. No THE DARKNESS!!!! Just a guilt ridden Dean desperate to save and resurrect his brother and Death standing there... will he help? Won't he help? Then the start of season 11 could be Dean desperate to restore Sam and Sam working with Bobby from Heaven to fix things. Cas could be the go between.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 7
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ALICE, I never thought the GATES OF HELL BEING LOCKED would have MORE demons on Earth. They would have all been locked up, yes?
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 8
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Everybody has a great idea on their story outlines - we should muss them altogether and we would have a great show. :D :D :D
I hadn't relized fully till now how great S1 - S5 where ?? I sit here and think OHHH I'll re - watch my favorite SPN eps and they all pretty much fall within that time. I do struggle a bit to find many from S6 - S10, disappointing
1) I don't believe budget is a problem they have made fantastic eps. with the budget their on
2) Its definatly the writers - I think they have to many ideas in their heads and they rush to get them out so everything is all over the place.
3)Kripke had a 5 yr plan and he played it out and it worked beautifully
4) These writers are writing season to season which I suppose isn't their fault when they don't know whether they will be on next season - but still if they wrote better stories they would garantee their longevity.

5) I liked the idea of S8 The Sacrifice, introduction of the tablets and the prophet (Kevin) but I think being in the MOL bunker they should have built more of a back ground story on all the files bks and journals. I know the boys doing research makes for boring TV but I like to know these things, They could have really made a great story line for Sam here given him a really great identity. He has been through so much and come out the other side, a stronger more knowing person which would have blended in well with MOL make him more like a Bobby figure someone Dean can come to for answers extra. Even a bit more spell work.
And I believe he should of completed the trials closed the Gates of Hell. Dean would have saved him from dying and because of this the Gates would have been re-open. Because the sacrifice wasn't complete.

6) S9 Again not bad I really don't know about the whole angel possesion thing I would have found another way to save Sam ??? I liked Abadon and the whole Knights of Hell and really enjoyed Abbadon and would have given that story line more air play more guts. Crowely would have gone through a very breif period of human feelings but got his mojo back a lot quicker and I would have had Abadon and Crowley fighting it out (TIT for TAT) and causing all sorts of trouble for Sam and Dean to take on.
The MOC would have come into it thats ok - and I wouldn't have put Metatron into the story I would have sent Castiel back to heaven to tidy up his mess and try and get it back in order. A few eps like Inside Man would be good to show us what Cas was doing in heaven - Maybe a few more angel fights, That would have mixed things up for Sam & Dean The final ep for S9 would be Abadon and Dean fighting it out and both of them dying.

7) Dean having become a Knight of Hell would be out on his own till Crowely catches up with him shows him the ropes and really push the Dark side of Dean to the point were he fights his brother and other hunters This would be spread out over various eps With Sam doing is MOL investigations trying to find the cure. and being a kick as hunter. He would eventually catch Dean in a devils trap take him back to the bunker and cure him with the purified blood
The Book of the Damned would be introduced and Sam and Charlie who is now a Woman of Letters would work on the cure together.
I would now introduce Rowenna but as aequal to Crowely - but with a secret underlying motive,

  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 9
Nate Winchester
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Just the last 3? lol

Hmm... well there's individual changes and then overhauls.

1) Actually redeem Crowley to human and have him become the new Bobby.
2) Leave Castiel human for the foreseeable future, but give him a specialization in a new way (like a medic but now he has to use magic instead of grace).
3) Actually close the gates of Hell and then either a quest to close Heaven (for balance) or leave it alone for awhile. You can make "reopening Hell" a later season arc if need be.
4) Abaddon was an entertaining 1 off - leave it that way.
5) Embrace training new hunters (like Cole) or rebuilding the men of letters.
6) Spend a season just cleaning up after all the mess that must have been made with Lucifer & Leviathans unleashed.
7) Let a real secret society war break out (more thule, less stein). Challenge the boys with human opponents.
8) Have the civilians gain personalities again and get us to care about the boys saving them.
9) Have a "day in the life" with the boys just getting to know the bunker.
10) Do something with the faerie world but not by threatening ours. Like with gates of Hell closed, maybe faeries now run amok.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 10
WFB Member
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Wait Nate, let me get this straight. (see there, alliteration :) )
You did not like Abaddon either????? thought I was alone.
#5 & #7 is what I have been saying all along for .....get ready.....SPIN-OFFS. !!!!!!!!!!!

  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 11
WFB Member
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You are correct Nate. Sorry I got excited as I was typing it out. :o

I do love me some Metatron. He's a weasel but he could be Soooooo much more being the Scribe of God & all.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 12
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I will actually go further back with the seasons. These are probably more something that a fanfiction writer would do.

Season 5 No Adam. I would have wanted to Sam/Lucifer and Dean/Michael to duke it out. Then because of Impala both get a hold on the angels and Sam tosses himself in the pit.

Season 6 Michael snatches Dean and soulless Sam and Castiel would try to get him back. Use soulless Sam more and also the hallusinations.

Season 7 Ditch the Leviathans and keep Castiel as the main big bad Leviathan that would infect people against the brothers. And he would have wreaked havoc across the country. Taken forward of using Crowley as his puppet. The ending would be same and because Cas was "a Leviathan" he would still end up in Purgatory with Dean. Oh, and DON'T kill Bobby. On to season 8...

Season 8 Oh dear lord... Sam would search Dean with Kevin that he would have taken under his wings. Forgetting all that Amelia crap. Sorry, I almost stopped watching the show at the start of season 8. Purgatory would have gone longer than in mere flashbacks. Let Naomi live. Hannah was version 2 Naomi.

Season 9 Angels fighting against demons and not one another + also trying to hunt the Winchesters down. Sam/Gadreel trying to find Dean that has been snatched by Abaddon. That one scene in was it Devil May Care was electric. Make Sam and Castiel react more to the mark in a more fluid manner. Out of sight, out of mind is no excuse. Gadreel was great and instead of killing him off I would have liked to see him working with Castiel. Being Sam's angel on his shoulder to try to redeem himself for him. The actor would have pulled it off. I actually like Metatron and the book worm he is.

Season 10 SHOW us the search for Dean by Sam and Castiel and how Sam found the empty bed. Let demon Dean run longer and show him to be evil. If the blood cure was used I would have wanted it to be Sam's blood but I would have rather seen the cure take longer and then find the decurse to remove the mark. Sam would have used demon control spell at first. Dean would be mind controlled and in that way Fan Fiction would still be possible. Mind control wouldn't hold for long though and glimpses of Dean's violent acting would break through. No angel trip! Keep Cas with Sam and Dean. Make Rowena more evil and not a cartoon. It was stupid to kill Charlie. End off. I would have made Claire to live on the streets and that she was found out while attacked by monster. Tone down the acting a bit. No Stynes more Grigori.

Of course Dean wouldn't kill Sam, nor Crowley, nor Castiel because logically what Cain said Dean would do the opposite and see to it that he wouldn't. That is why I was scared for Sam in the finale. I would have liked the curing of the demon Dean to be more personal for Sam. I would have also liked to see an episode about Sam's youth. More use of the Men of Letters mythology. More new or rarely used monsters.

Forgot to mention that Death wouldn't be dead. He would have just tested the Winchesters like he always did.

Concerning The Darkness I will hold my judgement still because it can be great in season 11.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 13
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