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  1. eilf
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. Monday, 15 June 2015
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This is my first attempt at a quiz and it is (almost) guaranteed not to work / to cause disagreements :D I hope it is also a little fun though. I will do 3 episodes as a test to see if it is entertaining at all ....

The puzzle is, from each episode, to guess who said what about which character(s). Mostly it's nicknames but some are aliases and descriptions.

There are a (ridiculous) number of rules/clarifications.

- Some answers are worth 2 points (said by / said to) and some are worth 3 (said by / said to / said about).

- Each is worth a maximum of 3 points so if any part - by/to/about - is about more than one person it still only counts as one point.

- Someone talking about themself or describing someone else to that person should count as three points (so Dean as the 'Driver' is talking to Sam about Dean). I am not sure that I have been consistent about that though :D

- The names are not necessarily in the order used in the episode ...

- Some people may not be known by anything other than their nickname.

- Sometimes the same combination is used more than once in the same episode by different combinations of people.

- The same person / creature may get called several things.

- I am using Super-wiki's transcripts and I am already seeing that Netflix doesn't necessarily match the transcript.

- I will post the answers on a separate thread and you can add up your own score (don't expect me to do the math, I don't do math).

- If your score is different to what I say it should be I am completely bribe-able.

- Post your answers as a comment (if you feel like it :D )

I think that the names and descriptions will get more varied / entertaining later in the season(s) .... I hope

The first episode is done a little different to the others - in general I won't give family names (Mom, Dad etc) or diminutives (except,of course, the most story relevant one) also there are way too many dude/man's etc ... However if it is said as a description of someone then it stays in (hence pretty much all the 'bitch' s and variations, however I may get bored when it comes to multiple uses of 'douche' etc and 'dick' - I am fickle like that)

1.1 Pilot

I have given you the first couple (by / to / about)

1 your brother: Mary / Dean / Sam
2 Love: Mary / Sam
3 Buddy
4 Sammy
5 Daddy
6 Sammy
7 your brother
8 first-round draft pick
9 golden boy of your family
10 tiger.
11 your boyfriend
12 Sammy
13 Agent Mulder. Agent Scully.
14* Unsolved Mysteries
15 bitch
16 sly dogs
17 Jerk
18 Bitch
19 five-oh
20 Control Freak
21 Boy
22 Boy
23 Driver
24 Shotgun
25 Smartass
26 ex-Marine
27 Freak
28 Casper

My Excel spreadsheet (this seemed like such a simple idea when I came up with it about 3 hours ago) says that the maximum possible score here should be 65 points

Note about 14 I just discovered that there is a whole section of this conversation (which is about pentagrams and protection ...) cut out of the Netflix version, I am pretty sure it is in the DVD version. If you have only seen it on Netflix this isn't going to mean anything to you.
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WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
1.3 Dead in the Water

1 Fun
2 Agent Ford. Agent Hamill
3 Gentlemen
4 my geek brother
5 Sucky Artist
6 College Boy
7 Sweetie, Baby, Honey
8 seriously pissed-off spirit
9 insane.

23 points (there are more descriptions of other people in this set, so more 3 point answers)
That picture is totally in the episode. It IS.

*mutters* well it ought to be*.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 1
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
1.2 Wendigo

1 Boys
2 environmental study majors
3 a pistol
4 professor.
5 sweetheart
6 Ranger
7 nutjob
8 Kid
9 skeptic
10 evil sons of bitches
11 evil son of a bitch
12 freaky bastard
13 baby
14 bitch!
15 white meat

This one is much easier! Total of 32 points by my count.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 2
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