Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.17 “Red Meat”

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.17 “Red Meat”

“To the pain.” The phrase will be familiar to any fan of the movie The Princess Bride, but it is most appropriate for the Supernatural episode “Red Meat.” Rather than taking everything but the ears as Westley threatens Humperdink in the movie, we see each character tested in their own ways. In many ways, the…

Alice’s Review:  Supernatural 11.17, “Red Meat” aka a Hurt!Winchester Visual Fiesta

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.17, “Red Meat” aka a Hurt!Winchester Visual Fiesta

I’ve been reviewing “Supernatural” a long time.  I started way back in season three and a few hundred episodes later I’m still looking at each one of these episodes under a microscope.  It’s amazing how many of these eps, especially in the hands of lesser writers, become paint by number affairs.  Tell a standard MOTW…