Top Sam Winchester Gruesome Injuries

Top Sam Winchester Gruesome Injuries

Over eight seasons, both Winchesters seems to have suffered some rather bizarre, and totally gruesome injuries to say the least.  We aren’t talking about mere bruises on the knee!  Sure, they’ve also suffered some terrible misfortunes, but today’s list doesn’t care about those.  We’re talking about the injuries, little or major, that make us wince…

The Top 10 Supernatural S9 Filler Episodes I Want To See

The Top 10 Supernatural S9 Filler Episodes I Want To See

There’s always a certain amount of filler episodes in every season, and while they often vary in quality, it’s a good chance for the show to let its hair down and experiment, as well.  So I’ll leave the mytharc to people more qualified than myself.  But I’m a fan, and that is all the qualification…

The WFB Admins’ Top 15 “Supernatural” Episodes List: #11

  We’ve almost cracked the top 10!  But before we get there, we still have to discuss our choices for number 11.  And you’re in luck because here they are! Ardeospina’s #11:   “Lazarus Rising”   Why:  To me, this is the best season opener the show has had.  The pilot is pretty amazing, too,…