The Winchesters Season One Finale Preview and Photo Gallery

The Winchesters Season One Finale Preview and Photo Gallery

The season (but hopefully not series) finale of The Winchesters is among us.  We’ve been trying to unpack all season what’s been happening and we’ve…gotten nowhere.  Will we finally get answers?  Will the results be satisfying or will be left with more questions than answers?  Will they really piss us off and end with an…

Threads: The Winchesters Season One Episode Twelve “The Tears of a Clown”

Threads: The Winchesters Season One Episode Twelve “The Tears of a Clown”

[Warning: Pictures of Clowns included]There is so much to talk about in The Winchesters episode 1.12 “The Tears of a Clown”, I don’t know where to start! The threads we’ve tracked all season were shouted at us by every character in nearly every scene! Altered Reality; Parallel or Mirror Dimension √ Facing Trauma √ Shedding…

Nate Winchester’s Review of The Winchesters Season One Episode Eleven – “You’ve Got a Friend”

Nate Winchester’s Review of The Winchesters Season One Episode Eleven – “You’ve Got a Friend”

The Winchesters episode 11, “You’ve Got a Friend” inspired plenty to talk about in my review – writing, crafting characters, what may have been done through the season… etc., which is always a plus for an episode in my book.

Alice’s Review of The Winchesters 1.11, “You’ve Got a Friend” and 1.12 Preview and Photo Gallery

Alice’s Review of The Winchesters 1.11, “You’ve Got a Friend” and 1.12 Preview and Photo Gallery

Oh man, a review.  Well um, it’s just, I dunno, I have nothing to say?  It is getting really hard to watch this show.  There’s only two episodes left, maybe in the entire series, and they’re just not picking up the pacing or the tension or delivering any kind of coherent plot.  Everything seems off,…

Threads: The Winchesters Season One Episode Eleven “You’ve Got A Friend”

Threads: The Winchesters Season One Episode Eleven “You’ve Got A Friend”

The Morning After Hmmm. Only two episodes left in The Winchesters first season, yet half of “You’ve Got A Friend” was spent on a monster of the week story. Surely learning about Latika’s past couldn’t be important to defeating the Akrida, or learning why Dean is meddling with his parents’ fates. Or is it? One…

Nate Winchester’s Review of The Winchesters Season One Episode Ten – “Suspicious Minds”

Nate Winchester’s Review of The Winchesters Season One Episode Ten – “Suspicious Minds”

As if hearing my complaint about last week’s The Winchesters episode, “Cast Your Fate to the Wind”, “Suspicious Minds” gives us plenty to chew on and mull over. This is more what you’d hope a Supernatural spin-off would be – looking at questions and themes from the mothership from a unique angle provided by the different…

Alice’s Review of The Winchesters 1.10 – “Suspicious Minds,” aka Crazy Theory Time

Alice’s Review of The Winchesters 1.10 – “Suspicious Minds,” aka Crazy Theory Time

You ever get that feeling of deja vu all over again?  It felt like “Suspicious Minds” was going for the shoutouts, that’s for sure.  One little bit made the entire episode for me.   I absolutely LOVE “Everybody Hates Hitler.”  One of my favorite lines is when Dean is tossed across the parking lot by…

Threads: The Winchesters Season One Episode Ten “Suspicious Minds”

Threads: The Winchesters Season One Episode Ten “Suspicious Minds”

The Morning After That was unexpected – and when I say “that”, I mean everything about The Winchesters 1.10 “Suspicious Minds”. A mad scientist Men of Letters (MoL) recluse was actually a necromancer with a golem? Possessed Kyle, who at first seemed to be a pivotal Akrida strategist, was actually disposable as a sacrifice to…

Nate Winchester’s Review of The Winchesters Season One Episode Nine – “Cast Your Fate to the Wind”

Nate Winchester’s Review of The Winchesters Season One Episode Nine – “Cast Your Fate to the Wind”

This is one of those outings… not a lot to say good or bad about it. Final Score:  I will admit “Cast Your Fate to the Wind” kind of gives us that sense of where our beloved brothers got their “team free will” motivation. There was always an undercurrent of a defiance of destiny…

Threads: The Winchesters Season One Episode Nine “Cast Your Fate to the Wind”

Threads: The Winchesters Season One Episode Nine “Cast Your Fate to the Wind”

The Morning After This week’s episode of The Winchesters, “Cast Your Fate to the Wind”, was extra fun – because we got to watch it together (“we” being Nightsky from The Winchester Family Business and Lynn from Fangasm). We’ve been friends since the early seasons of Supernatural but we live in different cities, so getting…