Supernatural University:  Meta Fiction – You Decide

Supernatural University: Meta Fiction – You Decide

I loved all the aspects of Meta Fiction, including the meta ones. Robbie Thompson’s script was a profound brain teaser; Jensen Ackles’ depiction of Dean’s struggle with the effects of the Mark of Cain was masterfully subtle; Jared Padalecki brought Sam’s worry over his brother and his rage at Gadreel and Metatron into his every…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.18- “Meta Fiction”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.18- “Meta Fiction”

When I was a little girl, I couldn’t wait for bedtime—okay most of the time. No, it wasn’t because I wanted to go to sleep. It was because I knew that before that happened I’d have a bedtime story read to me by my dad. It was our bonding time—and it’s where I encountered my…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.18 – “Meta Fiction” aka What’s This Show About Again?

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.18 – “Meta Fiction” aka What’s This Show About Again?

“What makes a story work?”  Good question.  It’s one that I’m not sure I can answer at this time, and the real question is, should I have to?   “Meta Fiction” was a great story, and it’s about time there was even a small amount of movement in the angel arc, but I personally found…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×18 – “Meta Fiction”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×18 – “Meta Fiction”

Warning: If you have not seen tonight’s episode, “Meta Fiction,” then beware spoilers ahead! Episode Summary:  So I’m going to just briefly summarize the episode and then provide some thoughts below – whether you agree or not, I had a rather confused reaction to the episode and want to share that reaction with all of…

Gerry’s Supernatural Review: “Mother’s Little Helper” – Be Careful What You Wish For

Gerry’s Supernatural Review: “Mother’s Little Helper” – Be Careful What You Wish For

A busy work schedule has made me late to the reviewing game for Supernatural’s “Mother’s Little Helper,” but I have to squeak a review in under the wire, because Adam Glass’s episode played with so many important themes. Misha Collins also made his debut as a Supernatural director, making great use of light and shadow…