WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.03 “I’m No Angel”

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.03 “I’m No Angel”

Welcome to the second installment in our new series, The Winchester Family Business Deja Vu Revie! This all began when we were live tweeting the rerun of Supernatural’s 9.01 “I Think I’m Going to Like it Here”.  As we watched the story unfold, we collectively realized that we were understanding so much more about characters’…

“Do You Believe in Miracles” – A Week Later

“Do You Believe in Miracles” – A Week Later

I don’t usually write reviews. I choose instead to analyze plot intricacies as they are presented in each episode. I like watching storylines unfold, week after week, finding clues and embedded themes. I like discovering the subtleties of writing that characterize and underscore so much of Supernatural’s success. Yet it has been a full week…

Looking Back at Supernatural Season Nine: Rank The Episodes in Five Minutes

Looking Back at Supernatural Season Nine: Rank The Episodes in Five Minutes

It’s that time of year again!  As part of our annual season end celebration, we kick it all off with our look back at the 23 episode season we were just given and put ourselves through a grueling and painful exercise because it’s supposed to be fun.  Yes, time to rank the episodes in five…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.23- “Do You Believe In Miracles?”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.23- “Do You Believe In Miracles?”

The second half of season nine introduced two formidable weapons. Each one had its strengths, weaknesses, and consequences. Each were taken up by their respective characters as a means to an end—to fill in the “I did what I had to do” piece of the over all season puzzle. These weapons shaped not only the…

Gerry’s Review: “Do You Believe in Miracles” – All You Need Is Love

Gerry’s Review: “Do You Believe in Miracles” – All You Need Is Love

I had to take some time to process the finale, because the first time through, despite the stellar acting, I was emotionally distanced and underwhelmed. I wasn’t surprised at the final five seconds, having thought Dean as demon had been telegraphed since Cain told his story and several times since. But I wasn’t comfortable with…

Alice’s Review – Supernatural 9.23 – “Do You Believe In Miracles?” aka An Ideal Finale

Alice’s Review – Supernatural 9.23 – “Do You Believe In Miracles?” aka An Ideal Finale

Jeremy Carver, I am your bitch.  Yes, I’ve said that before, probably so much that it’s lost all meaning.  But as spitting mad as I was over last week’s waste of time, I put my full faith in the SPN showrunner to come through for us.  To give us something that felt like a “Supernatural”…

Robin’s Rambles – Supernatural 9.23, “Do You Believe In Miracles?”

Robin’s Rambles – Supernatural 9.23, “Do You Believe In Miracles?”

Summary “Carry On My Wayward Son” always makes me tear up, as does the recap. Dean’s imprisonment reminds me of Sam’s. Dean hacking up blood, not good. Metatron only responds to God. Lol. Story of love? Where’s HIS love? I do like his angel PA system. Going on a short trip