The Supernatural Season Nine WFB Editor’s Choice Awards, Part One

The Supernatural Season Nine WFB Editor’s Choice Awards, Part One

The fans have spoken, and now it’s my turn.  As I do every year, I compile a list of awards using methods that are totally unscientific, completely subjective, and somewhat questionable, but always a lot of fun too.  I mean, who else would think up on this stuff?  Bored minds like myself, that are just…

Connecting with the Audience in Season 10: A Plea to the Supernatural Writers

Connecting with the Audience in Season 10: A Plea to the Supernatural Writers

When we sit down to watch an episode of Supernatural, we do it with the same expectations that we have whenever we view a TV show (or read a book, or go to a movie, for that matter).  We expect to be entertained.  But beyond that, and perhaps more accurately, we want to feel something….

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.06 “Heaven Can’t Wait”

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.06 “Heaven Can’t Wait”

Rewatching Supernatural episodes from the beginning of season 9 has been an eye-opening experience for me. Personally, I had not realized how very different Sam and Dean felt and acted before life-changing events soon crush them. It is frankly refreshing to see them smile and talk to each other. Their body language is relaxed and…

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Nine Sam Winchester: Part 1

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Nine Sam Winchester: Part 1

Oh, Sam what happened?  What did those writers do to you?   No doubt about it, Sam Winchester is suffering from an identity crisis.  Actually, he doesn’t seem to have an identity.   This show has always been guilty of failing to show Sam’s emotional side since he internalizes, but it often felt like season …

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.04 “Slumber Party”

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.04 “Slumber Party”

I hatched the idea of the WFB team watching Supernatural’s season 9 reruns because the premier episode “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here” was laden with hidden implications that could only be understood after knowing the outcomes of the various storylines.  The theory was that the Supernatural writers might have introduced key motivational themes…

Threads: Supernatural 9.23 “Do You Believe in Miracles?”

Threads: Supernatural 9.23 “Do You Believe in Miracles?”

We have been tracking the threads of season 9 for the past 23 episodes. The finale’s dramatic conclusion resolved many of clues we followed, proving or disproving our theories and speculations. It also opened up a whole host of new questions, though, providing a cliffhanger ending that pulls us kicking and screaming into season 10….