The WFB Spoilery Lite/Speculative Preview: Supernatural 9.13 “The Purge”

The WFB Spoilery Lite/Speculative Preview: Supernatural 9.13 “The Purge”

We have another episode tomorrow, entitled “The Purge”. This is the last episode before the mini-hiatus during the Olympics. Personally, I’d rather watch Supernatural over the Olympics, but I’m not the average viewer, so we get this break. On to what we know.

Nate Winchester’s Remix of Supernatural 9.12 – “Sharp Teeth”

Nate Winchester’s Remix of Supernatural 9.12 – “Sharp Teeth”

I admit I did something with this episode I don’t normally do. Filled with a lot of possible options for writing this remix, I perused some other reviews for some inspiration. After seeing all the pain and tears floating around the fandom, I hope this little remix helps ease everyone’s pain.

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 9.12- “Sharp Teeth”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 9.12- “Sharp Teeth”

Supernatural has always peppered its seasons with stand alone episodes—but what makes them work is how they manage to loop back in some way to the overall story. These episodes allow them to look at other creatures and mythologies. This gives the show a chance to expand the world of the Winchesters beyond just the…

Supernatural Review 9.12 “Sharp Teeth”–If You Want to be Brothers . . .

Well. Hmmm. This was a hard episode for me. I didn’t enjoy it. When I get a strong negative reaction to an episode, I try and let it sit for a bit, simmer in the background. What I’m hoping comes to the surface is a sense of which parts I’m not enjoying because the story…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×12 – “Sharp Teeth”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×12 – “Sharp Teeth”

Warning: If you have not seen tonight’s episode, “Sharp Teeth,” then beware spoilers ahead!  (From Alice – please take the snark you’re about to read in good humored fun.) Summary:  This episode opens with Farmer Jim plowing out of his house because someone’s tipping cows in his pasture. He shoots at the cowtipper, who runs…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.11- “First Born”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.11- “First Born”

“Stretching back to Cain and Abel. It’s in your blood, your father’s blood, your family’s blood.” —Michael, “The Song Remains the Same” Supernatural has explicitly laced Biblical lore through its mythology since season four—and season nine has shaped itself around that of Genesis. The Garden of Eden and the Fall of Man was a focal…