sweetondean’s Wrap Up of Supernatural 8.20 – “Pac-Man Fever”

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of Supernatural 8.20 – “Pac-Man Fever”

So it’s official. Dean’s a hug-monster. The man truly does “wuz hugs” and I’m cool with it! Oh boy am I cool with it!   I was excited for this episode from the beginning. I like Charlie; I like Robbie Thompson’s writing. I was thinking, this is going to be a fun filler! That’s what…

Let’s Discuss: The Supernatural Season 8 Finale – Theories and Possible Outcomes

Let’s Discuss: The Supernatural Season 8 Finale – Theories and Possible Outcomes

It’s hard to fathom, but there are only 3 episodes left in season 8. 3! Can you believe that? 3 more weeks and the season will be over. We know that the final 3 episodes will be all about the season mytharc, the trials, the tablets and closing the gates of Hell. The synopsis for…

My Supernatural Season Eight Finale Wish List

My Supernatural Season Eight Finale Wish List

As the end of Season 8 of Supernatural rapidly approaches, I find myself eagerly waiting for what lies ahead.  The season, though not perfect, managed to introduce several interesting narratives, making me invested in the fates of all those involved in this story. I also find myself hoping to see a few specific situations play…

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.20 “Pac-Man Fever”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.20 “Pac-Man Fever”

Whoa. 4 episodes left in the season. That seems pretty crazy. The Js have already wrapped and as I was writing this, Russ Hamilton tweeted that it was the last day of shooting for the crew. Season 8 is nearly over. It’s kinda hard to believe!   So as we hurtle towards the end of…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.19 – “Taxi Driver”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.19 – “Taxi Driver”

One thing Supernatural does best is tug on multiple threads in its story, weaving them together so that each one is essential to the whole. The layers that this provides allows for deep insight into the story and its characters. Each layer adds another texture, another emotion, another clue as to what is being told….

Alice’s Review:  “Supernatural” 8.19, “Taxi Driver” aka Plot Holes Explained!

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.19, “Taxi Driver” aka Plot Holes Explained!

Episodes like “Taxi Driver” are a struggle for me.  I had the same problem with last season’s “The Born-Again Identity.”  The possibilities are oh so amazing, yet the execution just ends up falling short.  It becomes an internal struggle at review time between my inner TV critic and my inner fan girl.  Those two bitches…