The Supernatural Season Eight Enigma of Sam Winchester’s Hair

The Supernatural Season Eight Enigma of Sam Winchester’s Hair

  Yes, it’s finally time for our most anticipated annual tradition!  When I look back at all that amazing footage during the season gone past and dig deep to what really matters, how did Sam’s hair fare?  The results, as they usually do, can evoke all sorts of responses.     This year, I’m offering…

A Look Back at Supernatural Season 8: Musings From Bamboo24

A Look Back at Supernatural Season 8: Musings From Bamboo24

Author’s Note: I usually don’t write this kind of thing, but after that phenomenal finale I was compelled to write up something that connected the dots of the journey through season eight as I saw them.  Not everyone liked season eight and not everyone connected the dots the way I did, and that’s okay.  I…

The WFB Supernatural Season Eight Awards – Administrators’ Choice

The WFB Supernatural Season Eight Awards – Administrators’ Choice

  The fans have spoken, and now it’s our turn!  The Winchester Family Business Admins – Ardeospina, sweetondean, and Alice – have complied a list of awards for Supernatural Season 8 using totally unscientific, completely subjective, and  somewhat questionable methods.  Just like in prior seasons, these awards were selected by bored minds who have had…

A Deeper Look At Supernatural Season Eight Sam Winchester, Part Two

A Deeper Look At Supernatural Season Eight Sam Winchester, Part Two

(For those that missed part one, it can be found here.) For the second half of season eight, Sam’s life took a very different path from the first half.  Once again, fate stepped in and had other ideas for Sam and his new outlook on life.  It all started with the appearance of his grandfather,…

A Deeper Look At Supernatural Season Eight Sam Winchester, Part One

A Deeper Look At Supernatural Season Eight Sam Winchester, Part One

Sam has always been an inward person, taking in with little protest all the horrible things that have been dished out at him.  Yet in season seven, it all got borderline ridiculous.  Forget borderline.  The wall in his head came down, and suddenly he had to live with psychosis.  Yet this is Sam Winchester, the…

Supernatural Season 8 – A Look Back To Where Hope Emerged

Supernatural Season 8 – A Look Back To Where Hope Emerged

Last summer, I wrote an article titled “Supernatural Season 8 and the Case for Hope.” This essay was a reaction to Season 7 which, for me, told a story that was often devoid of hope and heavy on despair, while simultaneously lacking excitement.  In that season, the boys lost Bobby and (temporarily) Castiel, were forced…

Sam 8.0

Sam 8.0

In my recent letter to Jared about his outstanding performance in “Sacrifice”, I reminisced about how well Jared has been building the character of Sam over the past eight years. Jared offered a similar observation at the New Jersey convention when asked about Season 8 Sam. He observed, “Season 8 Sam is not season one…

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Eight Dean Winchester, Part Two

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Eight Dean Winchester, Part Two

For those that missed part one, that can be found here:   A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Eight Dean Winchester, Part One  In the second half of season two, Dean became more focused as ever in his quest to close the gates of Hell.  He also became a bit of a serial hugger, but…