Alice’s Review: Supernatural 8.05 – “Blood Brother”

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 8.05 – “Blood Brother”

A human, angel, and vampire walk into a bar…tell me if you’ve heard this one.  Sorry, its an Edlund script.  Might as well start with a joke.  Fine, “Blood Brother” was one of his heavier scripts, but it goes to prove you’re never sure what you’re gonna get from Ben except a well written story. …

Ramblings On…Supernatural Episode 8×04 – “Bitten”

Ramblings On…Supernatural Episode 8×04 – “Bitten”

This has been one crazy week with going to Chicago, and being at another amazing ChiCon and then getting stuck in Chicago for two extra days because of Hurricane Sandy… So here I am getting my Supernatural review up late.  I will be writing up a little something about my ChiCon experience, too…Which hopefully will…

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview – “Supernatural” 8.05 “Blood Brother”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview – “Supernatural” 8.05 “Blood Brother”

It’s that time again….new episode time and it’s time for Sam to meet Benny…. Ok, so,I need to tell you first up, I’m pretty excited to see this one. This was the episode that was shooting while I was at VanCon and this was the episode I watched a couple of scenes being shot for!…

Pragmatic Dreamer – “Supernatural” 8.04: “BITTEN” by a Change In Perspective

Pragmatic Dreamer – “Supernatural” 8.04: “BITTEN” by a Change In Perspective

“BITTEN” by a Change in Perspective  “It is the obvious which is so difficult to see most of the time. People say ‘It’s as plain as the nose on your face.’ But how much of the nose on your face can you see, unless someone holds a mirror up to you?” Isaac Asimov, I, Robot…

Robin’s Ramblings – “Supernatural” 8.04 “Bitten”

Robin’s Ramblings – “Supernatural” 8.04 “Bitten”

BITTEN Season 8 Episode 4 Robin’s Ramblings by Robin Vogel Sam and Dean enter an off college campus house covered with blood, strewn with dead bodies. “”What’s The Matter” by Milo Green is playing in the background. Dean stops the music, checks upstairs and reports back downstairs to Sam that the rest of the place…

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.04, “Bitten”

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.04, “Bitten”

Well, I think we all knew from the outset that this was an episode that would polarise “Supernatural” fans. It was a different kind of “Supernatural” episode not just in the way it was shot, all on hand held or CTV style cameras, which many don’t like and find difficult to watch, but also in…

Alice’s Review, Supernatural 8.04: Why I Loved “Bitten”

Alice’s Review, Supernatural 8.04: Why I Loved “Bitten”

As a Supernatural fan, the past two seasons haven’t been very kind.  Speaking only for myself, my patience has been through a grueling test.  Come the end of the seventh season, it had just about run out.  I know that long running shows evolve, they aren’t going to be the same, but for some reason…