Supernatural 8.11 – LARP And The Real Girl:  Escaping Isn’t What It Used To Be

Supernatural 8.11 – LARP And The Real Girl: Escaping Isn’t What It Used To Be

8.11 LARP And The Real Girl: Escaping Isn’t What It Used To Be   Frustrated LARPer Binds fairy to kill rivals: Brave hearts win the day.   Commentary and Meta Analysis   I thoroughly enjoyed this episode! I don’t have a lot to say about it meta-wise, and being a standalone villain hunt, it didn’t…

sweetondean’s spoiler-lite preview – “Supernatural” 8.12 “As Time Goes By”

sweetondean’s spoiler-lite preview – “Supernatural” 8.12 “As Time Goes By”

Here we go with the 3rd episode after the hellatus. Feels like a lot happened over the last couple of weeks. We now find ourselves on fragile ground with Sam and Dean seemingly making an effort to be a little understanding of each other, instead of simply butting heads! Will this continue? Will we see…

Far Away Eyes’ Review – Supernatural 8.11 – “LARP and the Real Girl”

Far Away Eyes’ Review – Supernatural 8.11 – “LARP and the Real Girl”

Mages, orcs, elves, and queens populate Moondoor—but what it really needs is a hero. Supernatural has always dealt with the reluctant hero. Each brother has begrudgingly accepted this mantle at one time or another. Every hunter is really a reluctant hero. There are really only two options: run from it or embrace it. That hero…

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.11 – “LARP and the REAL GIRL”

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.11 – “LARP and the REAL GIRL”

Well that was fun. It’s been a while since we had a fun episode of “Supernatural”. One that took us out of the mythology for a bit. “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie” was the last one I could think of and let me tell you, that was 20 episodes ago! I know this because I counted…

Bardicvoice’s Take, “Supernatural” 8.10 – “Torn And Frayed”:  I Can’t Enjoy A World I Need To Save

Bardicvoice’s Take, “Supernatural” 8.10 – “Torn And Frayed”: I Can’t Enjoy A World I Need To Save

8.10 Torn And Frayed: I Can’t Enjoy A World I Need To Save   Who controls angels? Crowley and Naomi both Tamper with base code.   Commentary And Meta Analysis      Torn and frayed pretty well described all of our heroes by the end of this episode. But despite being torn and frayed, a…

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.11 “LARP and the Real Girl”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.11 “LARP and the Real Girl”

After last week, we probably all need a bit of a laugh…or a hug…or a little lie down. So though this week’s episode will probably not progress the central storylines of the season, it will, more than likely, make us laugh out loud…and I for one could do with a great big Winchester induced guffaw…