Supernatural Preview: Episode 7.10 “Death’s Door”

Supernatural Preview: Episode 7.10 “Death’s Door”

BOBBY REVISITS HIS PAST The CW is keeping “Supernatural” on the air a bit longer this winter than most of the network’s other shows, so on this Friday we are treated to episode 7.10, “Death’s Door”, which many are excited about not only because it features Jim Beaver, which is always a good sign but…

“How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters” Review

“How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters” Review

“How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters,” shows the latest plans the Leviathans have for human kind. They have designed a sandwich that will infect people, turning them into cattle for the Leviathan to feed. Their boss, Dick Roman, wants nothing to make the papers, but unfortunately it does, creating a problem for their new…

Alice’s Review – “How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters”

Alice’s Review – “How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters”

Episode nine, aka the setup episode before the possible maddening, gut-wrenching, “why-oh-why-are-you-torturing-us-silly” mid-season finale.  Fine, once in a while we get a midseason finale that leaves us wondering how many wet ones they were tipping, like “Heaven and Hell,” but most leave you wrecked.  However, we’re here to focus on the episode before that.  Last…

Sofia’s Review – “How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters”

Sofia’s Review – “How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters”

After watching the preview clip for “How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters” I was expecting a monster of the week episode. I thought we were hunting the Jersey Devil! Boy was I wrong. I was not prepared for what turned out to be a whole lot of mytharc development and a shocking cliff hanger. …

Robin’s Rambles – “How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters”

Robin’s Rambles – “How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters”

How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters  Season 7, Episode 9  Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel Wharton State Forrest, Pine Barrens, NJ – Something or someone is running, gasping. It comes across a man and woman lying in a tent watching TV. They smooch good night and the man turns on a cute device plugged…

7:09 – Thoughts on “How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters”

7:09 – Thoughts on “How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters”

This episode had the feel of being handled by a seasoned Supernatural vet – it was dark, the characters were totally on point and the plot rolled forward. This review will be a bit shorter than usual, I think, because this episode felt largely like a vehicle to get to next week which is just…

Supernatural Bingo – “How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters”

Supernatural Bingo – “How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters”

Scared of monsters dwelling in the deep woods?  Then you might be playing Supernatural Bingo tonight with one eye open.   Just like with the other weeks, the answers are all based on guesses, but some results are just a given no matter what.  Play one card, or if you’re ambitious play all five.  You…

Supernatural Preview: Episode 7.09 “How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters”

Supernatural Preview: Episode 7.09 “How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters”

IT’S A JERSEY DEVIL OF A TIME In what seems to be a shout out to a season 1 episode “Wendigo”, this episode deals with a version of the Jersey Devil, a not so mythical creature, which is killing hikers and campers in a New Jersey state park.  The episode features Dean and Sam teaming…

“Time For A Wedding” Review – The Fun House Effect

“Time For A Wedding” Review – The Fun House Effect

“Time for a Wedding,” takes the viewer into a proverbial fun house effect. It begins with Dean sitting in a bar, talking to the waitress about the “annual sacred pilgrimage” to Vegas. A text message pulls him away, telling him to put on a suit and meet his brother at a chapel. Upon arrival, the…

Robin’s Rambles – “Season 7, Time For A Wedding!”

Robin’s Rambles – “Season 7, Time For A Wedding!”

“Season 7 Time For a Wedding” Season 7 Episode 8 Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel Las Vegas, NV – A hot blond waitress tells Dean she’s a grad student–“People say I say that just to get a bigger tip–see!–there’s that look!” “This is my I dig smart chicks look,” he assures her, “if they dressed…