Meet The New Boss

Sam: You want some coffee with that? Dean: It’s six pm somewhere. Sam: We’ve got to hit the road. I mean how are we supposed to get Cass to that lab by freaking 3:59 am? Dean: We don’t. Sam: What do you mean we don’t? Dean:  I mean we can’t bring the horse to water,…

Supernatural Moments in 2011 That Make Me Smile, Part Two

Here we go, part two, aka what little bit happened in each episode of season seven that got me smiling?  There are ten of them, one to go with each episode.   For those that missed part one, aka the last half of season six, that can be found here:  As a reminder, these…

Supernatural (and Natural) Cliffhangers

Supernatural (and Natural) Cliffhangers

“The shot heard around the world”.  Historians hear the phrase and inevitably point to the bullet which killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, and triggered the start of World War One.  Or, they start singing Ralph Waldo Emerson’s 1837 Concord Hymn, about the start of the American Revolution. “Here once the embattled farmers stood, And…

Alice’s Review – “Death’s Door” aka Why I’m An Emotional Wreck

Alice’s Review – “Death’s Door” aka Why I’m An Emotional Wreck

Truth be told, I avoided writing this review for several days.  It’s been too tough.  There’s so much pain, so much heartbreak, and it’s so hard to see a character I’ve gotten to know and love through these years meet such an end, whether it be final or not.  I needed time to grieve, to…

Grieving For Bobby

Fighting That Step into Chaos     No, I’m not going to be ok without Bobby. Yes, he has done enough but I don’t care, I need Bobby. This came as a rather surprising revelation. I hadn’t known how much he meant, how much he means. I have been away from fandom for a while….