Thoughts on Supernatural 7.13 – “The Slice Girls”

Thoughts on Supernatural 7.13 – “The Slice Girls”

Somehow, the gap between this and the last episode felt simultaneously long and short. Maybe because there has been a lot to process about the show recently or maybe because this season has at times, felt like different seasons meshed together. This episode in particular did not feel gelled with many of the other episodes…

Let’s Speculate: “The Slice Girls”

Let’s Speculate: “The Slice Girls”

Warning!!!!  If you have not seen tonight’s episode, “Slice Girls,” read no further!  Here there be spoilers…and dragons.  Definitely dragons. First and foremost, I have to say I’m glad they addressed the issue of Dean using protection or not because seriously, Dean Winchester, master of the one-night-stand, better be using condoms, damn it!  All right,…

Alice’s Review – Supernatural 7.12, “Time After Time”

Alice’s Review – Supernatural 7.12, “Time After Time”

Aren’t I efficient?  Here’s my review of the episode from a few weeks ago just in time before the new episode airs tonight.  I know I believe in “better late than never” but yes, I dropped the ball.  As I said in my explanation about skipping reviews, it all about writing a wrong.  This is one…

Supernatural Preview: Episode 7.13 – “The Slice Girls”

Supernatural Preview: Episode 7.13 – “The Slice Girls”

After a two week hiatus, “Supernatural” returns with a tale of modern day Amazons, murders. severed body parts and a Winchester offspring. Now what more could you ask for!!!   In addition, Sara Canning is being resurrected from her death in “The Vampire Diaries” to appear in this episode.  She will play Lydia, a strikingly…

Alice’s Explanation For Skipping Reviews – Plus Review For “Adventures In Babysitting”

Alice’s Explanation For Skipping Reviews – Plus Review For “Adventures In Babysitting”

I have made a mistake.  As some, or a few, or several, or none (I really have no idea) may have noticed, I never wrote a review for both “Adventures In Babysitting” and “Time After Time.”  While I had given myself a few good reasons for not doing this, it was only this week that…

“Time After Time” Review – How Does Paper Beat A Rock?

“Time After Time” Review – How Does Paper Beat A Rock?

In “Time After Time,” Sam and Dean are divided by 68 years of time when Dean is transported back to 1944 along with the god they were hunting: Chronos. And yet, the bond Sam and Dean share is showcased beautifully throughout.    It’s captured in little moments.    As we watch the brothers set up…