Alice’s Review – Supernatural 7.15, “Repo Man” aka The Consequences of Good Intentions

Alice’s Review – Supernatural 7.15, “Repo Man” aka The Consequences of Good Intentions

Yeah, thanks Mr. Edlund.  You went and did it again.  My stomach is tore up in knots, Sam is left burning in Hell (mentally), and I’m stuck with that crushing vision in my head of his subtle yet tragic breakdown until March 16th.  Yeah, thanks a lot.    Oh, I know better.  This means that…

Far Away Eyes’ Review – Supernatural 7.15, “Repo Man”

Far Away Eyes’ Review – Supernatural 7.15, “Repo Man”

Sacrifice, especially self-sacrifice, is the Winchester Way. In order that Dean may live and either “save or kill” Sam, John sacrificed himself to Azazel. In order for Sam to live, Dean sold his soul to bring back Sam. In order for the world to avert the Apocalypse, Sam sacrificed himself both to Lucifer and to…

sweetondean’s Review – 7.15, “Repo Man”

sweetondean’s Review – 7.15, “Repo Man”

Review ““ 7×15 “Repo Man”  By sweetondean Warning: contains episode spoilers.   He’s a psychopath Sam, that’s what they do all the time, is act. Act like they’re normal, act like they’re not balls to the wall crazy.   I agree with Dean, demons I get, people are crazy. In fact, I’m pretty sure if…

Robin’s Rambles – Supernatural 7.15, “Repo Man”

Robin’s Rambles – Supernatural 7.15, “Repo Man”

“Repo Man” Episode 15 Season 7 Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel   Four years ago – Coeur D’Alene, Idaho – Sam opens a cabin door to a woman. “You shouldn’t have come,” he tells her. “I had to see it for myself,” she says, “all those hours, tracking, it’s one thing to study them in…

Motivational Posters – “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie”

Motivational Posters – “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie”

Homicidal clowns, octopus/vampire hybrids, vindicitive unicorns, sharks in a ball pit, and Sam and Dean each finding their inner child, even if Sam’s resulted a very f’ed up way of confronting a lifelong fear.   It all makes for plenty of prime material for motivational posters, don’t you think?  

Far Away Eyes’ Review – “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie”

Far Away Eyes’ Review – “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie”

Vamptopuses. Leprechauns. A pizza chain for kids. Unicorns that shoot rainbows out of its ass. Clowns. “Plucky’s Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie” is a whimsical episode breaking up the darkness that has comprised much of season 7. And yet, underneath its fun airiness, a tragic but hopeful undertone lurks inside the episode.    We start with Sam…

Recap – Supernatural 7.14 “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie”

Recap – Supernatural 7.14 “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie”

From time to time, an episode comes along that’s so loaded with goodness and fun little nuggets that a mere review from me won’t do it justice.  I mean, how many ways do you want to read here, “I laughed my ass off”?   Episodes like “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie” deserve the full length recap. …