Elle2’s Review – Thoughts on “Like A Virgin”

Elle2’s Review – Thoughts on “Like A Virgin”

>Ah, yes, this is why I love “Supernatural.” Dean and Sam are brothers. *Note to Ms. Gamble, please keep it that way.* Of all the characters in “Like a Virgin,” I identify with Bobby’s particular mindset at this moment, wary.  Bobby wants to forgive Sam.  In fact, I’ll hazard to say that Bobby doesn’t even…

Let’s Speculate –  “Like A Virgin”

Let’s Speculate – “Like A Virgin”

Warning!!!!  If you haven’t seen the latest episode of “Supernatural” and the preview for next week, do not read this!  There is going to be plot-based speculation and discussion! You’ve been officially warned! Let’s Speculate!  Like A Virgin, or How To Train Your Dragon to Read From A Human-Skin Book and Release You From Purgatory….

Preview and Episode Discussion:  “Like A Virgin” (6.12)

Preview and Episode Discussion: “Like A Virgin” (6.12)

(Spoiler alert!)   This Friday’s episode of Supernatural (preempted from last Friday) is destined to be a series classic based on all the advanced reviews of the show.  While every review agrees they can’t divulge too much about the Sam stuff, what they can reveal is fantastic.   First and foremost, they all agree that…

The Parallel Stories of “In My Time of Dying” and “Appointment In Samarra”

The Parallel Stories of “In My Time of Dying” and “Appointment In Samarra”

  Let me begin by apologizing to anyone who read this little essay in the comments section of Alice’s fabulous recap of In My Time of Dying. I asked Alice to post it as a separate piece, because I was really curious to know if anyone else was seeing what I saw.     The…

Supernatural Episode 6.12 – A Special Spoilery Preview

  I got a pleasant surprise yesterday. For the first time this season, I had the honor of getting a special critic’s preview of a Supernatural episode. I saw in it’s entirety episode 6.12, “Like a Virgin.” After watching this episode twice, I couldn’t wait to get online and share details (okay teasers) about what I saw. Then, I started…