Robin’s Ramblings – “Sam Interrupted”

Robin’s Ramblings – “Sam Interrupted”

(Note from Alice) As I mentioned in the “Share Your Reactions” article, Robin Vogel is going to begin sharing her episode reviews for Supernatural here on our site.  I’m very pleased to have her unique point of view.  So enjoy and try to answer the questions raised.  There’s no right answer!  ————————————— Episode 5.11 Sam, Interrupted –Robin’s Ramblings   Poor Susan! Who…

Preview Clips – “Sam Interrupted”

They’re here!  They’re here!  It’s been sooooo long, but new episode is around the corner.  How do I know? (other than the countdown clock telling me).  Preview clips!  Here are three preview clips for “Sam Interrupted.”  The first one has been out since this afternoon via The CW, the second two were just released by…

Supernatural 2009 – The Little Moments That Make Me Smile

Almost every episode has them.  Usually episodes can be categorized as either not a winner, dividing the fandom, or being a major classic. With almost every episode though, there is a small little moment between the characters that make us smile or giggle.  Subtle reminders as to why we love this show. They aren’t earth shattering or ground breaking,…

Elle’s Thoughts – “The Real Ghostbusters”

Elle’s Thoughts – “The Real Ghostbusters”

Elle does apologize for the lateness, but still she has some great things to say about last week’s episode, “The Real Ghostbusters.” Also, I finally got my review to Blogcritics too.  This one is completely different.  It really ends up be a little analysis about the episode in relation to my visit to the Chicago…