A Deeper Look At Season Four Dean Winchester

A Deeper Look At Season Four Dean Winchester

If Season three was about the self-actualization of Dean Winchester, then what was Season four about? A self-actualized man must face his character tests. Dean’s ultimate season four test ends up being the test of faith. Not faith in God or angels, but faith in everything he believes to be right and what matters to him the most, family. No matter…

A Deeper Look at Season Four Sam Winchester

A Deeper Look at Season Four Sam Winchester

This time last year, rumblings in the fandom over Dean’s supposed lack of character development got me in a tizzy, so I wrote an article, “A Deeper Look at Season Three Dean Winchester” for blogcritics in response to that misconception.  I eventually followed it up with one about Sam and they got some discussion going.  This year, all…

Season Four Awards

Season Four Awards

Awards are meaningless. They’re shallow, insipid, desperate attempts at giving a shred of relevance to the most trivial of things just for boosting egos or justifying paychecks. So, that would prevent me from holding the second annual Supernatural season awards, right? After all, why reduce season four to such rubbish like I shamelessly did for season three? Easy, because…