Alice’s Random Review – Supernatural 13.13, “Devil’s Bargain”

Alice’s Random Review – Supernatural 13.13, “Devil’s Bargain”

It’s that time again for a look at a new “Supernatural” episode and, oh man, a Brad and Eugenie episode?  Nuts.   Here I am on a Sunday, called in as a utility player to do a review while I’m watching the Olympics because the regulars are busy.  After looking at “Devil’s Bargain,”  I’m at…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 13.13 – “Devils’ Bargain”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 13.13 – “Devils’ Bargain”

THEN:   We see Lucifer caged by Michael in Alt World, his grace being extracted, and then him escaping through the rift.  We’re reminded that he called Asmodeus his weakest creation and that Asmodeus has power to shape shift.  We also see Mary in the cage, catch up on Sam and Dean’s conversation from last…

Thoughts on Supernatural 13.12 “Various and Sundry Villains”

Thoughts on Supernatural 13.12 “Various and Sundry Villains”

Soulful and sad, humorous and heartfelt, “Sundry” was a little bit of everything mixed together for a genuine and forward-moving presentation on PTSD, old friends and lessons learned. Not to mention witches, zombies and Lucifer and Cas’ too. But where did it all leave us, at the mid-season point in the grand scheme of the…

New Supernatural Promo from Shaving People, Punting Things – Just Before

Shaving People, Punting Things has made another great video for this season of Supernatural. This one shows everyone before the scene starts shooting. I honestly don’t think there are any scenes that we haven’t seen, but I’m putting this in Spoilers just in case.       Give us your thoughts in the comments or…