Burning S6 Questions:  What In The World Happened To Sam’s Powers?

Burning S6 Questions: What In The World Happened To Sam’s Powers?

Remember this?   As I may have hinted before, I have these little conversations with myself during the rare quiet times at my house.  Like when I’m reading a great article posing the question about the diminishing appeal of superheroes on TV.  Here’s the bizarre inner conversation that followed:

Why Happily Married Middle-Aged Mothers Love The Winchesters

Mother to the Man or Why Happily Married Middle-Aged Mothers Love The Winchesters   Before I begin my dissertation on Why Happily Married Middle-Aged Mothers Love The Winchesters, I should declare my bias, and cite the facts about me.    1. I am a Happily Married Middle-Aged Mother Who Loves The Winchesters.   2.  I…

Wanted: A Personality For Sam Winchester

I welcome another guest author!  Fs425 has come up with a real fun (and lighthearted) look at the search for Sam Winchester’s true personality.  Enjoy! —————————— WANTED: A PERSONALITY FOR SAM WINCHESTER! Every dedicated Supernatural fan will tell you they know everything there is to know about Dean Winchester. He loves classic rock, classic cars,…

In re The Body and Soul of Sam Winchester

The lawyers for Supernatural have probably been busy working on the contracts for Season 6, and one can only congratulate them on their choice of priority.  But a number of issues arise in the episode Swap Meat which appear to require a little lawyerly attention and analysis. Disclaimer: the arguments below are based on general legal principles in use in common law jurisdictions. (NB “Common…

The Enigma and Cruelty of Sam Winchester’s Powers, Part Two

Part one can be found here:  https://www.thewinchesterfamilybusiness.com/articles/36-sam-winchester/6591-the-enigma-and-cruelty-of-sams-winchesters-powers-part-one.html Part Two “How sure are you that what you brought back is one hundred percent Sam?”  (Azazel, “All Hell Breaks Loose”)   Wherever Sam was, it did change him. The man who returned from the grave was a different one. Not blatantly visible, but his reactions changed. He…

The Enigma and Cruelty of Sam’s Winchester’s Powers, Part One

The Enigma and Cruelty of Sam Winchester’s Powers Part One   “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest feat is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us” Nelson Mandela Kind readers, before I begin, allow me to warn you – this is going…

What Makes Sammy Run?

Faellie, in a follow up to her popular article “Dean Winchester Is A Feminist” gives her very thoughtful take on Sam.  This can also be found on her livejournal, http://shopstewardess.livejournal.com.  I request no reposting of this article.  Either link here or at Faellie’s LJ site.  As usual, comments and debate are welcome! ——————————————  What makes Sammy run?   Taken…