A Deeper Look At Supernatural Season Eight Sam Winchester, Part Two

A Deeper Look At Supernatural Season Eight Sam Winchester, Part Two

(For those that missed part one, it can be found here.) For the second half of season eight, Sam’s life took a very different path from the first half.  Once again, fate stepped in and had other ideas for Sam and his new outlook on life.  It all started with the appearance of his grandfather,…

A Deeper Look At Supernatural Season Eight Sam Winchester, Part One

A Deeper Look At Supernatural Season Eight Sam Winchester, Part One

Sam has always been an inward person, taking in with little protest all the horrible things that have been dished out at him.  Yet in season seven, it all got borderline ridiculous.  Forget borderline.  The wall in his head came down, and suddenly he had to live with psychosis.  Yet this is Sam Winchester, the…

Sam 8.0

Sam 8.0

In my recent letter to Jared about his outstanding performance in “Sacrifice”, I reminisced about how well Jared has been building the character of Sam over the past eight years. Jared offered a similar observation at the New Jersey convention when asked about Season 8 Sam. He observed, “Season 8 Sam is not season one…

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Seven Sam Winchester

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Seven Sam Winchester

I usually relish in the idea of tackling these deep character studies at the end of the season. No character to me in the history of TV is more fascinating to study than Sam Winchester.  However, when looking at Sam’s character development in “Supernatural’s” season seven, I’m very disheartened.  He started the season with a golden…

Top Twelve Sam Winchester Humiliating Moments (and One For Dean)

Top Twelve Sam Winchester Humiliating Moments (and One For Dean)

Poor Sam Winchester. Not only has he had a ton of misfortune and bad luck in his life, but there are often times he finds himself in precarious, utterly humiliating situations which he didn’t come close to inviting but has been forced to endure anyway. Sure, several of his little embarrassing messes are the result of his…

Solitary Sam:  I Can’t Do This Alone

Solitary Sam: I Can’t Do This Alone

Solitary Sam: I Can’t Do This Alone   For months, Hallucination!Lucifer (Hall!Luci) had been working on Sam’s fragile psyche.  Like water slowly eroding stone, Hall!Luci’s stream of taunts, mockery and endless conversation were eroding Sam’s hold on sanity. Yet, somehow, Sam continued to cling to control.  But then one day, in a quiet library, Sam…

The Fix, Faith and the Human Problem: Why Sam’s Solution Works for Me

The Fix, Faith and the Human Problem: Why Sam’s Solution Works for Me

In light of Born-Again Identity there has been much discussion surrounding Sam’s hallucinations and Castiel’s solution. Some are totally fine with the way things played out while others feel very dissatisfied. While I can understand where the latter camp is coming from, my own views lead toward the former and I wanted to explain why.

Sam Winchester and the Evolution of a “Freak”

Sam Winchester and the Evolution of a “Freak”   In the world of Supernatural, the word freak connotes different, dangerous, evil, and nonhuman. Hunters throw around various permutations of the word to describe the creatures they hunt (freaks), the situations they find themselves in (freaky), or negative emotional states (freaked out). Of the Winchester brothers,…