Supernatural: Brotherly Love – aka I Wuv Hugz

There’s one thing almost every Supernatural fan can agree on:  We love it when the brothers hug!  After “The Executioner’s Song”, I read throughout the fandom how people considered Dean’s near-exhausted fall into Sam’s arms to be a hug.  Yep.  I did too. So that, coupled with a four-week hiatus, generated this little article:  A…

Sam’s Study:  The Sam Winchester Discussion Thread

Sam’s Study: The Sam Winchester Discussion Thread

Want to talk about Sam Winchester but your thoughts are off topic from any of our articles?  Well then, this thread is for you!  It’s all about Sam here – his tragedies, his triumphs, his troubles, his hopes, his dreams, his hair, his puppy dog eyes, his bitchfaces, his just about anything.   This page…

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Nine Sam Winchester: Part 1

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Nine Sam Winchester: Part 1

Oh, Sam what happened?  What did those writers do to you?   No doubt about it, Sam Winchester is suffering from an identity crisis.  Actually, he doesn’t seem to have an identity.   This show has always been guilty of failing to show Sam’s emotional side since he internalizes, but it often felt like season …

Supernatural 9.01: Sam Winchester – A Beautiful Mind

Supernatural 9.01: Sam Winchester – A Beautiful Mind

I noticed, that quite a few viewers were astonished that Sam after all those years “suddenly” embraced Death. But as I will show, the screenwriters gave us viewers a beautiful clue or not who knows. Probably some of you devoted fans already solved the Sam “wanting to stay alive but than to chose death” contradiction….

Unicorns, Soulmates and Sacrifices – Part 1

Unicorns, Soulmates and Sacrifices – Part 1

Hello and welcome to Romance, Bromance and Reflections! Today we will be looking at that frequently tossed about phrase “soulmate” and just what exactly it means in the Supernatural world these days. The impetus for today’s discussion really began brewing way back when in Goodbye Stranger – Amelia was referenced as Sam’s unicorn and it…