Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.14- “Captives”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.14- “Captives”

Everyone in “Captives” was held hostage at some point. This took physical form—restraints, holding cells, and locked doors. People were handcuffed or tied. Some were chained. Others were bound to the physical plane while being a spirit. In truth, however, everyone was held captive by the same thing in the end: grief. Each character seemed…

Threads: 9.09 “Holy Terror”

As expected, Supernatural’s mid-season finale sent emotional shock waves throughout fandom. Plot twists and revelations that have taken days to process. Numbness, disbelief and horror over Kevin’s death. Anger and concern for the desperate situations overtaking Sam and Dean. Relief and celebration yet trepidation for Castiel. Revulsion for Metatron.  Confusion, hate and maybe some pity…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.09- “Holy Terror”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.09- “Holy Terror”

The Garden of Eden has played a beautiful backdrop to the season storylines—and in “Holy Terror,” we realize that it has been the epicenter for which all the stories revolve around elegantly. The Garden and the Fall have been laced throughout the episodes leading up to this one in very particular ways. Supernatural wisely uses…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.06- “Heaven Can’t Wait”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.06- “Heaven Can’t Wait”

So far, season nine has been about the human condition. Supernatural has explored it in various and powerful methods throughout its history, but in this episode it is a vibrant thread. Normally, we explore this through Sam and Dean themselves—but the show takes advantage of the supernatural characters available to them—here a former angel and…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 9.02, “Devil May Care”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 9.02, “Devil May Care”

The second episode of the ninth season of Supernatural shows us exactly why this show has endured and thrived for this long. Originally, the series was billed in the horror genre—filled with monsters and ghosts and gore galore. The goal was to explore what goes bump in the night and to investigate what frightens us…

Supernatural 8.23, “Sacrifice”: It Was Always God’s Intention, The Ultimate Sacrifice

8.23 Sacrifice: It Was Always God’s Intention, The Ultimate Sacrifice Metatron’s Heaven: Exile angels for revenge. Closing Hell is death.   Commentary and Meta Analysis   My reaction to this episode was mixed. On the one hand, the performances, direction, and technical production aspects were absolutely stellar, and it filled my eyes and broke my…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.23 – “Sacrifice”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.23 – “Sacrifice”

  Strip away the falling angels, the demons, and the Demon Trials and we are left with a story about seeking redemption. It is this aspect that makes Supernatural so utterly gripping and powerful each episode—and “Sacrifice” is no different. It’s all about forgiveness. It can be hard won or given freely. Sometimes its both….

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.19 – “Taxi Driver”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.19 – “Taxi Driver”

One thing Supernatural does best is tug on multiple threads in its story, weaving them together so that each one is essential to the whole. The layers that this provides allows for deep insight into the story and its characters. Each layer adds another texture, another emotion, another clue as to what is being told….

Supernatural 8.14 – Trial And Error:  This Is My Perfect Ending

Supernatural 8.14 – Trial And Error: This Is My Perfect Ending

8.14 Trial And Error: This Is My Perfect Ending God’s obstacle course: Three deadly trials prepare one To slam shut Hell’s gates.     Commentary And Meta Analysis   This episode clearly set the stage for the rest of the season, and perhaps longer. I particularly loved the honesty we got from both of the…

Far Away Eyes’ Review, Supernatural 8.14 – “Trial and Error”

Far Away Eyes’ Review, Supernatural 8.14 – “Trial and Error”

In “LARP and the Real Girl,” Dean taught Sam how to transform from reluctant hero into willing hero. He showed his little brother that there was more to it than being serious and focused on the hunt—that being a hero came with its own rewards. He taught Sam that there were opportunities to be had,…

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.14 “Trial and Error”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.14 “Trial and Error”

Preview time! We’ve only got 10 episodes left in the season – can you believe it?   But hey, now we have season 9! So when they kill us with a cliffhanger – at least we already know we’re coming back baby! Can I hear a woohoo and a rousing rendition of Carry On Wayward…