“Two Minutes To Midnight” – Misha’s Side

Two Minutes to Midnight – Misha’s Side   Tonight’s episode was unbelievable – full of incredible acting, great writing and some key plot advancements. And, if you’re a Minion (as in Misha’s) you were treated to some special commentary throughout the episode by none other than our resident former angel, Misha Collins. While tonight’s episode…

Robin’s Rambles – “Dark Side of The Moon”

Robin’s Rambles – “Dark Side of The Moon”

“Dark Side of the Moon” –Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel   “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” usually makes me cry, and in conjunction with the brothers, ALWAYS! The memory of the brothers playing with fireworks, having a great time together (and doing something John would have killed them for) also made me teary, especially with that…

I Wuv Hugz

I Wuv Hugz

  Recap Then: We start with a montage of some of the Winchester brothers’ most memorable deaths and Bobby’s voice saying “how many times have you two died anyway?”  This can’t be good news for what’s to come.   Castiel’s trying to find God, and wants to do it using the amulet that Sam gave to Dean…

Recap – “My Bloody Valentine”

Recap – “My Bloody Valentine”

Warning, this is a really long one.  In the past when recaps have gotten this long I’ve broken it up into two parts.  This time I didn’t do that.  So, I’m hoping this will be killing some uber time at work for you.  Enjoy! —————————————————————— Okay, I’ve taken enough recovery time after several days of…