Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.23, “Sacrifice” aka Thank You Jeremy Carver!

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.23, “Sacrifice” aka Thank You Jeremy Carver!

Holy mother of Chuck!!  Now that’s how you end a season.  Leave the fans screaming their fool heads off for about four and a half months.  Mr. Carver, you’re pure evil.  sweetondean in her review actually stole my line, so I’ll just say that I hope Jeremy Carver loves fruit.  Cause he’s about to get…

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of the Supernatural season 8 finale: 8.23 “Sacrifice”

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of the Supernatural season 8 finale: 8.23 “Sacrifice”

Oh Sam and Dean, how you can rip my heart out and in the same moment fill me with hope. I felt like I’d been waiting 4 seasons for that conversation. Through all the mistrust, the walking away, the fights, the angry words, I never once doubted that a powerful love was always there, but…

Robin’s Rambles:  Supernatural Episode 8.23, “Sacrifice”

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural Episode 8.23, “Sacrifice”

I know I haven’t been here for many months, and all I’m going to say about that is that I had two back surgeries to have a spinal deformity corrected, and I’m healing, with maddening sloth.  I also wanted to say that I have been thoroughly enjoying season eight of “Supernatural” way more than six…

Thoughts on “Supernatural” 8.23, “Sacrifice”

Thoughts on “Supernatural” 8.23, “Sacrifice”

From emerging the monotone washout of purgatory to ancient tablets and secret bunkers to angels and their wings burning against a night sky – welcome to the wonderful world of Supernatural, where you never really see the end coming no matter how hard you look! In the end “Sacrifice” wasn’t about closing the gates of…

Supernatural 8.22 – “Clip Show”:  When They’re All Gone, What Will You Have Left?

Supernatural 8.22 – “Clip Show”: When They’re All Gone, What Will You Have Left?

8.22 Clip Show: When They’re All Gone, What Will You Have Left?   How can you fight on When why you fight is destroyed? Crowley’s leverage …   Commentary and Meta Analysis   This episode really turned up the pressure on the Winchesters, with Crowley finding the precise psychological lever to pull to hurt the…

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – Supernatural Season Finale: 8.23 “Sacrifice”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – Supernatural Season Finale: 8.23 “Sacrifice”

In a blinding white light, Dean Winchester emerged from Purgatory, covered in dirt and blood and looking way sexier than anyone has any right to. He’d spent a year fighting monsters, trying to escape a plane he was never supposed to be in. Dean brought back secrets. A friend that didn’t fit the norm of…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 8.22, “Clip Show”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 8.22, “Clip Show”

“What’s the line? “Saving people, hunting things. The family business.” Well I think, the people you save, they’re how you justify your pathetic little lives. The alcoholism, the collateral damage, the pain you’ve caused… The one thing that allows you to sleep at night – the one thing is knowing these folks are out there….

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.22, “Clip Show” aka More Missed Opportunities

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.22, “Clip Show” aka More Missed Opportunities

Whenever we get down to the last set of episodes for a season, expectations are extremely high.  We want something that thrills us, excites us, makes us laugh, cry, gives us some extraordinary canon to debate, shocks us to the core, but overall delivers something that we enjoy.  I can honestly say, after two watches,…