Supernatural Review 9.10, “Road Trip” – Healing Journeys

Supernatural Review 9.10, “Road Trip” – Healing Journeys

Healing Journeys Thank you, Andrew Dabb, for giving me such an amazing episode for my first review on this site. “Road Trip” has it all—excellent writing, excellent performances, and excellent personal and mythological arc development. I have enjoyed season nine so far, but I had a few niggling doubts about the exploration of the brothers’…

Thoughts on Supernatural 9×09 – “Holy Terror”

Thoughts on Supernatural 9×09 – “Holy Terror”

Thoughts on 9×09 – Holy Terror After the shell-shocking midseason finale, I’m still sifting through remnants of heart break and stunning revelations to pick of the pieces that have been left moving forward in the New Year. And what an ending this was – death, deception and divine alliances united for mass destruction that promise…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.09- “Holy Terror”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.09- “Holy Terror”

The Garden of Eden has played a beautiful backdrop to the season storylines—and in “Holy Terror,” we realize that it has been the epicenter for which all the stories revolve around elegantly. The Garden and the Fall have been laced throughout the episodes leading up to this one in very particular ways. Supernatural wisely uses…

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.09 – “Holy Terror”

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.09 – “Holy Terror”

Nope, we’re not talking about Frank Miller’s comic story here. You know, I remember a time when I looked forward to Castiel’s appearances and furthering of the season arcs… Ok ok, to shake things up, I’m going to get all my complaining in FIRST, then end with everything positive I liked about this episode. …There’s…

sweetondean’s wrap-up of the “Supernatural” mid-season finale: “Holy Terror”

sweetondean’s wrap-up of the “Supernatural” mid-season finale: “Holy Terror”

  I woke up the morning after “Holy Terror” with images in my mind of Kevin Tran’s smouldering empty eyesockets, Sam’s feet going up the stairs and Dean in a crumpled mess on the bunker floor crying one perfect tear and saying “Kevin….Kevin.” Those images have been bouncing around in my brain ever since this…

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 9.09 – “Holy Terror”

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 9.09 – “Holy Terror”

“Holy Terror” – Robin’s Rambles, Episode 9, Season 9 Angels have formed into warring factions, both intent on taking over heaven from Metatron.They are torturing those who refuse to take sides into doing so.  Bloodbath! Wow, you think those sweet, pretty chorus girls on the bus are in danger from the bikers in the bar,…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×09 “Holy Terror”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×09 “Holy Terror”

If you have not seen tonight’s midseason finale, then well you’re about to get some spoilers. Ahoy, maties.  Brief recap: This midseason finale begins with an angel fight between a group of Jesus Glee angel girls and biker angel boys. The girls win. This scene sets up the “war” between Bartholomew’s group and other angels…

Supernatural 8.23, “Sacrifice”: It Was Always God’s Intention, The Ultimate Sacrifice

8.23 Sacrifice: It Was Always God’s Intention, The Ultimate Sacrifice Metatron’s Heaven: Exile angels for revenge. Closing Hell is death.   Commentary and Meta Analysis   My reaction to this episode was mixed. On the one hand, the performances, direction, and technical production aspects were absolutely stellar, and it filled my eyes and broke my…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.23 – “Sacrifice”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.23 – “Sacrifice”

  Strip away the falling angels, the demons, and the Demon Trials and we are left with a story about seeking redemption. It is this aspect that makes Supernatural so utterly gripping and powerful each episode—and “Sacrifice” is no different. It’s all about forgiveness. It can be hard won or given freely. Sometimes its both….