Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.16, “Ladies Drink Free” aka Where’s My Pool Scene?

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.16, “Ladies Drink Free” aka Where’s My Pool Scene?

So, a funny thing happen on the way to watching my DVR recording of “Supernatural” on Thursday.  Everyone was pixelated, choppy, and talking in really strange voices.  I swear it was possessed.  Granted that actually improved the character of Claire for me, but that’s not the point (I’m kidding!). Bottom line, I couldn’t watch until…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 12.11 “Regarding Dean”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 12.11 “Regarding Dean”

This week’s episode, “Regarding Dean,” was written by Meredith Glynn. The episode’s teaser focuses on the Winchester’s history with witches and it begins with Dean chasing a guy through the forest, an injured guy who is on the phone with someone. The guy tells the person on the phone to go. When Dean catches up…