Threads: Supernatural 12.03 “The Foundry”

Threads: Supernatural 12.03 “The Foundry”

The Morning After I’m still reeling from seeing Supernatural’s third episode this season, “The Foundry”. Saturated with mother’s instincts and parental grief, this story was emotionally exhausting. The hunt was about captive children who appealled to a mother to rescue them because she was the only one who sensed their need. Through most of the…

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 12.01 “Keep Calm and Carry On”

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 12.01 “Keep Calm and Carry On”

The title “Keep Calm and Carry On” perfectly sums up the season 12 Supernatural premiere. The phrase, a British saying that originated in World War II, points to so much of what happens. The obvious example can be found in the introduction of our newest villains—the British Men of Letters in Lady Toni—but that is…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.01: “Keep Calm and Carry On”

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.01: “Keep Calm and Carry On”

Months of waiting in eager, speculative anticipation and I, for one, was not disappointed. As the rock-accompanied recap of the last 23 episodes of the Winchester saga played out, we were left on that dark night in the woods with a stunned Dean and a confused Mary and it’s like no time has passed since…

Threads: Supernatural 12.01 “Keep Calm and Carry On”

Threads: Supernatural 12.01 “Keep Calm and Carry On”

Outstanding. Captivating. Riveting. Emotional. Smart. Well written and brilliantly portrayed. Welcome back Supernatural! It’s good to be home again! THAT’s the show we know and love! “Keep Calm and Carry On” is a wonderful beginning to Supernatural’s remarkable 12th season.  It seamlessly, skillfully weaves together the reality of the present day, i.e. “Now”, with the…

Fan Video of the Week: Supernatural Reflections “Alpha And Omega”

Fan Video of the Week: Supernatural Reflections “Alpha And Omega”

“I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” — Abraham Lincoln Alpha and Omega, Amara: “I was the beginning and I will be the end. I will be all that there is.“ I was very exited about the finale and scared how it usually goes with…

The Morning After Supernatural’s Season 11 Finale “Alpha and Omega”

The Morning After Supernatural’s Season 11 Finale “Alpha and Omega”

Like many of you, I typically have a very emotional reaction to Supernatural’s season finales. I’m left reeling from the dramatic cliff-hanger drama that is designed to break fans’ hearts, hurting for Sam, Dean, Castiel, or all three at once. Add to that the morning-after let down, when the excitement is over, the adrenaline is…