Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.13 – “Family Feud” aka The Mediocrity Strikes Back

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.13 – “Family Feud” aka The Mediocrity Strikes Back

Mediocre.    Pardon me?  Oh, you came here to read more than that?  An adequate, perfectly descriptive one word review doesn’t suffice?  Fine, I’ll elaborate.     It didn’t suck.  How about that?   Yeah, didn’t think that would work either.  Fine, but you know what happens when I have to analyze a Brad and…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.13: “Family Feud”

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.13: “Family Feud”

This was a pretty successful, general episode. Nothing overtly flashy while also addressing some lingering issues and hopefully propelling the plot forward into the final, dramatic pieces of the season. It wasn’t perfect, but it was decent. Parenting runs amok of emotions and Lucifer casts shadows over everyone; in the end it comes down to…

Listening In: Fans’ Supernatural #MinnCon Memories

Listening In: Fans’ Supernatural #MinnCon Memories

Supernatural conventions are emotional, exuberant experiences. Every fan who attends leaves with their own unique memories. Each impression of the convention is a combination of factors, such as whether the attendee is a rookie or veteran, is meeting friends or attending solo (Farawayeyes discussed this aspect of conventions in her recent MinnCon reflection), and on…