Wednesday’s Watching Supernatural 11.21 “All in the Family”

Wednesday’s Watching Supernatural 11.21 “All in the Family”

WEDNESDAY’S WATCHING Supernatural 11.21 “All in the Family” Writers: Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming Director: Thomas Wright Director of Photography C.S.C: Serge Ladouceur Airdate: 11.05.2016 BY WEDNESDAY “Holy Crap!” Rowena and Sam sidelined! Metatron and Kevin banished! Sensing Nonsense? WHAT DID I WATCH? THE SCRIPT The script called for a chat with God and a…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.21 – “All in the Family”

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.21 – “All in the Family”

As probably expected, my review of episode 11.21, “All in the Family” is less glowing than that of my counterpart, Nightsky.  There are two ways to view “All In The Family.”  You can turn your mind off and go with what you were given, or you can go in with thematic expectations, given the title…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.14- “Captives”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.14- “Captives”

Everyone in “Captives” was held hostage at some point. This took physical form—restraints, holding cells, and locked doors. People were handcuffed or tied. Some were chained. Others were bound to the physical plane while being a spirit. In truth, however, everyone was held captive by the same thing in the end: grief. Each character seemed…

Supernatural Review: “Captives” – Freedom Fighters

Supernatural Review: “Captives” – Freedom Fighters

I am happy to say Robert Berens’ “Captives” has settled some of my doubts about Supernatural’s story line this season. The episode wasn’t perfect, but it was very good. Berens is an excellent addition to the writers’ room, though I do wish someone on that staff loved writing Sam the way Berens loves to write…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.14 – “Captives”

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.14 – “Captives”

The theme is simple enough, “captives.”  There are plenty of those in “Supernatural.”   The angels are captives on earth.  Kevin is a captive in the veil.  Mrs. Tran is a captive of Crowley.  Castiel is a captive of Bartholomew and his treachery.  Sam and Dean are captives of a fractured relationship, as well as their…