Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 7.23, “Survival of the Fittest”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 7.23, “Survival of the Fittest”

For the last two seasons, Supernatural has danced around the notion of Purgatory. True to form, the show takes the notion of the oft neglected realm in a different direction. Rather than being the place where souls are purged—hence the name—of sins as found in Catholic tradition, we learned through the Alpha Vampire that this…

sweetondean’s Review – Supernatural 7.23, “Survival of The Fittest”

sweetondean’s Review – Supernatural 7.23, “Survival of The Fittest”

Review of the season 7 finale “7.23 “Survival Of The Fittest”  by sweetondean   “See here’s the thing when dealing with Crowley, he will always find a way to bone you.”     Supernatural season finales, is there anything as exciting and harrowing? I must admit I spent the whole week sweating on it. I’d…

Robin’s Rambles: “Supernatural” 7.23 – “Survival of The Fittest”

“Survival of the Fittest” Episode 23, season 7 Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel   “Carry On, Wayward Son” opens the final ep of the season, as usual, over a montage of what the brothers have been through this year, and it always makes me cry. This season is no different. My poor Winchesters! How do…

Preview Supernatural Season Finale “Survival of the Fittest”

Preview Supernatural Season Finale “Survival of the Fittest”

All season long the Winchesters have been on a mission to take down Roman. Will they succeed? As per Misha Collins, “It all comes down to one final conflict” and for that conflict they’ve pulled out the big guns; it’s written by outgoing showrunner Sera Gamble and directed by Robert Singer.

Far Away Eyes’ Review, 7.22: “There Will Be Blood”

Far Away Eyes’ Review, 7.22: “There Will Be Blood”

Deals on Supernatural never end well. John’s deal with Azazel to save Dean came at the cost of his life. Dean’s deal with the Crossroads Demon (eventually held by Lilith) yielded Sam’s life—at the cost of Dean’s own. Castiel’s deal with Crowley to defeat Raphael lead to the release of the Leviathan. So, it isn’t…

Robin’s Rambles: “There Will Be Blood”

Robin’s Rambles: “There Will Be Blood”

“There Will Be Blood” Season 7 Episode 22 Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel Now – Dick Roman is being interviewed by Gloria Jane, who mentions that he has purchased controlling interest in Sucrocorp.  Why the sudden interest in big foods? she asks. He tells her that Sucrocorp plans on eating well. How will pumping sweeteners…

Alice’s Review:  Supernatural 7.21, “Reading Is Fundamental” aka Why Sam is Okay and Dean is Not

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 7.21, “Reading Is Fundamental” aka Why Sam is Okay and Dean is Not

Yep, I’ve been staring at a blank page with a title for four days, exactly like poor Kevin Tran with his college essay.  Except, I’d much rather be writing a college essay.  That’s easy.  This episode has twisted my brain like a pretzel!     When looking at the plot of the surface, “Reading Is…

Far Away Eyes’ Review, 7.21: “Reading Is Fundamental”

Far Away Eyes’ Review, 7.21: “Reading Is Fundamental”

Death told Sam and Dean that God had built Purgatory especially for the Leviathan after Castiel had released and absorbed them. He explained that they were the creatures created before the angels and man. God had locked them away because they were so ambitious, so hungry that they would eliminate anything else in creation. God…

Robin’s Rambles – “Supernatural” 7.21 , “Reading is Fundamental”

Robin’s Rambles – “Supernatural” 7.21 , “Reading is Fundamental”

“Reading is Fundamental” Season 7 Episode 21 Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel Now, Neighbor, MI – National Scholastic Society winner Kevin Tran plays his cello in his room. South Chicago, IL – Sam and Dean and their newly acquired suitcase find a new hiding place.  As his beautiful music fills his prize-filled bedroom, Kevin receives…

sweetondean’s Review – Supernatural 7.21: “Reading Is Fundamental”

sweetondean’s Review – Supernatural 7.21: “Reading Is Fundamental”

Review: 7.21 “Reading Is Fundamental” by sweetondean  The Angels, they don’t care. I think maybe they just don’t have the equipment to care. Seems like when they try, it just breaks them apart. “Supernatural” is a complex show. It sounds pretty simple on paper, 2 brothers travelling the back roads of America, hunting monsters and…